AMD driver now shits ads onto your desktop

>In case you are wondering where that Quake Champions Beta shortcut on your desktop comes from, AMD's 17.4.4 driver installation stealth-adds that to your desktop, with a [ERROR OUR SYSTEM THINKS YOUR POST IS SPAM LOL] tracking link, instead of directly to the official page

Linux doesn't have this problem.

>implying linux users are worth advertising to

I was wondering why that came up last night.


Putting a fucking shortcut on my desktop?! AMD have gone too far this time! FUCK AMD AND FUCK DRAMPH!!!

Hello Sir,

plz Delete this thread. Thank you Sir in advance

Kind Regards,

>implying linux users are stupid enough to let their computers be infested with ads

>Looks like AMD is making some $$ from it, a referral id is included in the final URL destination, too.


>AMD silently install a shortcut icon on your desktop
>Nvidia silently install a constantly-running telemetry program


The only good way of playing games is having a PS4 Pro
That said you can customize an old ps3 and use it as your desktop. Install linux on it and enjoy the best CPU ever made.
You can install FreeBSD too.

maybe somebody assembling final driver package is swimming in cache by now

Are you implying we shouldn't complain about ads due to nvidias telemetry? Both are bad and should have never happened.

does the ps4 support quake champions beta?

Next week: AMD silently adds amazon affiliate links to your desktop

Next month: AMD silently changes your start page to

>resorting to pathetic cheap ways of making money

Not surprised

I'll just wait till the next driver

the custom PS3 with Linux/BSD does.
Plus you don't need jewtel telemetry to play it

>playing real games with console controller
nigga wut

uh, haven't both driver installers on windows had ads in them for quite a long time?

>I don't even know what botnet is but I just want to be cool

Bit of a difference between a slideshow during installation and leaving fucking referral links on your computer, imo

>muh whataboutism

It's a fucking desktop shortcut. It takes literally two seconds to delete it. The manufactured, pretend outrage about stuff like this is hilarious.

Life of a pc gamer:
- Spyware 10
>Set to basic and tries to edit 46 registry entries to limit data collecting
- Steam
>10 min configuring offline mode and setting up firewall to not leak data to Denuvo third party servers
- Download latest AMD driver
>it doesn't improve the game it's just adding binary ads

How can western people be so stupid?

But you agree that Nvidia's practices are objectively worse, yes? I guess it's Intel graphics for you from now on, if AMD have crossed the line with this.

>it's ok when AMD does it


you can go bullshit and drm-free if you stick to;
- linux
- foss games

I was gonna buy a 1800x but not after this

For me, it's more that their performance is shit AND put forum spam-tier ads on your desktop.

PS4 is not DRM free but it's free of online checks and third party authentication.
Plus GOG is fine unless you are the typical brainwashed american that plays Ubisoft games

I would've been okay with it if they used a real fucking URL

bitly a shit

i think i'll stick with my linux desktop and ps2

>Han använder amd

Poo in loo

i'm literally shaking right now
i believed in you AMD

>Ubisoft games sell most in Europe
Jogging my noggin activating my almonds

I fucking told you retards this shit was going to happen
AMD is not DAH GOOD GUI, they are a corporation just like anyone else and the second they get their chance they will behave just like Intel and Nvidia

>being a poorfag
>buying amd

>mfw I thought it was a free game but instead it's just a beta testing link

>mfw I bought AMD because I thought they cared about me but instead they jew just as hard as nvidia

yes pajeet nice!! keep it up

holy shit I can't believe this is real

>that screen tear

oh look its fucking nothing

Someone post the almond screenshot

is there no legitimate tech company left?

It's true that amd fans are gay as fuck.

Has the performance improved with otheros++? When I did it, I could get better performance out of a Pentium 2

>people using my OC
feels good

There's no way that will run on the ps3

Buy used

Only way to fuck them over

so do we actually care about this or is it just who the fuck really cares?

>implying that this is where it stops

This attitude is the reason why your desktop will be full of mountain dew and doritos shortcuts in a year.

Fucking pajeet


The lengths youre going to excuse this is hikarious

So now the option is
>Have Links being made randomly on desktop
>Literal Spyware

Real men code their own drivers.

Well at least we now know AMD is so damn poor they cannot afford paid shills.

or competent hardware engineers, if ryzen is anything to go by

>Han använder Fönster

If Ryzen wasn't made by competent engineers, then Intel must be hiring beggars off the street for their CPU division.

I dont like shitting on AMD but no one has the right to do anything on my desktop. Is there a box to click it off during the update? Like when there is software offered with something you install but you can click it off.

Expect they can
Team Red+

the majority of them do it for free gladly

Jews as the chosen people


>amd drivers
toppest lol


poorfags BTFO

They're stupid enough for Heartbleed

>Nvidia shills '''''concerned''''' about this when their drivers contain actual spyware.
Oy vey.


Is this something that's presented as an option in the install that's enabled by default or is it just installed no matter what? This is important.

Amdfags will unironically defend this

linux users dont see ads, for the most part
same goes for the smarter windows and mac users

>nvidia wasn't the first to start this avalanche of bullshit
This isn't wutaboutism. Objectively speaking, Nvidia launched these 1000 ships.

At least you can simple delete the fucking thing or just not fucking click it.

Already did faggot . Objectively speaking, still far better than Goyforce experience
No one on Sup Forums is going to click that shit, but normies will click that "icon" no problem. Normies will subsidize our GPU purchases, this isn't a problem, it's a feature.

this is garbeeg

>express install
disgusting nonetheless

What a joke pajeet company. Literally on the level of clickbait jewtube pajeet vids.

>bit ly link

Jesus christ, this is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen. Have they no fucking shame? They are practically begging for money.

lol poor """""people"""""

Guess we'll have to play on pootel's iGPU from now on since both nvidia and amd are doing this kind of shit LOL

No, fuck AMD AND iD software for doing this faggotry.

Overwatch is successful because it's stupid simple and low skill and rewards players with psychological awards.

Quake Arena might get the 40 something crowd to check it out who remember the original series.

But no one wants to be challenged in video games. They want rewards and progress to some mythological goal.

Got dam... go easy.

>But no one wants to be challenged in video games
I do.

>use AMD
>delete icon
>problem goes away

>Use Nvidia
>delete drivers
>problem goes away

One of these solutions leaves you without a working computer, can you figure out which one?

>le telemetry is bad meme
When did this start? Since when did telemetry start meaning "spying on me"?


After some looking, it appears that it isn't something you can opt out of when installing the update. Well at least FOSS drivers are still an option. The problem at the moment is just the installer for the drivers. So long as more companies don't start doing this with their firmware like Lenovo did, we're still good.

But removing the telemetry installed with Nvidia's drivers doesn't require deleting the drivers. Both Nvidia's and AMD's bullshit is just in their installers at the moment.

The telemetry program is built into the driver itself

Literally this, fuck amd

Wat? If you can just delete it and that makes it okay, why do you have an issue with "Goyforce experience" when you don't even need to install it?

No, it's not.

Congrats. You're a minority.

You mean AMD tech used on Intels iGPU?

Thanks for conceding your point.

>Nvidia scans your entire machine for hardware and software configuration
>Tracks usage data
>Doesn't anonymise data
>comes with Facebook integration = shares data with Facebook

How is AMD the bad guy for putting a shortcut on your desktop?

Just because they're not as bad as Nvidia doesn't mean they're the good guys.