Bring back /prog/
Bring back /prog/
I agree! Sup Forums became a platform for pajeets and macfags shilling their consumer gadgets.
What is this? A wallpaper for ants?
Ive been enjoying the programming challenges even if they are memes.
/prog/ would be nice. Text only would be fine.
>hiro creates a bunch of useless boards
>doesn't create ones the userbase actually wants
Give me /l/ and /prog/ you slinteye bastard
I agree - we have to separate shills and real technology enthusiast.
Just moderate Sup Forums. Delete b8 threads such as
>net neutrality
>windows vs gnu/linux/macs
>stallman is a pedo
>botnet is good
>piracy is wrong
>best browser
>best torrent client
These topics have been discussed to death. No moderation does not work because the same content gets posted over and over again.
why the fuck did that warzone of a shitboard get brought back
Mods have full blown downs, they wont moderate shit. The other day there was a thread up for over two hours which was litterally nothing but braaap and eminem lyrics. The OP just said "*BRAAAAAAAAAAAP*" with an anime pic. This was on page 2.
Mods dont give a shit.
The following thread has been up for 6 hours and 46 minutes.
We need containment board to throw all that shit away.
It's finally dead. Good.
Kek has spoken.
Why did mooit remove /prog/?
you're talking like this is fucking news
Yeah. I can't stand this board either. Let pajeet and his shitty phones rot here forever.
Apparently it still is to some people.
Why not just create a consumerist technology board, and moderate the shit out of this board?
Why people that actually care about technology needs to move?
Please bring back /prog and moderate it.
This board is beyond repair.
This one here gets an upvote from me, too!
We need something without cancer and serious interesting discussions
This board is filled with shitskins and Sup Forums manchildren.
We need a good technology board.
Have you read your SICP today?
Protip: it still exists
>These topics have been discussed to death
true, but at least they are tech related... unlike consumerist shit and desktop threads
for the nth time... we need a /consumer/ board. the japanese jew could easily make a lot of money by monetizing it also
We need to split Sup Forums into /software/ and /hardware/. The former for programmer, the latter for consumerism.