Where and which language did you first learn to code/program ?
Where and which language did you first learn to code/program ?
i learned html in internet cafees back in early 00s
C, by myself, when i was 16.
It's okay but C is much nicer
My first ever language was COBOL, then VB.net and C#.
But it was JS that helped me to grasp the programming.
Wish I just started with plain C first.
COBOL with a friend of mine, but I only started to really understand how programs work with C at the uni
basic, on a zx spectrum 128k, started learning when i was 5 or 6, my dad taught me
my first real language was pascal at about 11-12, and i learned it using my mums old college notes
C, school when I was 15.
My first real programming language was C#. I learned it in a vocational school that I attended for half of my school day, the other half being spent at burgerland highschool.
Before then I had briefly been teaching myself vbscript (that old shit, not vb.NET) and batch.
Turbo Pascal 7.0, at the school's programming club.
learned ruby on rails at an intensive coding bootcamp (cost about $10k)
probably going to try to teach myself regular ruby next.
BASIC on an Amstrad computer
T-typing RUN counts, right?
C, when I was ~15, in my room at my mom's house
VB6, school
C++ when I was like 15 in my parent's house guest room
$10k? what the fuck?
In front of my father's computer
>which language
Later I got my own computer of course, and with Windows 95 came also Visual Studio and Visual Basic.
Qbasic in high school for an intro programming class, I wrote Tetris using gotos (didn't learn about functions until later). Was buggy as fuck.
Mirc scripts
Anyone else /msl/?
I was 17 and checked out a BASIC book from the school library.
Actionscript with adobe flash
I wanted to make gaymes
Val2 & V++
MoveS for days
>I'm not a robot
Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, from the back pages of Radio & Electronics Magazine. First actually had a program running in silicon a couple of years later on a Sinclair ZX-80.
C when I was 12
Visual Basic in college.
How? Are you the next Steve Jobs?
C when i was 3, im pretty much the smartest guy in the worl
c when i was 14. now i'm happy with haskell at home and i earn my bucks with java. c was nice to get basic computer understanding, but its too low level for the things i do nowadays.
You're going to laugh but BASIC.
Java when I was 10, bad.
After that I learned QBasic when I was 12, vastly superior.
Now when you grow out of puberty, you might want to try a real man's language like C.
what the book did you used ?
Java in highschool, took a babby blocks of code course and took a second course using eclipse (which was on par with the precious hand holding.)
Java is perceived as bad but its object based style gave me a super boost through my programming classes in university.
Python. It's not really powerful but I feel like it's basic enough for a learning program, but advanced enough that it'll weed out anyone isn't meant for programming.
I've learned to kode with Klossy.
PHP in elementary school.
Batch firstly. was easy to do and allowed basic fucking with PCs
VB, then Python 2.7/3.6 now I know C# too.
Python & C# are the better ones though
I tried Python like 2 years ago with automate the boring stuff.
But like a boring book. Most of it sorta left my head.
You know? Like when there at boring parts in books and you zone out so you have to read it again. That happened quite a bit... Was also not motivated at all.
BASIC then Z80a assembler
The Windows cmd shell when I was 11 or 12. I made shitty text games.
Is 25 too old to start learning programming?
Nah, but please stay away and do something else, I don't need any more competitors.
Fun fact: there are retired people out there writing Python as a hobby.
15 year olds in Asia and Eastern Europe are becoming more skilled than the average western CS grad and they will work for pennies, you should be worried about them
>tfw don't know how to program
Am I certifiably retarded (i.e. eligible for gobernment gibs) if I have trouble with chapter 1 of SICP? Those math problems and visualizing those basic procedures is so hard for me but they're like mid-chapter brain teasers in a basic, introductory course for children going to MIT.
For the average person SICP needs to be read multiple times over the course of a decade to be fully understood
it's not that unusual to learn C at the age of 15/16 desu
BASIC on C64.
>the programming
Pajeet detected.
Start with H to Design Programs. SICP is end game tier.
At 7 on My Atari. Basic.
How to Design Programs*
I learned Visual Basic when I was about 13 after seeing everyone using their cool pr0gs in AOL chatrooms.
C in the 80s
BASIC,started learning it with vic20 and Dos Microsoft basic
Still coding with it lol
I'm using it for PIC programming.
'small' diy automations in my home.
Small for you maybe, but i had to learn how to convert analog values to digital, lcd interfacing, writing/reading variables in memory . What a pain in the ass, but my projects worked!
I did a 12v Christmas lights pwm drive ,
and later a more complex home solar power load management controller with a 16f876
I did use Mikrobasic 4 pic compiler, nice program.
I'm planning to build a more complex load manager for my home solar installation using the pic 16f877, all in basic again
Highschool Java.
Self taught C++ 2 years ago.
I still have the first major program I wrote. It Solves basic sudokus and I was pretty proud of myself at the time.
I look back on it now, just to remind myself how easy it is to write absolute shit that works.
>1300 lines long
>1 file
>Barely any use of objects
>Little abstraction
>Major function was about 300 lines long and did far too much
>Puzzles were hardcoded
>Copy and pasted code
I re-wrote the same thing in C last month, with a file parser and kept it at 400 lines.
Why anyone thinks teaching Beginners OO based languages is beyond me.
Lua, in intermediate school playing Roblox at lunch when I was maybe 12
Nah, 25 month is not to late.
I started programming with about 36 month, but I was working pretty hard and was fluent with C++ when I reached elementary school.
>Why anyone thinks teaching Beginners OO based languages is beyond me.
What ?
know that feel bro... totally sux when any sudoku can be solved with ~70 bytes of code
learned a bit of JavaScript when I was 12. realized it wouldn't take me as deep into computing as I wanted to go, then got into C and assembly x86. but then life and now I don't give a shit anymore. hoping I will again sometime because it was admittedly kinda fun to make stuff and solve problems.
C when I was 19 in University
Haha I learn to put shutdown.exe in startup folder is this counted
Middle school. Liberty BASIC.
Anyone got good resources for starting out with C? I learned python for about a month, this last few days I've been learning c++, but after reading about C, I really want to give it a try. I think it will give me a strong understanding of the fundamentals to build off of before I go to college. I talked to a guy in the comp sci program there, apparently they start with Java, which I figure will be a walk in the park if I can get a decent foundation built before the semester starts.
BASIC, when I was 16 (becouse HTML doesn't count right?)
I learned C++ when I was 19
learnt BASIC from parents math textbook using DOS QBASIC on 386 PC in mid 90s
Pascal in high school, about 17 years ago.
Started using C++ when I was 11 to become a hacker (lol). Picked up JavaScript in 7th grade for creating MySpace themes then Tumblr themes.
Still use C++ and JavaScript quite frequently.
in secondary school, learned python.
Knowing C won't help you with java at all. It's not tough, but it's pretty different. You'd be better off learning C# if you want something to overlap with java.
my bedroom
C at 13 with K&R2.
can't remember. it was either vb6 or php early 2000s
I'm too embarrassed to say..
Gradeschool using JavaScript. I wanted to learn something else but went for JavaScript because the computers didn't allow you to install software but they all already had Notepad and IE
is gml considered a language
Holy C
Pascal. In school.
VB6 in middle school because I wanted to make AOL Botz.
Absolutely not man, i've seen people become good programmers in their 30s.
learned basic on a c64 in my basement
Pascal, dad threw a book on my desk and it went downhill from there.
Object Pascal in high school
Why did you learn first then?
learn it*
Home, amigabasic on A500 when I was 7. On my own.
Later, home, on Linux, c, at 16, on my own.
Linden Scripting Language in Second Life.
9th grade computer class
Noone else did LOGO at school?
C, with the Brian W. Kernighan book "C Programming Language"
Casio BASIC on this
So... you didn't?