
Hey Sup Forums, what's a good synth to buy if i want to make Industrial and/or Ambient music, and is under 1000$ dollars?

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cracked fl studio baybee

u want to make music using an 4 figure analog synth in 2017?


Zebra2 (the hans zimmer version) and serum. Most pros in electronic music nowadays have serum, and hans Zimmer literally uses a synthetizer worth thousands of dollars just as a keyborder and Zebra2 as synthetizer. Disregard every other post, nobody here knows shit.

Before you buy a synth, download reaper and some softsynths and make music that way for a while. then you'll slowly understand what you want in a synth.

I have a few modular synths but I mostly compose with softsynths.

this. this one is a very good vst for ambient music. And it's free!

go modular.

Do you already make music and know your way around a DAW? If not, a synth is probably a bad investment.

If you absolutely want some hardware, Korg Volcas are not a bad way to get started.

1000 won't even touch the sides.

on a budget get good at softsynths.

Reactor will do anything if you're good enough.

My Eurorack is good just not as powerful.

Honestly I'd just get something cheap like a korg MS 20 mini, arturia microbrute, or the korg volca series and spend the rest on cheap, used older stuff (Yamaha tx81z is a good FM synth for beginners, and was used on alot of 90's dance tracks), then use free software like reaper and VSTs to fill in the gaps with what you can't do with what hardware you have. I'd recommend an audio and midi interface too.

not that good for industrial, I love mine, don't get me wrong.

Volca's that is.

I heard 80's/90's synths are really cheap nowadays, and will become more expensive later on. What are some nice vintage 80s/90's synths?

That's probably true. I imagine you would really have to push the keys or fm to their limits to get something interesting enough for industrial.


Get a dank rack synth and a midi keyboard+DAW from this century
Yamaha had some nice analog synths, D9 or F7 or whatever it was still is a powerful analog synth and classic premade sound bank to learn around

step 1) learn adsr
step 2) make release go to infinity
step 3) step away from synthesizer as ambient msic makes itself

Moog Mother32 is a good starting point, Eurorack synth that basically has everything you need for the beginning, good as standalone for recording into a DAW, can be used for bass, leadsynth, pad and pretty much any other type of sound and can be further expanded with modules.
It's around 700 bucks but you can find them for 600 sometimes, great value tbqh senpai.

The roland Gaia is surprisingly capable of making nice Ambient pads. Not so much for industrial though. Get yourself a used Nord Lead 2X or a prophet 08 module. If you really want to use a bread and butter synth, get the Virus TI Snow module and hook it up to your favorite daw.

>Using machines that only play premade recordings of synthesizers

Haven't heard the keys to be honest.
Industrial is mostly all about the fx though I would say, much like good techno, delayed to fuck and back, distortion, verbs.
Layered and layered, you aren't really hearing the tone generators at the end of it.

That's why it's cool.

2 affordable VA classics i can easily name (and which i both have): Roland JP-8000 and Yamaha AN1X.

Torrent FL and Massive and fuck off with your "cool" music

Does Roland even make an analog synth now

woooaa, Fruity Loops?

haven't heard that in a while, shit m8

They actually have released one recently, but it's overpriced and looks like it was designed by Alienware, pretty fuckibg ugly, red LEDs all over that fucker. Not worth the money.

Massive may be a massive meme but it's really very powerful, especially when you use it for stronger synth-dependent uses like ambience and pads instead of basically creating a generic wub sample

they got some 'hybrids' out, demo'd one the other day, not convinced

Actually, they do:

It is really a question of 3 things.
1) Do you want to click or do you want to turn buttons
DAW or hardware or both ?
2) Do you have any experience ?
beginner / free / bundled first or you already know what subtractive and additive synthesis is.
3) What is your ultimate goal ?
Wana play for fun or do you want to play for others ?

Anyways herer are a few options:
You could start out with a DAW like Logic that has plenty of decent quality bundled synths, or some free daw like MU.Lab and hunt for free plugins.

You can also buy a synth like Serum or Omnisphere and plug it into your favorite DAW

You could also buy a basic multi purpose hardware synth like an Arturia Micro Brute (mono synth and keys)

You could get some Volcas and join them together.

You could go all out eurorack modules and mix and match to your pleasure.

In music the possibilities are endless

>Yamaha AN1X
sound really cool

Anything modular or semi-modular.

I got a lot of nice Skinny Puppy-like sounds out of a Korg MS-2000. There's also now that Korg MS-20 Mini or wtfever. These are my favorite. Not sure the MS-2000 would be good for ambient, though. It's hard to make it not sound "thin".

Samplers can take you really far. The Korg Kaoss Pad is a lot of fun.

I'll also second the Nord Lead 2X -- seen a lot of industrial bands use this.

Pretty much anything by Dave Smith Instruments (like the Prophet 08) is going to make your panties drop.

Otherwise just a DAW and some VSTs.

Yeah, it's a hidden gem regarding VA's. It seems to be modelled towards the Prophet 5 regarding sound signature. It has a somewhat unique layering concept on it which "blends" 2 layers of synth parameters together which create pretty interesting sounds, especially when you use the mod wheel on it for blending.

>recommending Kaoss pad to 100% of people
Just like high school

>being mean to people
just like....

$600 Oculus with touch
$10 soundstage
Now your making music in VR for only $610

Am I the only one who uses it like a piano????

Well he's kind of right, mate. A Kaoss Pad is more of an effect unit than a looping module (Kaossilator pro does that).

While both are fun devices (i got them), they are of no use for someone who's buying his first synth. They are too specific for that. You're better off with a cheap synth from novation/korg/arturia/whatever for that pricerange.

Kaoss Pad is legit good for industrial when you want to stay out of the DAW as much as possible, but can't afford or unwilling to buy an extensive hardware setup, though.

Well, fuck. I take it back, Kaossilator Pro would be better.

My mind's still in 2008/2009 (when I last seriously worked on electronic music). Haven't kept up the best.

Probably the best choice, especially for ambient and industrial.
I wish i could buy one without making my wife freak out about the price. Kill me.

>Kaossilator pro
Still there are better options man, if you wan't to loop, get a Boss module, they are better. For sound creation there are several grooveboxes available (Novation Circuit, Korg Electribes). The kaossilator pro is a nice extra addition on an already existing live setup but it's limited for solo use. Except if you are beardyman. (

you may well be right!

I've been buying synths for 20 years and it's learned me one thing only,
There's no need to belittle someone for their opinion or lack of knowledge.
It's supposed to be fun. Yo

not heard the kaossilator, worth picking up?

I used to use the MS-2000 and a Kaoss Pad when I was a brokefag, along with my DAW. For like $500 worth of equipment, it REALLY helped me grow as a musician, and getting out of the DAW really helped my music feel like real music and people actually started listening to my stuff and I did a couple live shows.

It's why I recommended it. I wasn't intending OP to try to make music with *just* a Kaoss Pad. I'm assuming he probably works inside his DAW a lot.

massive is great
as far as daw, lmms seems neat on first impression

Second hand, for around 150-200 it's well worth it, but honestly it's sitting there in my studio. the DAW does a better job on recording/looping.

Still, it's fun to pick it up once in a while and just play on it with a mic / synth and hooked to the kaoss pad. It has a great beat library to quickly start off a song.

So yeah, if you find one in the 150-200 pricerange, grab it and enjoy. Shouldn't be a problem finding a regular one in that range. The "+" version honestly doesn't add that much extra to it (i had the regular, currently own the +).

Get a cheap M-Track audio interface, a midi controller and download FL Studio. Also find shitloads of samples, presets or other shit you want to use. But be careful. Once you become famous, you may happen to be in position, where you will have to buy all the pirated shit you have. Audio Industry is expensive.

Well that's what i'm also saying:
>The kaossilator pro is a nice extra addition on an already existing live setup but it's limited for solo use.

The Kaoss pad has a ton of effects that you can add to your synthesizer sound. It's a blessing for this.

Got to get me one, thanks, it's nice to hit buttons once in a while, too much DAW in my life right now,

And get a Waldorf pulse analogue, best buy ever.

>Once you become famous, you may happen to be in position


Also kids, don't forget, always add a shit ton of reverb!

yeah the pulse is a fun one, props to the VA classics setup.

it was a golden age, sound good and no re-capping ;)

favourite synth?


Just buy Zebra and Omnisphere. You won't ever need anything else. Also don't fall for Serum which has been shilled by Jewel Zimmermann

Ehm....from what I have personally: Nord Wave.

VA/Digital: AN1X, Nord Lead 3 (its unique sound)
Analog: Roland Jupiter 6, Moog Sub 37
Do-it-all: Virus TI / KC (still), dismissing all the hate

it's all subjective though

yeh, that's what I thought, I was starting to question myself but actually, that makes no sense at all.

>only pre-made recordings
that's just a recorder wut.

>Buy omnisphere
are you nuts, that's a massive overkill of a library
Also nothing wrong with Serum, it's a proper VST

Also, real popular powerhouse VST's now are Dune 2 and Hive, worth a check.

good list, thanks.
gonna think about that.
got a virus b, didn't realise there was h8??
I love that thing.
never had any Nord but always wanted one.



There's hate towards the Virus TI because of it being used in nearly all EDM of today.

The Virus B is a great synth by the way. Nord (Lead)'s worth a check, you should test it in your local music store.

> arturia microbrute

second for this - i love my microbrute. another user mentioned euroracks and the microbrute is a great start because it's semi-modular.

>being used
yeah, good reason to hate a synth.

Do you think the Nords do stuff the others can't do?

Friends swear by them and stuff, I mean, a lot of people use them. They must be unique?

Nord's are clean in osc sound / fx and properly build / thought out. They are very fun to use live. Not that interesting for recording.

I'd say Clavia did not release a synth/keyboard yet that wasn't appreciated...but they come at a pricerange where you could get other, perhaps more interesting options (eg. prophet, moog, elektron, ...).

personally (for the Nord Wave), it's my go-to synth i just start playing on for idea's.

yup, need a Nord

post setup please.

my tiny college setup

stupid osx flipping shit

Is the Korg monologue any good?


there are usually a bunch of lightly used ones on craigslist if you want to save

monologe + volca beats is a good combination for budget music making

ahhh ah ha yeah

Nice unit.

just use softsynths until you figure out what you're doing

Novation X-Station if you want a DAW controller

Casio DS10 or whatever they call it now for an instrument (rather than controller)

ain't what you got, It's what you do with what you have.

WOW! I am enlightened.

one of the lucky ones.

Best combo.

that looks nice, bet it soundscool too.
was that sarcasm?

Is that an MS-20 mini or an ic?


Thanks, I love the sounds I can get out of both. I mostly use the virus one for pads.

I am truly enlightened.

eurorack is a hobby synth
you are never done buying modules
reminder: you need to buy a new case soon

Do you fags even make anything worth listening to? Post links.

i downloaded massive for the memes but i never got comfortable with it and only used presets

years later i got serum and now its just the opposite

yeah, got the rack virus, love it.

nice pile of synths m8.

ms20 any good? I know it is but yeah, A lot of famous people say it's their favourite, why?

there isnt a single good poly synth under 4 digits, right?

you are truly a cheeky monkey.

I can't speak for the rest of them, but I'm mostly interested in vanity projects.

gotta get yourself off right?

I think because it's simple, but it can get incredibly complex the more you use it. Has a giant range of sound, to calming pads to a giant wave of noise.

It's extremely versatile. One of my favorite features is the ability to hook up external instruments like bass guitars and get even more weird sounds out of it. I made a really weird buzzing noisey with a guitar hooked up.


I got a Waldorf Blofeld module thinking I would like synths but turns out I never use the thing. In fact I think its deadly boring. I think part of the problem is that it has a digital UI and the knobs mostly just navigate menus.

I've been playing piano and keyboard for over 20 years I thought I would enjoy anything keyboard related. no offense guys but that shit is so boring to me. Am I missing some critical element that makes synths fun or are they supposed to be dull and lifeless?

Alesis ion
Yamaha AN1x
Waldorf Blofeld
Korg radias

Anything with changing harmonies?
What makes it boring/dull/lifeless to you?

shut the fuck up faggot


kys retard

Roland juno