>Leave important task running and go to bed
>Windows restarted for updates 1 hour later
>Leave important task running and go to bed
>Windows restarted for updates 1 hour later
install gentoo faggot
>using windows for important tasks
>important task
Updating League of Legends isn't important.
Because you didn't schedule the undates that were in the que.
because nothing is more important than microsoft
your tasks are secondary
Mine was crying it wanted to restart during set "inactive" hours, but I was active and watching ponies so she didn't.
Was sulking the next day and waiting for me to reboot her manually.
It takes serious neglect for Windows to restart on her own. Especially, if you're running an "important task".
net stop wuauserv
REG add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\wuauserv" /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4 /f
>have an important task running
>don't check that there are updates ready to install
>don't choose the restart time for days in the future
>having an "important task" running on your home pc
Bullshit. Windows restarts whenever the fuck it wants.
>Working on assignment in VM
>Take a small break
>Come back
>"Updating Windows. Don't turn off your PC"
>important tasks
Pick one
You don't treat her well, user.
Seriously speaking, at least Windows Pro respects "inactive hours" you set. It also telegraphs whenever a restart is scheduled and leaves a notification for you to check.
I'm not sure if Insider is any different in the updates department, but I ended up restarting it manually pretty much always. I use my PC as my alarm clock, and while it's configured to be able to play the music even without me logging in, I've never left my PC in a working state only to find it being rebooted by the morning. And by "manual restarts" I mean about once-twice a week.
It would have alerted you a bunch of times that there were updates and that it had installed updates and it was waiting to update.
You just ignored it and gave it a chance.
not that guy, but it doesn't always alert you, even with "defer upgrades" checked
Defer upgrades is only to defer the feature updates, not every other update.
still, it restarts with no warning
I don't ignore updates. I didn't get any.
user, during over a year of me using Win10 Pro, she had abruptly restarted without any notification precisely 0 times.
Whoops, should have installed LTSB
>Why is my consumer grade gaming malware not stable
Windows waifu desu
How do you know if there is no warning if you are not at your PC to see it?
>using Windows post 7 releases or non LTSB releases for serious work
You deserved it fagget
Might as well run Fedora Rawhide and cry when shit invariable crashes
>lock pc
>come back half an hour later
>windows bsod'd and restarted
Yeah, since creators, that shit doesn't happen anymore.
Buy windows serverâ„¢ next time
Still better than windows
Downloading tranny nigger porn is not an important task, Todd.
>using terminal
Really? fuckoff and go back to leesux.
>important tasks
Found the problem
Kill yourself, retard.
Because you didn't set the restart time, you mongoloid.
Converting your girl cartoons formats isn't important.
Unless it was network related you should have unplugged your Ethernet Cable or disabled wifi.
what was wrong with windows 7?
Literally nothing.
i swear mine restarted while I was running p95 overnight wtf
You're a win10 fag, I bet you have shilled against windows 7 and Linux. Despite a lot of warnings it was your choice wanting to deal with this shit, so now fucking deal with this shit without whining.
Win10everlastingbetacuck got cucked kek.
Just keep the update service disabled, and only enable it and check for updates when you have time for it
Cause u run w10 you cuck.
I can't think of anything.
I use it anywhere I need Windows. It just sucks that MS is blocking updates for Ryzen systems, so I'll probably need to go full Linux then and only run Windows virtually.
Linux literally doesn't have this problem
A default arch install would keep that task running til it died
Because it is absolutely essential that your system is up-to-date and secure against possible threats that may lead to loss of your precious data!
Oh wait
>don't tpuvch work laptop for 10 days
>boot it up and start using it writing e-mail and updating a spreadsheet
>next moment blue screen and "restarting"
>spends 10 minutes installing to 30%
>moans about an error then rolls back to 0
>tries again it makes it to 5-%
>restarts goes all the way
>finally get desktop back
Literally took 35 fucking minutes, fucking hate windows. Glad I don't use it on my personal computers.
Cause you pay for it
Is Win10Pro still the only acceptable way to do it?
Did they fuck with the group policy settings?
A default Arch install wouldn't have been able to run it in the first place.
But I suppose if your OS can't do anything you don't have to worry about it being interrupted, so that's a point in Linux's favor... I guess.
Because you're retarded that's why.
It always easier to blame the users
>Requires a restart to finish installing
Why does Windows even have to restart so much, almost every single update requires a restart.
Because you didn't disable the automatic update and restart settings.
Just works on my machine.
Because file locks.
Although this one also has some kernel driver updates mentioned so it might be that too.
>using Windows 10
>not using Linux or Windows 7
Why do you guys let yourselves be cucked? Is someone pointing a gun to your head to use Windows 10? Holy fuck, what is your problem?
The Apple Macbook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.
The people running Windows 10 are exactly the people that need to be running it. These are the retards that don't know how to use a computer and are too lazy to learn. Everyone who knows what the fuck they're doing has stayed with Windows 7 or gone to Linux.
If you're using Windows 10, you're the target market.
yes it does. a good portion of your updates on install on startup
You don't deserve to be treated this way. Stop using Windows. She doesn't love you, and you certainly shouldn't love her.
Did you leave Paint open?
Just don't update. It serves no useful purpose.
If you must, use an offline updater then periodically run that.
Did your PC work after your clean install? Then it's good to go and will remain so without updates.
Even better, do a clean install and torren Deep Freeze. Clean install with every reboot. Works great in .edu environments where all users are logically assumed to be evil, retarded or both.
Yes it is, if a patch just came out and you dont get on at an obscure time to download it, the servers will throttle the download speed.