Mac Programs

I'm getting my first Mac, what are some Sup Forums recomended programs on OSX?

I primarily use LibreOffice, Foobar, Baretorrent, Honeyview, and Calibre Reader. Any improvements, alternatives?

How do I into Mac?

Other urls found in this thread:

Little Snitch



Just Office 2016 like every decent human being
>calibre reader

If you work with audio:
>Audio Hijack

For audio player that supports FLAC use VOX

Don't use VOX, LilyView or Keka
Use Xee and BetterZip

get used to not having any decent music player if you don't like iTunes, although Swinsian is tolerable

Other things to use
BetterTouchTool, Karabiner
WebKit Nightly if you like Safari

Quicksilver if you like having fast access to all sorts of stuff with a simple keyboard shortcut.

Hammerspoon, Textual IRC

haven't tried this, but

Alfred >>>>>>>>> Spotlight


Clementine for music

The Archive Browser and The Unarchiver

OP here, what's wrong with
>Vox, LilyView, Keka ?
I see them recommended outside of Sup Forums as well, so they can't be pure memes.

They are literally memes
VOX started as muh minimalism and ended up as bloated spyware
LilyView has almost no features
Keka is much inferior to BetterZip


I checked the sticky first, most of the programs are outdated as shit, or as implies, started as good alternatives and are now bloatware (muh free trial core) trash.

>t. mactoddler

This is my first Mac after a lifetime of owning others, so yeah, I'm a bit new to this.


LimeChat (IRC)
Transmission (torrents)
64-bit Firefox
Chromium (botnet-free version of Chrome that you should mostly use for porn and nothing else because it has Flash built in)

Look up Mission Control and hot corners, two features built into macOS that are pretty useful
I also use Spectacles (separate app) which lets you rearrange windows

Use fucking deluge don't be trash


Are you stupid? Macs can't run programs. exe files don't work on them.

Deluge is garbage on OS X though (it generally is right now because of the broken libtorrent implementation that can't IPv6), and on Leanux Transmission is still better. Best is Tixati though.

>sudo make install *.exe

Do you know macOS at all? It's literally that simple.

Whats wrong with keka, you fucking nigger?

>no homebrew

Ignore trolls. Some people are retarded and don't want to call a Mac technology because they got cucked by mac users.

>don't use a hammer, use a sledge

>t. mactoddler subhuman



oh yeah, and something like qlvideo so you can see thumbnails for your webm and other video files that aren't gay quicktime shit

>Have to install a 3rd pary to display thumbnails

Jesus christ

used to be where you could use something like that to play the video files straight to the preview popup window using space bar, but apple locked shit down so much that it's no longer possible.

iCab (God tier browser)

You're welcome

iWork is better
deluge to ur seedbox
stock is ok
>calibre reader
it's on osx

i recommend brew, p7z, textual, Transmit, Pixelmator, XLD, SmoothScroll for non-magic mice, plan9port, openEmu, FCPX and singer song reader

League of Legends lol

I just got a gaming mouse so I can play it. It's pretty good. Just need to find a mac mechanical keyboard. This apple keyboard is shit.

>tfw hackintosh
feels good man

Get a real os.

mpv is shitty on macos/os x, use iina

>mpv is shitty on macos
What? No it isn't

yup iina is way better

Have they ported Grindr to OSX yet?

Textual for irc.
Cyberduck for ftp.
Transmission for torrents.
Brew if you're a civilized human.
Pixelmator if you're too cheep for ps.

Don't use libreoffice, just uses pages and shit, it's included for free and works great.

BetterTouchTool is really fucking cool.

Virtualbox so you can run a real OS.

Anyone have experience with Parallels? How do I get the Windows software too? Would torrenting cracked versions work?

it's basically featureless, if you need to do anything other then extract you need BetterZip

I concur. Made my work days much more bearable.

Magnet to snap windows windows style
MplayerX does the job playing chink animated cartoons and generates all the thumbnails you need

I installed homebrew then refind so I can run persistent/live usb's with other Os's on them cause of the little hard ware and low spec's I have on this macbook makes it not ideal for virtual boxes

Yeah, I run it for CAD stuff. You can pirate it easily but I ended up buying it after a year just because it is so useful

Little Snitch
>Office suite
I would recommend Office if you could, LibreOffice is pretty trashy there. Try Pages, it's really good.
>Gestures and window tiling/snapping
>Music player
Cog (the fork by kode54)
>Video player
mpv or IINA
>Torrent client

It feels like utter shit to use Windows/Linux for like 15 fucking years, then use macOS for a whole year, then go back to those two again. At first it's a pain but then you get so used to it you're just trying to make every other OS a good substitute for macOS and end up going back.

spectacles, self control

>mpv is shitty, use mpv
makes sense

Affinity Designer for vector graphics if you're into that stuff

Second this, though I must say that I still find the adobe overbloated piece of shit that illustrator is to have more functionality. Still way more affordable.

Libre is what I used on Win, not great, but the new style of Word is equally bad. Pages is pretty great, but just a bit short of what I need it for (archival reports, article formatting, etc lot more depth) I'm looking to upgrade to Latex at this point rather than go back to Word/B-Leauge Alternative

Thankfully I'm not

Actually neat thread, I got a mac mini for free and was a bit disappointed in the appstore selection, this thread gives me all kinds of stuff to look at and try.

It would be nice if consensus on programs could lead to an updated sticky, but we all have pipedreams on Sup Forums.

Any way to give thumbnails to folders?

Copy image, get folder info, select icon in info window and paste image

On god this os is silly.

Got a macbook air as a gift a month ago.

>why is the menu stuck on the top bar and not on the app
>how the fuck do you fullscreen the window without the dock but with the menu bar that doesnt autohide
i really want to see the time at all times ffs fucking dock.
>resizing windows is a mess
>to have two apps side by side hurr gay holding fullscreen button bullshit
>any fucking file organizing is terrible with ifinder

The desktop ux for me has been very lackluster and annoying on mac os

How do I improve this?

Im not suicidal enough to install windows 10 on this yet.

>Textual IRC
mah nigga

I also used this but found little gains. Just settled for notes

advantages over iTerm?

> no Macports

Not that Macports is any good or satisfying at all, but it's better than the Ruby hack circle jerk of Homebrew.
Package management is why I went back to GNU+Linux.

>any foss
>not a complete circlejerk
How about a technical critic of why homebrew (or macports) suck?


vlc for music and video, Xee, photo viewer (neat browsing/scrolling in fullscreen through folders), little snitch for network safety, seashell for light image editing, Unarchiver for untipping all sdort of archives, handbrake for ripping and converting video files, AppCleaner for thorough uninstalling, CrossOver mac, WineBottler, Wineskin, Cider, for running Windows and Dos programs/games

menu originally was on the top, it's windows that is different. it's from the days mac could only run 1 program at a time tho

basically learn to think different. You don't need to use fullscreen or divide screen in half. And finder is actually better than competitors. Just think different.

They're both workarounds that happen to be working around one of the most important functions of an operating system, and the choices they make mostly damn macOS because who really cares anyway, macOS should ju$t werk.

Macports builds up a redundant GNU system for the sake of consistency. Storage is cheap and this avoids macOSs fuckery as much as possible, which seems sensible to me.

Homebrew scripts its way to the abstraction of a package manager over the macOS bastardized BSD system, which has usually been ugly when I have cared to look into it.

But this is picking on software that works, when the fault lies in macOS shipping without a package manager.

the unarchiver for unzipping files, that's about everything I can think of. That and virtual box.

>I primarily use LibreOffice, Foobar, Baretorrent, Honeyview, and Calibre Reader. Any improvements, alternatives?
Get the OS X versions of those programs where available. For ones that don't have an OS X version, use Wine.