Majored in CS at Stanford

>majored in CS at Stanford
>4.0 GPA
>had internships at Google, Facebook, and Uber each summer
>Can't find a job for the life of me
>my liberal cousin got a job making $130,000 as a "Diversity Engineer" at SpaceX

Why oh why did I fall for the STEM meme? Just fucking kill me.

fake news

>people will unironically take this bait

fake & gay

I see you like to bait.

>had internships at Google, Facebook, and Uber each summer
>Can't find a job for the life of me
lmao you must be so shit i can't even imagine

>EE/CE/CS triple major at MIT, 4.0 GPA
>been programming since I was 12 years old, ran an online business during highschool and worked as a freelance programmer
>internships at google, raytheon, US department of defense, and honeywell
>masters degree in machine learning
>graduated in 2015
>since then the only job I got was a 6 month temp contract for web developing making $14/h

Feel bad man, luckily my backup plan to work as a male model and personal fitness trainer is working

Don't worry bro. We're in this feel train together.

>>majored in CS at Stanford
.0 GPA
>>had internships at Google, Facebook, and Uber each summer
>>Can't find a job for the life of me
>>my liberal cousin got a job making $130,000 as a "Diversity Engineer" at SpaceX



>mit, stanford graduates
>shitposting on Sup Forums

yeah, sure

been there done that

I've seen timestamped MIT and Caltech student IDs and acceptance letters on /sci/

>Just finished PhD at Australian university, 4.0 GPA
>Defeated whiteboard challenger
>Offered work at Silicon Valley corp, excellent package
>Accepted offer
>Waiting for final visa process to go to work
>Really comfy at home but really want to work
You NEET have no idea how good you have it. I mean I know it's going to be fun as hell, but I'm really going to miss shitposting with you guys.

H- ... Hold me anons.

chop off your dick and start taking hormones

Why so many internships? Did you take too long to graduate?

Which uni and what was your PhD on?
I'm an Aussie too, probably gonna do a PhD too.

bs, GPA of 4.0 is just a pass, if that depending on your uni

is 4 years too long?

I mean GPA for undergrad

Electronic engineering
Make sure you finish it fast, get a supervisor who isn't a slob.

stop fucking spamming this on every board you autistic faggot

>working in silicon valley
>implying you wont be online shitposting all day anyway

you think those kids actually work all day?

Abuse and exploit the educational system; take your story to others and protest student debt

You can literally start a fucking revolution, anarchic or not. Nobody should be fucked over after workiby so hard

Figure out businesses, financial systems, and build connections to overthrow corporations; force them to submission and make them feel the debt. While they writhe in financial entanglement you and many others will be truly free

A free world that is controlled through debt is no longer free! It is slavery

Fucking working*

I too can make hackerman references

I got a BA in Sociology from a mid tier public university and I make close to 6 figures in a tech company. I'm only 4 years out of college. Not even trolling.

I have never seen that; that was purely from heart

Cheetoman is going to send you back.

Why can't an American do that job? But you know what, you're presumably white, so come on in.

An American can, but would cost 2x as much. He's no different than a Pajeet brought over for cheap labour.

What the fuck are you doing? That's not how this works.

>>he puts two >'s in there

I earn more than most Americans with this package.

Why can't Americans do what I can? Plenty can but clearly not enough of them to go around.

Cheer up though, I'm white.

You really have no idea.

Be me, 34 yrs old dude who's got certs in A+/Network+ and is a certified windows server admin plus Cisco certified as well. Current job is NOT in IT by any means employed by state government. Been there for 12 yrs. Can't quit cause I'd lose 12 yrs of built up retirement benefits and if I stick it out till I'm 50 I can walk out with full pay out and paid medical. Been trying like hell to get an IT job within the state but most of them have all been outsourced to "outside consultants" The few state IT jobs that remain are all high up manager type. Which I don't want to do. I'm more of a hands on type. It wasn't always like this. Used to be all state workers but somewhere during those 12 yrs it all changed. Yet I could potentially walk away be hired as a consultant only to come right back where I was making more money ( a lot more)

Serious question but how do people like you just "get offers" from these companies? Did you actually apply to a bunch of jobs and one called you back? Or do these companies go to the schools and get a list of grads with good GPA?

>have internships at acclaimed fortune 500 companies
>no companies want me
fake and gay, sage and move on

I asked an upperclassman I knew from the anime club for a referral. Not even joking.

So it came down to knowing someone already inside the company, not that the company is out headhunting at Aussie schools?

>no degree
>180k/yr as a sr react dev in nyc at age 23 but living in nj where my rent is 400 bucls a month

Who else ddnt fall for the college goyim

that's how most hiring works, if you know someone from inside who can give you a recommendation, you'll stand out 10 fold from the other applicants assuming your resume is solid

>spend 3 hours every day going to and from work
Nice life you got there.

>make 180k annually
>can't spend more than $400 on an apartment
you're the one getting goy'd friendo

>>my liberal cousin got a job making $130,000 as a "Diversity Engineer" at SpaceX
>Why oh why did I fall for the STEM meme? Just fucking kill me.

That was your mistake. Women's Studies is the degree to get if you want to make the big bucks.

These bait threads are getting weaker and weaker :(

Its an hour away a block away from peen station nice try neet virgin

Sup Forums cant code

Alpha chad out going to fuck tht girl u fatansy in ur community college class

Wow so you only have to spend 2 hours a day instead of 3 standing on a crowded and loud train?

Stop reposting shit from Sup Forums OP

you better be paying back that HECS cunt

>they didn't beg you to stay and offered you a job after the first internship
What are you, a brainlet?

>I have to commute for 3-4 hours everyday

You're a lying faggot or a retard.

Could you prevent him from leaving the country?

Please the USA is full. He's going to dodge your taxes.

>leave the country
>never have to pay bills

>shit that never happened general

Why is anyone falling for this?

Maybe you should consider applying for a job at one of those companies you interned at.

W-Which Uni?

Paid in full ages ago.

It's almost like he's lying on the internet