>buy $700 graphics card for muh ultra settings
>$120 TN monitor with color accuracy of gameboy advance
why do people do this?
Buy $700 graphics card for muh ultra settings
gamurz are retard, otherwise they wouldn't be playing in the first place
Don't steal my meme.
Sue me
I don't see any memes posted
>500$ on GPU
>runs an i5
or other way around
>7700k + 200$ mobo
>GTX 1060
Why do you underage retards post about shit you know nothing about? Parrot eceleb garbage.
Colors are a fancy part of our eyes perception. Accuracy and fluid motion are what matters.
>2x 1080's
Because gaymers are generally poor and stupid
How can color accuracy be real if our eyes aren't real?
>7700k + 200$ mobo + GTX 1060
Not as braindead, since you can still upgrade and not worry about CPU bottleneck.
>not worry about a cpu bottleneck
>1060 won't last longer than 7700k
>goes into gaming thread
>complains about gaming related posts
hmmm really fires my neurons
I only complained about your retarded post
not an argument
Is this your first day on Sup Forums kiddo?
It's still passable. You can still save the build, just replace the graphics card later.
not an argument
I don't think 4 cores will be enough for games in a few years. Though I admit that is just speculation, and there's a possibility HT might actually start making a big difference.
Do they even sell $120 TN panels anymore? I thought it went super cheap monitors are TN > mid range/mainstream monitors are IPS > lower cost gaymer monitors with high refresh rates are higher quality TN > the highest end monitors are IPS.
at leas the gameboy advance is 3:2 master race
>Do they even sell $120 TN panels anymore? I thought it went super cheap monitors are TN
do you not consider $120 super cheap?
maybe monitors are cheaper now, the monitor i'm using is a cheap as shit TN i got in 2009, and it cost me $210
I doubt that. People don't upgrade their CPUs that often. Quad cores will probably become the minimum requirement in a few years, but they'll be totally useable. In a few years, the gaming market is still going to be dominated by people with i5s that are a few years old, people with 4 or 6 core Ryzen CPUs, and then the smallest group will be people with high end Ryzen and if Intel brings 6+ cores to mainstream price brackets, that too.
When I was monitor shopping a few months ago, the vast majority of monitors in the $120 range were IPS. 2009 was almost 10 years ago...
>i7 CPU
>GTX 1080
>calibrated 1440p 165Hz IPS display (6500k, 2.2 gamma, 120cd/m2)
Am I patrician yet?
>Quad cores will probably become the minimum requirement in a few years
It's already like that. Many modern games fail to hit 60fps on a dual core, even one with high single core performance such as the G4560.
Might be the opinion difference here. If you're fine with 30fps, then I'd agree (not a FPS snob by any means, myself).
TN is fine.
It took a long time of the i5 being dominant for quad cores to become the minimum requirement, and not even all games require four cores yet. It'll take a few years of 6+ cores being dominant for 6+ cores to become the minimum requirement. Even older i5s get over 100fps in modern games when you benchmark with high end GPUs and 720p to make sure the CPU is the bottleneck. It's not like people with 6600ks are going to be struggling to get 30fps in the next installments of Battlefield.
they don't even play games on their PC, they just jerk off to the specs
Monitors do not have a cult built around them like gpus do. Monitors are designed to be confusing, as evidenced by their absurd and constantly changing model numbers. Without minute specs to compare, the dicklust can't be fostered.
>2x 2160p IPS calibrated w/i1 Display Pro
>1800X + 1080 Ti
did i do it right
gba is best system
VA and AHVA panels are taking over for cheap TN. Most of the advantages of IPS with far better colors. TN is such garbage.
VA sucks, AHVA is literally IPS.
For gaming you want TN or IPS.
Triple IPS + 1080 Ti SLI reporting in
>Falling for the hyperthreading meme
Get a load of this idiot.
No, because you didn't wait for Vega
>Ryzen meme
>7700k + 200$ mobo
>GTX 1060
Hey! I'm doing this, except it's a i7 6700k
the 7700k is great because of single core performance not because of HT.
I bought some shitty AOC 1080p monitor to hold me over while I save up for a 1440p 120hz monitor... I may compromise on 120hz and stick to 60hz.
>the 7700k is great because of single core performance not because of HT.
The only difference between a k series i5 and an i7 is Hyperthreading and a slightly larger l3 cache. The i7 has a slightly higher base clock but just LOL if you buy a k-series and only use it at the base clock.
How would you rather play your vidya: in grayscale or with stuttering?
For good experience with real-time interactive media (basically vidya) and even non-interactive ones (videos) consistency of frame updates is much more important than colors. In the case of strategy games with top-down camera and videos poor frame consistency might not be super significant but try playing any game where your movement controls the camera while and have your framerate is inconsistent and frametime spikes are present. it's going to be unbearable.
For playing vidya color accuracy is irrelevant as long as you can tell colors apart from eachother. Playing vidya is not the same as color correcting pictures in photoshop.
The 7700k has consistently shown to have higher benchmarks than the 6700k.
Those are both i7s ding dong
>attack a typo
The 7700k has consistently shown to have higher benchmarks than the 7600k.
>Higher benchmarks
Yeah, at base clock which they gimp on the i5 to make the i7 look better on shitty websites like Userbenchmark. Again, if you're buying a K-series you shouldn't be running at base clock.
Sorry you spent over a hundred dollars extra for HYPERTHREADING LOL
No, even at same clockspeed.
>Sorry you spent over a hundred dollars extra for HYPERTHREADING LOL
What on earth gave you that idea? I don't have a 7700k.
>ryzen is a meme meme
tech illiterate
>2009 was almost 10 years ago...
oh damn, guess it's getting a bit old
>R9 290
>1440p IPS 72Hz
Has served me well so far (except for a piece of shit MSI board)
Currently waiting on my 1700 to arrive
>Spends $1000 on a gaming computer
>Won't even spend $300 for a gaming chair
>Doesn't even have a $200 gaming mouse
>Can't afford a $600 gaming monitor
>Spends $1000 on Gaming Computer
>Runs GNU/Linux
This familias, gaming is capitalism's way of parting the parents of autistic children from their money.
Get it right op, the gba had great color accuracy, it's big problem was ghosting.
I have a Ryzen 7 and a 1050 lmao
$300 4K TN with FreeSync masterrace
i have a 1440p 144hz 1ms monitor did i do good?
How is my stuff?
>GTX 1080
>1080p 144hz
The opposite happened to me
>Have R9 390
>Buy Ultrawide 144Hz Monitor for $500 (US retail price is 700, not sure why is so cheap in my country)
>It had Freesync but every game but Rocket League had an FPS of 40-70
>Bought myself a GTX 1080
Everything dandy now
>No 4k at 240Hz
>300 bucks for 4k freesync
fucking where?
it's better to gaym at grayscale then not gaym at all
Because having an expensive monitor doesn't help tensorflow run faster
Phenom II 4ghz + 2*hd7950
5 years and still runs 1080p ultra settings for any game.
Stop falling for CPU memes, get good GPU(s) if you want frames
Only nerds care about their monitor
ur the pleb i have a 10k 244hz 1ms monitor with GSync and FreeSync for my sli and crossfire gpus
Pffffft, whatever, I can play at 150+ FPS with this kinda of monitor
>inb4 jaggies
Just crack that AA to the max
>Not using VSR/DSR
does it really matter if gordons suit is a slightly different shade of orange than the devs intended?
Don't worry I'm planning on buying one of those horrible quality controlled AU optronic monitors to go with my vega
No, but cheap TNs are worse than that. All colors look washed out, and you have to look at it from exactly the right angle or else it'll look even more washed out.
How are Samsung's VA panels? I refuse to blow $600+ on monitors where backlight bleed is considered a feature.
>forced to buy an expensive gpu because of monitor
> not playing all games on overclocked 75Hz 1080p IPS with a 390 at almost max settings.
The GBA was fucking rad you shitters.
>can play pokemon
>can play anime cartoons
No PC can compete.
>spend hours configuring your mpv
>buy an expensive IPS monitor
>watch anime with white point at 6500K