
Everyone loves it and uses it for everything, but Sup Forums loves gentoo and bad dragon dildos so I imagine they hate it

what do you think of Powershell?

fuck off nutella shill

Actual productive people use a GUI instead of jerking off to CLI garbage.

poor, clunky imitation of the shells *nix has had since before Microsoft was around at all

Not sure if we are talking about the same thing here

first of all how dare u

It's really bad, instead of using a text stream, it uses an object stream. So actually writing something that does something useful is basically the same as writing it in fucking javascript or some other backward ass piece of shit that has NSA insecurity standards baked in.

>Don't worry how it works, think of it as objects


>We'd like to pass arbitrary code into your system without you noticing or having any tools to deal with it

Using Excel to sort a list and remove duplicates

cat someshit.txt | sort | uniq

damn I just typed that

Comparators are retarded, instead of using > < and = you have -gt -lt and -eq. Same thing goes for boolean logic, instead of && you have -and


So different from Unix shells...

>So different from Unix shells...
And just about every major programming and scripting language

It's not an imitation, it only has aliases for linux commands to woo Linux sysadmins
Powershell is nothing like a unix shell and you sit the fuck down before you speak about something you know nothing about

Great, now do that for multi-row, multi-book, non-preprocessed data.

>Everyone loves it and uses it for everything
There are plenty of things for which most sane people use other programming languages than PowerShell.

>what do you think of Powershell?
It's okay as a shell language, especially if you're stuck on Windows. I think where it really shines though is as a .NET language, particularly for rapid prototyping in the REPL.

Kinda hard to automate tasks with a GUI.

PowerShell 5.1 is pretty awesome. Can't wait for 6 to hit RTM, going to use it on Linux too.

Powershell absolutely shits on Bash.

>le everything i dont like is botnet
fortunately i dont expect better from this shithole anymore desu

SSH is pretty garbage. I like it otherwise.

The default program associated with ps1 files in Windows is notepad. Microsoft is retarded.

The fact it is case sensitive bugs the living fuck out of me

I understand there may be reasons for such, but what the fuck man

It's not terrible, but it's not very good for advanced stuff.

I don't think you understand the purpose of things like powershell. Please go back to Sup Forums, or die, I don't really care which one.

> Actual productive people who don't work in IT

Advanced like what?

Fortunately, on Linux, the operating system is able to tell that the script is executable thanks to the line:

#!/usr/bin/env powershell

>The fact it is case sensitive bugs the living fuck out of me
its not

>non-preprocessed data
So you have someone in your organization typing shit in by hand? Would you like to pay me 300 dollars an hour to automate that?

>instead of using a text stream, it uses an object stream
That's because Windows uses objects.

>Those who do not understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.

SSH in Windows is just fucked. Maybe it'll get better with Win11. I just tried to set up a SFTP server on a Windows box and it was a nightmare of cludgy bullshit that didn't quite work right (whereas on Linux it's fucking child's play). Eventually gave up and just made a FTPS server instead, which took about five commands to set up and worked perfectly.

yes literally everyone who posts on g uses gentoo and has the exact same oppinion

Wow if you ever said this to me during an interview for an IT position I wouldn't even continue with you

>Guy I work with uses some git GUI
>Every other week it just doesn't work for something and I tell him to just use the CLI
>LOL I think visually ;))