Now that Pascal GTX10x0 is supported in 10.12 Sierra, why the hell are you still not using macOS and building a dank CustoMac?
Now that Pascal GTX10x0 is supported in 10.12 Sierra, why the hell are you still not using macOS and building a dank CustoMac?
i don't like mac os
>Comfy thread
Literally my main OS right now. I boot into Winshit when I need to gayme and do brainless shit like that.
>The only non-Winshit OS that has mainstream application support from major devs like Adobe
>Unix based
What's not to like?
because aside from
>muh font rendering
>muh scaling
there's literally nothing that macOS does better than windows. every single bit of productivity-related software available for the mac has an equal or superior counterpart on windows, with the advantage of actual 3rd party support.
>Better font management
>Better UI
>Finder is amazing with shortcuts
>Productive OS
>No registry
>No DLL hell
>Uses actual fonts like Helvetica and not shitty rip offs like Arial
>Main apps like Adobe and Maya stuff work flawlessly
>FCPX is amazingly speedy (if you're into that)
>Logic Pro (do I need to go on?)
>Amazing for productivity
>Terminal (can go deep if you want)
>Better memory management
>Expose is amazing
>Handoff is amazing (with iOS devices) I can use my computer to make phone calls and answer calls
>All Apple apps are now free (Keynote etc)
>Unix (how can you fucking not like this?)
>iTunes is actually breddy good under macOS
>Beautiful 3rd party apps (a lot of them are free)
>Great for coding if you're into that
>Built in tools like Preview >>>>
>System wide Picture in Picture
>iCloud (I can open Photos app and see my my most recent iPhone pics without doing anything) and also Calendar, Notes, etc.
>Apple will be moving to APFS (with shadowing support) in the next macOS release.
Do I need to go on?
>I already covered that
>are you making this shit up
>who cares
>its fine
>who cares
>who cares
>what is Ableton, Reaper, Cubase, do I need to go on
>you've said productivity twice now without clarifying anything, are you making this shit up
>who cares
>who cares
>who cares
>who cares
>who cares
>who cares
>who cares
>who cares
>who cares
>who cares
Nice try pajeet
How about battery life improvements?
Window full screen control/lack of snapping is retarded
When saving/opening you can't edit the files in the folders
Can't stand the hardware's lack of number pads
General dislike due to change averse mindset and lack of use in the past several years
I have a MacBook Pro for mobile work (2014) and it works fine desu. Battery life is decent for a laptop. About 3hrs on full use and like 5 if its just browsing.
Works fine for me. Sierra added window to window snapping. I use BetterSnapTool to mimic the Winshit "snap" and it works fine desu.
I use a Mac wired chiclet keyboard and it has a numbad. Works fine desu.
My display is a 27" Apple display (they discontinued it) and it works fine too.
I also use the Hackintosh for Windows and all works fine.
literally the only reasoning anyone needs for this shit. hackintosh retard niggers are the same as full fledged crapple slaves.
>hardware isn't close to as good as everyone says it is
>most of what you spend is just for the name
>objectively looks like ass
>window buttons are on the left just to be different from every other OS
>encourages a full taskbar and using the desktop as a directory
>keybinds make me wish I was using a real computer
>all crapple input devices feel like something I got at a fucking McDonald's
oh and who can forget, you can only have the real thing on Apple's own hardware because their code monkeys are so bad they can't make an OS that's actually fast, that can actually function on hardware not specifically designed around how bad their MIT monkey nigger brains are.
is there an alternative to multibeast?
Yes multibeast is some jew tool by tonyjewmac where he makes a ton of money on dumbasses who buy shit with referral links from his forum. It's the wrong way to do it
Google vanilla hackintosh to get a start. It allows you to update without issues.
Never had a need to use a Mac OS, why bother now?
You seem very angry john.
Are you too poor?
You don't know you want it until you try it.
Everyone I know that has ever built a hackintosh or bought a real Mac never goes back to any other OS.
That's why hackintosh communities exist because people love macos.
This, I love Mac OS, but I hate nowadays apple hardware.
where do i download a version of mac os x?? can i take it from my macbook?
Download it from the App Store on your macbook and it will be in the Applications folder when finished
Download it from appstore, then use unibeast to make bootable installer. After that you just find the kext for your hardwares.
you didn't try at all
what happens if my macbook's wifi is broken?
Does it have Ethernet ? Get a cheap $10 usb wifi stick.
You need a real Mac to make a bootable USB.
Another way is through a vm but that's a pain.
Use WiFi cable to access the appstore maybe? Or you should just buy USB WiFi, dwa131 is my recommendation though.
I'm too polite irl so I make up for it by being an asshole online. blow me.
my mom has always had macs which I've used occasionally, but my dad gave me my first computer (an old one he built) when I was ~5 which had red hat on it so I've always preferred linux but mac is still really shit.
sometimes I like to make videos or music and I don't need Apple to "set me up". I torrented windows for my desktop and I can just yar har video/music production software for it because the software makers ask for too much money and I'm a NEET.
>see OP image
>not a bad layout
>gimmick back lighting on the wall, I'll let it pass
>decent monitors it seems
>everything going well until...
The fucking corded keyboard, which I can live with, but for fuck's sake man, cut a hole in the desk and feed the cable through it, that looks so fucking ridiculous having that wire so blatantly visible. Least you could do is the hole and clean that mess up, I mean really.
6/10 is the best I can do because of that, -3 points just for that one hideous mistake.
>yadda yadda yadda
>bing bam boom
>zippety do fucking dah
Sure, go on, I fucking double dog dare ya, punk.
Ok keep using NSAWinshit because you're a degenerate.
Your mom is obviously cooler than you.
That's not my setup you degenerate. The point is you can build your own and not use Lelnux or Winshit.
You seem angry.
Wait, vanilla installs don't break with updates? I haven't done anything with hackintosh since installing snow leopard on my netbook.
Alot has changed since then, with clover updates almost always work straight from the app store, only thing you might need to do is update clover beforehand
Pretty much. If all your kexts are in EFI, you just need to keep Clover up to date before updating and of course see if theres nVidia drivers available before updating.
I've gone from Yosemite > El Capitan > Sierra with upgrades, no problem. And also incremental updates.
Nice. I should try it out with my desktop. My mainboard seems to be used in quite a lot of hackintosh builds. (Gigabyte H97N-Wifi)
I just need to get a new SSD or something.
Is "vanilla install" the same as installing using clover? I'm just starting to get back into it and it seems like clover is a bootloader that lets you boot an unmodified (vanilla?) OS X. Is this correct?
Those older boards work well. Its the newer stuff thats troubling like z270 shit.
Use 14,2 iMac config and youre good to go.
Vanilla just means not using shitty Multibeast after installing macOS....
Because it patches system files and generally is a shitty way of doing it. Tonyfagmac makes a ton of money from people who visit his forum and post and download his tools.
I'm not against using Multibeast, but vanilla is better. Just find the right kexts and youre set. Also use AppleALC for audio so no need to patch.
Google around for your board and see what kexts and config files ppl are using and it'll be an easy setup Just the other day I set my friends up and it only took like 1 hour total cuz I found someone elses files and just edited the config file.
FYI you will always need just makes your macOS partition bootable and emulates some shit. Clover is not made by tonymacfag.
Also youre ok with using Unibeast from tonyfagmac to make your bootable USB, just dont use Multibeast.
i wouldnt mind to build a hackintosh, i really like macos since its a unix with a decent DE unlike loonix
but mac hardware is so bad...
+w+ hackintosh desktop thread?
How to fuck do i get mac ISO's
>but mac hardware is so bad...
Well Aplel aknowledged this a few weeks ago. Which is rare cuz they're dicks.
Why don't you just dual boot like me?
99% of my work is done under macOS. Rest is Winsht.
Fucking nigger.
because i've been using macos and i know that it's a terrible system
Because installation is retarded for literally no reason.
Is it possible to make this work with an Asrock X99 extreme6?
hackintosh is easier than arch or gentoo and people get memed into those all the time
Pls post picture from the top left. Thanks.
Get a real mac
download from mac app store for free
or find a torrent for 10.12.14 but it might have some backdoors in it or some shit i dunno.
but u will need a VM to make the USB key
BUT there might be a bootable ISO somewhere online.
>t. Wintoddler
>It's called Hackintosh for a reason
Also it's MUCH easier than any Lelnux distro desu senpai. Also it's fun to set up.
I know X99 is supported. There are guides on tonymacfag see if your board is supported.
Just skip the Mutlibeast thing and do vanilla instead.
Also make sure your CPU is supported. I know some i7 E CPUs arent but just double check.
(⁄ ⁄=⁄w⁄=⁄ ⁄)⁄
How do I make a USB image without already having a Mac?
Congratulations, OP is always a faggot, but this is definitely the most homosexual thread on Sup Forums right now.
Get out of my thread faggot, there's plenty of gentoo threads out there
Yeah, but when linux is pure trash that cannot use hi res displays or even my portrait mode display without bugs (fucked up cursor scaling, apps think I am running 1920x1920 and similar bullshit). My android phone with 7.1.1 is not recognized in mtp mode then it makes me go hmmmmmm.
Maybe I will built hackintosh soon.
Also Windows is not unix so into trash it goes.
Ubuntu was eZ to install. Probably easier than windows.
Fun to set up ixdeh
Shut up you cunt.
Not just that, but macOS is the only REAL alternative to Winshit in terms of actual mainstream usage.
Just the fact that Adobe stuff is supported and music apps makes it a viable option.
Oh also it has great multi-display support. Do it m8.
Get a decent 10x0 GPU and you're good to go.
Windows is just better.
Just for the fucking name I wouldn't touch it.
There is zero mainstream app support.
Go kys and keep using LolBreh Office. Maybe you're just a super edgy neckbeard.
It's a Xeon E5-2699v3, should work out of the box I think.
Thanks friend.
Sierra is objectively a worse name though.
>calls windows winshit
>uses third party apps to copy features from it
>still uses windows to boot
Christ, some people.
Yeah that should work fine desu. Have fun!
If you have issues don't give up, it takes a little bit of time to get it working especially for the first time on vanilla install.
Sierra is a name of a mountain in beautiful California.
Ubuntu sounds like some nig nog designated shitting area in Africa. Go suck a fuck.
reminder not to bully
You forgot
>unironically says desu
It's one fucking app you moron. I could live without it, but it's helpful.
I use Clover to boot into macOS or Winshit, so you are wrong again.
I only use Winshit 1% of the time per week.
So glad I don't have to touch that cow dung daily.
>reminder not to bully
>op said kys
In OP it means Kiss Yourself :^)
Enrico halts maul...
Its hilarious how frustrated a piece of software makes you.
And that you still use it.
I ran linux based oses for 4 years without touching windows and you cant do it for a week?
I take it I need a Mac to be able to create the stuff needed for installation?
Because for gaymes there is no other OS than Winshit you idiot. Do you even read what you wrote before posting?
I meant to say 1% of the time maybe once a week per month. I rarely gayme anyway.
I spend like 18 hours a week in Adobe apps so I can live in macOS without a problem.
Just dont. When you have macos installed then what? Windows is fine for 100% the stuff you use your computer for.
Yeah you need a real Mac to create the boot USB key (needs to be at least 8GB in size).
Or you can use a VM, if you have no access to a real Mac.
Maybe in the future they'll make this step easier without a Mac.
100% that if he installs macOS he will never use Windows again.
People fall in love with macOS. It's just the way it is. There's a reason why people are willing to go through all this trouble to build Hackintoshes.
why we can't just create a usb and then copy the image and upload it so you don't need to have a Mac to do Hackintosh?
>he cant run games in osx
>18 hours a week in Adobe apps
That kinda explains why you are so aggravated.
Because you need to use a tool like Unibeast (mac only) to create a bootable USB key. It actually injects Clover into the USB key to make it bootable on a non Mac computer.
I mean 18 hours a day..I work as a graphic designer.
You seem really angry.
i use both and macos is dogshit
It's because you have ashy hands like a nigger.
and why i can't clone a USB key that already have Unibeast and the clover bootloader and send it to a friend in a .vhd or .iso or something?
you're literally too dumb for macOS
You actually could. Get a friend to make you one, then ask them to make you a clone ISO and then on your end just make a new one.
In theory it should work.
Just make sure they use something like CloneZilla to make a bit for bit image because the USB key will have 2 partitions, one of them is a hidden EFI partition.
>calling someone dumb because he like a different software
Ah yes. That is a smart guy thing to do.
yeah yeah pajeet, very creative joke retarded faggot.
macos is dogshit
I use an iMac with the Adobe suite at uni. It's literally the worst pc i ever used.
I really hope all OSX users aren't as delusional as you are.
>graphic designer
Why cant you graphic designers stop drinking adobe and apple koolaid?
>Calling someone dumb because they prefer a far superior OS.
You have given zero reasons. Nothing but typical Sup Forums >>>>LGBT IS THIS WAY LELELLELE
You're a degenerate.
The only reason why I use Windows and not a Linux distribution is because I play World of Warcraft, but luckily wow works on macOS. That's why I wanna try it.
why would i need a reason
its simple MacOS is not Windows
Because Adobe has a monopoly on the software and literally if you don't use their shit you will make $0.
InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop are all essentials.
Not delusional. Very happy actually.
I jump between my MacBook Pro and my Hackintosh day to day without issues :^)
I threw the stupid PC box behind my desk so I don't see it because I care about A E S T H E T I C S
All I have on my desk is a wired apple chiclet keyboard, a Logitech G500 mouse, an Apple Cinemay Display 27", and a Wacom tablet. Call me a happy camper :^)
>What is affinity?
This is a Hackintosh thread, not a Winshit thread.
Go away. Keep supporting the Pajeets and the CIA and see where that gets you.
WoW works great on macOS you will like it. I play rocket league sometimes under macOS and it works fine.
I do boot into Windows cuz I have a Vive and sometimes dev stuff in Unity and play some AAA gaymes for when I want to turn my brain off.
You are retarded.
Next thing you know you're going to recommend blender for actual work.
I also heavily use After Effects and Premiere.
Why don't you try exiting this thread please?
>dual boot
i want too, mind sharing some resources where to start pls? really new to this hckintosh thing
You have also given zero reasons why you call windows winshit (like a fucking toddler i might add)
This blatant samefagging
No one in their right mind WANTS macOs.
I hate these guys but this is a good place:
Try to find a guide thats similar to your mobo.
Only do the steps until you reach Multibeast. Skip Multibeast (which literally installs kexts and patches your system files).
After you install macOS, run Clover manually and make your macOS bootable.
Next you will need to individually find kexts and config file for your system. This will take some time to perfect. I use the Vanilla method here:
So basic steps:
1. Make USB key on a real mac with Unibeast (Tonyfag link is helpful).
2. Install with their guide and then install Clover from their official site to make macOS bootable.
3. Find correct kexts and config file and edit it to suit your need (I do it manually) or use Clover Configurator.
4. Enjoy
(make sure to make a clone of your macOS when its fully working just in case). I use CloneZilla its free.
awesome stuff m8, im trying it later when i get home from work.
why so butthurt? dont like it just leave the thread, easy.