>current year
>still unable to handle UTF-8
Current year
Other urls found in this thread:
>using gnu crap seriously
Hope the poor pajeets will have all shit replaced with systemd soon.
Meanwhile, We, the patricians, are using openBSD.
>current year
>windows still runs UI rendering with kernel privileges
Your memes have been outdated since Windows 8 release
Internalization is like minor annoying afterthought for western programmer but everyone else they have to deal with it from day one
>current century
>allowing unicode urls
Its like you're asking to get url spoofed, it's ASCII or get the fuck out.
>make your urls ascii or i won't download this file that i desperately need!
>desperately needing to wget someone else's files
You don't use wget at all, do you? You're just all sour grapes over your windows package manger aren't you?
>implying i'm a windows user
>implying i didn't pick a completely irrelevant bug report to my problem to make a shitpost
Blame C for it's lack of UTF-8 support.
Oh looks it's nothing.
Now point to the usermode display server, oh wait
UTF-8 URLs are a misnomer. They are handled in browser, converted to ASCII accepted codes.
Because xorg is so very secure.
>utf-8 urls
>utf-8 urls
Ah shit, it works from here, if you click through (for me at least):
> what is wayland
Supercomposer by 2020
what the fuck
because acepoмтyкнх isn't ascii
rms was right again
Ok can someone explain why the fuck this trick URL didn't work with Canary a week ago but does now? That doesn't even make sense
I didn't know that today is 2012.
It's a bug that has been open since 2012, it's still open.
>finding buffer overflow on a legacy rendering for scroll bar that gives you privileged access on Windows 10
How is this meme dead yet?
That's a C problem
Rust does not have this problema tbhfamlam
C doesn't lack UTF8 support. UTF8 was designed to be supported by C.
>not using curl
>Operating System: None
what did he mean by this?