>remove non k overclocking
>banhammer skylake bclk
Intelfags defend this.
Leap Ahead™
Why did Intel sink so low bros?
holy shit intel is run by the jews
same fag
You can't just post anti-Intel things on Sup Forums. You will regret this, goy.
i5 4690 3.9ghz master race here
literally no reason to upgrade
Because the vast majority of people will lap it up to show off, the vocal minority (us) has 0 sway over it and finally, because Intel has no competition.
if you are running non-2xxx/3xxx intel chip then you got scammed
I'm in no hurry to upgrade, desu.
>being this retarded
>mfw still on X58 with a facebook hand me down Xeon
>overclocked the balls off the BCLK
Pretty sure I can last at least until 2020 on this.
i7 4790 master race here
literally no reason to upgrade
Because AMD hasn't been competing in like 5 years at least. Sure that may he in part due to Intel doing some scum shit but most of it is on AMD.
If Intel had to compete it wouldn't be doing this shit
i9 4890 master race here
literally no reason to upgrade
386 w/ 4MB RAM here. No reason to upgrade.
I hope this will last me until 2019-2020.
that's an 18 core monster, you got nothing to worry about until 2025-2030
I am hoping that now amd made 8 core cpus more available to the average consumer, more software will be optimized for 6+ threads at least. Would be really nice.
>Intel is anti-consumer because nobody bought AMD
hopefully Zen+ will be AMD's sandy bridge and make America great again.
How did you post here then?
Text based browser?
>Zen+ will be AMD's sandy bridge
I can only hope. I want 8 cores with the single core performance of my OCed 4790k.
reeee where do i get one of those without spending more than my car is worth
wget and emacs
>remove non k overclocking
>banhammer skylake bclk
what happened?
nonks were always un-overclockable wernt they?
are you trying to say the bclk is now locked down? Did they change this somehow or is this jsut for new cpues
Nice, corelet just don't know
Skylake blck still works actually. It was so under appreciated before the kaby launch. I preached it in the /pcbg/ to try and save people some money but got met with either uninformed people or trolls.
Had no competition
Why did you purposely choose the 7400? Shouldn't you compare it to the 7600?
My other pc is a small Asrock Deskmini 110 based thing with a Celeron G3900 and for basic Internet it's super fast. I only turn on this master when I need to get shit done. But then it's just so comfy. I can throw a lot at it before I even hit 50% load on the cpu. In rendering it's 3,2x faster than the [email protected] that I had before.
Revelations 28:8
oh ok, so they just locked it back up on the kaby lake ones then, thanks for filling me in. I dont keep up with the hardware habbenings like I should