Why is free/open software so shit?
Why is free/open software so shit?
Because half of it is made by a basement dweller in the course of a few hours
What else should I use OP? Should I instead use proprietary software that attacks my freedoms, spies on me and treats me like a criminal?
Because just like Communism. It's a shitty idea. And you all get equal shitness.
OMG this is terrible news.
How long has U.S. patent law been communist?
Because it is fragmented and mostly made in people's free time. How can you create great software when tired and understaffed.
proprietary: software made by paid professionals for businesses to sell.
open source: software made by paid professionals for companies to use.
>yet another thread where influx from Sup Forumseddit complains about things it has no fucking clue about whatsoever because it doesn't play their videogame.
>t. stormfag
kill yourself, manlet capitalist
Stormfags aren't even capitalists. I'm not either. But I'm not a stormfag. Kill yourself, brainlet
Because it's not made to be sold. Someone said something to me once along the lines of Free software being programmers making things for programmers, because they're really useful, but ridiculously ugly and hard to use. The best example of that is everything that revolves around the shell in linux: it's incredibly powerful, and simple commands are ugly as fuck, and documentations are confusing ( have started to get better in the recent years ).
This. Corporations have millions of dollars and "rock star coders" to make their software while most free software creators are not getting much in return..
And also
Most big software companies don't give two shits about your privacy.
Naziism is Capitalism. Period.
FOSS is usually pretty great desu.
Because freetards have no social intelligence.
communist swine go kys
On the other hand, some people use Neet browsing using Linux / G /
They are what you mean
Over the past few years, the most gifted programmer on the planet is running
Systems to support the better,
Some of the tools are available,
Recommend specific ways you are familiar with the bad
For developers,
It corresponds to the half-Duplex specific development.
Because I know how to use these tools
I'll be in the right Designer
This tool has been optimized.
It is suitable for normal player / media use. This is because
Computer programmers and scientists. I would recommend this technology is given
Specifications. You need to understand that this is not a linux
In this case, when compared to Windows, there is a difference between Windows and Unix. app for Windows
Designed to take into account the user,
I do not understand the computer is needed or required. On the other hand, in Unix
The idea is to train the majority of computer hackers and scientists
algorithm development environment and the needs of
Operation layer 1 million "user friendly
I'm trying to get the GUI.
UNIX computer science designed to make life easier.
All these Unix foundation
We carry millions of different.
TL; DR window is designed for people like you and design.
The results of theory. Linux and Unix derivative products, engineers,
People like you think you're the next generation.
Americans is Retarded. Period
>attacks my freedoms, spies on me and treats me like a criminal
You really are fucking pussy.
Do not waste your energy on them, comrade
Because it's shit. No explanation needed once you try it. Stay with Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSB or macOS.
Never install Linux. I've been through that mess.
Speak fucking English or retreat back to your non-English shit hole, fucking nigger. Windows Enterprise and macOS are god-tier. Linux is still garbage and most programs are for Windows and macOS because people prefer those systems.
>communism xDD
Windows enterprise, or windows in general, is fucking garbage you fucking curry nigger pajeet.
>forced restart to apply updates
>can't use your computer while installing updates; have to sit there and stare at the screen as it installs them
>"we couldn't complete the updates, undoing changes..."
>have to disable critical security updates just to make the system usable
>but it will only be usable for a week because Windows has more holes than swiss cheese
>still need an anti-virus
>still need to defrag regularly
>still need to reinstall Windows regularly due to windows rot
>BSOD- It is NEVER acceptable to let the entire operating system crash when a single application causes a problem.
macOS and Linux distros are the only acceptable operating systems in the current year.
>BSOD- It is NEVER acceptable to let the entire operating system crash when a single application causes a problem.
this. what an awful fucking mess of an operating system.
Such cocksucking shills
Why do SJWs RP on the internet?
>the only way to not be a pussy is to support attacks on my own freedom
cool story bro
> What is nginx, Apache, Linux, chromium, Firefox, etc
You forgot to call us cucks
I play all the games I enjoy on Linoox
Because you fail as a consumer. I have some pretty awesome free/open software. You just have to learn to use the internet to find what you're looking for. Or quit bitching and pay up/use proprietary.
because corporations only care about server software. GNU is a free labor, Linus gets $1mil/month, other devs are like sect members. Loonix on desktop is a scam. Red Hat was first -- they lured retards, got on enterprise server market and ditched desktop. Now ubuntu is going same route.
Really spins my fans.
ya probably the most overrated rev proxy server of all time.
good post.
seriously this. they don't have the balls to criticize each other and call bullshit. its all cult like
Shit, all of those are shirt
Because instead of actually looking for designers for their work they would rather shit out garbage and then proceed to berate anyone who wants to help all while jerking themselves off to an autistic old man who didn't even finish his thoughts on capital.
I don't know, op. Why is dinner at the soup kitchen not as good as the dinner from a Zagats recommended restaurant?
Because toejam and Monster doesn't provide the nutritional value necessary for properly functioning programmer's brain.
>Most big software companies don't give two shits about your privacy.
Indeed they don't, that's why they will fuck you over for a literal pennies
What do you suggest?
hahahahahha this is the state of Windows in 2017 hahahahahaah fucking winplebs still put up with that shit???? Oh man I swear to god they must have stockholm syndrome to even defend this garbage.
Freeware and open source is not communism. Communism is a system of governance that owns the means of production and distrobution of products. Please stop being so fucking stupid. Communism is not the presence of trade and business laws and types of product license user/business agreements/arrangements.