What's a good MP3/MP4 player?

I'm looking to get a mp3 or mp4 player for a good cheap price from 10-30 dollars. I want something modern and not look like a ipod or ipod touch. Pic related is something that I'm looking at on amazon.

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A phone

Eat a dick, you piece of shit.

Only if it's yours.

Nothing good for $30.

Either shit audio quality or no storage at that price.

Best bet at that price would be something used.

Use OGG you massive pleb

MP3 player is synonymous with DAP/PMP, autist.

Bumping because my sansa clip broke

iriver ak380

what's a good player with higher quality dac/flac support?

Walkman A Series.


Zune 120


FiiO M3, has the best sound quality for the cheapest price. Shit is physically small as fuck though.

AGPtEK/Ruizo A20 my senpai nigger

Ipod 5 gen with rockbox and get an iflash sd card adaptor


OP pic or any Benjie player in that range.
Going up a bit there's the Benjie T6

A phone
A phone

A faggot

No, that's recommended for your anus, fuccboi.

your phone, you fucking faggot

Eat shit and die.

t.hipster fag


>I want something modern
>dont want a phone

pick one

I loved my cowon j3
it was plastic, but felt high tech and was durable enough. had it imported.

I can't imagine leaving the convenience of spotify these days though.

wow Sup Forums has really turned to shit these days, no one even mentioned the new benjie T6

honestly the best price/quality you're ever gonna get, read the reviews thank me later




