>Look out of your window and see the boys in blue come at your door.
How do you get rid of the evidence in less then 5 minutes on your double iMac setup?
>Look out of your window and see the boys in blue come at your door.
How do you get rid of the evidence in less then 5 minutes on your double iMac setup?
you fucking kill your self pedo
I don't do that kinda stuff dude fuck off.
I'm talking about cryptography and world secret history shit. The stufff the illuminati don't want the sheeps to be aware of.
>wait until they kick down the door
>hear them making their way deeper inside my home
>door to my computer room is kicked in
>self destruct is activated
Buy a gun and shoot yourself in the face which will take less than 5 minutes.
That's the last result senpai
I don't. It's Apple. It's uncrackable.
Don't you mean: ``resort''?
>Implying the masters would use government bodies to do their bid.
They'd have private bodies to commit the planting of evidence and killing.
>How do you get rid of the evidence in less then 5 minutes on your double iMac setup?
I don't. They'll do it for me when they go to take the computer and move it across the magcoil I have wrapped around the edge of my desk.
>not having anti-tamper mechanisms on your computer
shiggy diggy
This could be useful.
Pop out my 8tb HDD and SSD since they're in hot swap bays throw them into the microwave.
I either shutdown everything and let them try to break my encryption or if i wanna go no risk i just put my harddrives in the microwave
Activate the thermite
You know they can torture all your passwords and encryption data outta you right?
Just for the lols once I created a tannerite pcmcia card that could be detonated by pressing a button on a cable that plugged into
Plop in the card, plug it in, stand back and press the button
Laptop got blown in half
Never did anything further realizing I created a very illegal bomb
But that's definitely a way to go
That's what (((they))) want you to think. (((They))) use the CIA all the time.
>harddrives in the microwave
But user they are pretty much Faraday cage.
You would have to shoot through them.
Might as well, going to prison either way
>Be user
>Have actually sensitive info
>Keep it all on SSDs
>Solder two wires in random places on the SSD PCB
>Make a panic button device that will discharge a 600V capacitor bank from a voltage multiplier literally melting the entire thing when the button is pressed or the computer is moved from it's place without disarming it.
Sounds like something a child can do.
this is a great way to accidentally put current across the heart.
ages 9 and up
>publicly smear the virtual president elect and disrupt US democracy
>but dont kill anyone that would look bad
> two random places
that's probably only a 50/50 chance that it will prevent you from booting, and a 100% chance that the data will be recoverable
Direct current isn't that dangerous, unless you electrocute yourself from your left hand to your right hand.
I zapped myself with 600V while making coilguns in school.
It only gave me tiny arc burns, funnily you don't feel your skin vaporizing at all, only smells like burning hair.
>hear them kicking in door
>pull stained sweatpants down and shove my chink 7" laptop up my ass
>sit down and kaiser soze them before my laptop starts to tarnish in my anal cavity
pipe bomb
Joke's on them. I use incognito.
>How do you get rid of the evidence in less then 5 minutes on your double iMac setup?
I announce on my loud speaker that the house is rigged to blow. And if you are thinking of trying to come in, better wait for the other guy to go first.
>I call it the Doctor Who defense
I'm pretty sure a high capacity high voltage discharge will surge through all the puny low voltage insulations on the board and roast all the transistors on it and in the chips.
If unsure just connect a microwave transformer to it or use a massive capacitor bank, you can store enough power to physycally roast your PC into burning molten plastic even if they cut the power off in your house.
Isn't destroying evidence also illegal?
What evidence? I was just uninstalling this brand new SSD I bought that turned out to be DoA.
Not before the investigation started.
If it was it would be illedal to destroy any thing ever.
>destry anything
>why did you just destroy it?
>we presume it was an evidence of some crime
That wouldn't work.
What if you just destroyed a microsd which contains the key to decrypt everything? A key isn't evidence.
If they are just going to torture your passwords out of you they are just going to torture a confession out of you and don't need the hard drive at all, you dingus
>5 minutes
Took cops over an hour to saw my neighbor's door to pieces before they busted him.
My grandma bought the same model door,so I guess I'm safe.
Microwave imacs for 4:30 or until golden brown
Amps are the dangerous not Volts noob
Amps are defined by voltage and load.
Tell us more.
Steel doors with 4 bolts that slide into the frame when you turn the key.
These are very common in Eurofag land.
I have a fuse mechanism that sparks a strip of magnesium down into my case and ignites a thermite block I have on top of my HDD and SSD.
If it ever comes down to it, I have a bathroom that connects to my room. I'm closing that door the second I trip that fuse. Thermite gets hot and bright as shit.
Underrated post
You no have windows?
>"Alright tell us your passwords and we'll judge your sentence by how quickly you get those passwords to us..."
[spoiler] "I use a password manager" [/spoiler]
Can't you see he has a brain tumor? These things happen to tards without guards.
(((Encryption))) is the tools of the enemy. You have no need to hide secrets like that and anyone who uses (((encryption))) deserves to be arrested for treason.
>banning math
>Drill holes through hard drive of iMac
>Run strong magnets over them
>hide them and all evidence under floor in secret panel
>Get out dummy a third dummy iMac that you pretend is your main one. It must be clean and you must use it regularly
its fool proof
>Amps are defined by voltage and load.
Amps = V/R you idiot.
are you 12
>Running strong magnets over an HDD after drilling them
What, exactly, do you think a magnet does to an HDD ?
Would having a small acid bath ready to throw your drives into work?
>no HDDs
>use live cds for all tasks
>turn off PCs
>Feds manage to extract it before RAM could fully wipe itself.
Just do what I do.
>Am I being detained?
>I do not consent.
> me no comprende
> need lawyer
Problem solved
I pull the plug
Both my iMac have uncrackable full disk encryption on by default. All my illegal activities are safe. Fuck the police.
Flips the bits
>not soldering your ram or using a self encrypted drive.
the answer is:
a BIG one
> All my illegal activities are safe
Do you mean you carry out some illegal activities?
>having evidence on computers you ohysically posses.
>not having any army of bots and script kiddies to take the down fall
Your probably a fucking cp loving don't bag faggot. The only "evidence" anyone on g should have, is evidence any of us would be proud to have
Being 1337 hacker. And in this case, your evidence should not be connected to ANY physical device you own, at all.
Get rekt anime watching, hentai jacking off to, cp collecting douchay.
Fuck off mark. Stay away from my step son.
> Fuck off mark. Stay away from my step son.
Who are you talking to?
I shut down my computers because my disks are fully encrypted.
> my disks are fully encrypted
With a passphrase? You mean, you have the evidence that your disks are encrypted? Well, you dun goofed.
Why tho?
>I'm all powerful world leader
>going to use private entity capable of getting sued/being tied up in courts
>not going to use brothers at cia nsa dod fbi Dea, etc. Who can't be sued (practically) and can cast a much wider net. With more credibility, and the ability to silence any foe, found to be a "terrorist".
I'm so sick of fucking hippies who believe gov. Are the good guys
>but muh Democrats tho
They are two sides of the same, exact, coin. The same dystopia lies ahead.
It should be clear, as I addressed this to mark.
>implying shit you've been doing 5 years ago till this day couldn't be outlawed tomorrow
Lol so true
>decide to write random noise across HDD
>feds think its encrypted
>in custody indefinitely until you provide password
>they don't buy your excuse
>forever in jail
>decide to get memed into encryption
>use it for keks
>just some 100 MB of worthless CC0 licensed music and photos
>forget about it because you don't actually need it
>forget the password because you haven't been entering it for few years
>everyone in jail thinks you're a pedo
>cellmates target you
>guards think you deserve
>all because you forgot your password
They can't because that would require I actually encrypt my data.
Unless you encrypted it for me, in which case, they still can't.
>double iMac setup
you deserve to be vanned
Drive platters will still be fine.