Why haven't you switched to colemak yet?

Why haven't you switched to colemak yet?

My phone would still be QWERTY as would everyone else's keyboards.

why should i?

In fact the colemak layout is not intended for mobile devices

It places the most used letters on the same row improving writing speed

I never said it was, I was just pointing out that then I'd be switching keyboard layouts based on what device I'm using.

Waste of time and effort.

not in my language


The improvement in wpm is minimal compared to the effort and using another device becomes more difficult

It took me years to be able to barely touch type on qwerty. Fuck learning again.

colemak doesn't look too bad, it's basically qwerty but better
everyone's just gong to keep going with qwerty anyway, though
also, it's no good for mobile

this is retarded

I tried, but I couldn't play my video games.

I don't have the autistic need to spend many months adjusting my muscle memory to my keyboard for a 2.5% improved writing speed while rendering all other keyboards I come across as alien devices that I can't type on.

Quads of truth

Is about comfort, not WPM

Why learn a new layout?
I already type fast enough.


i tried switching to dvorak a while ago
it made me incredibly dizzy and nauseous so i had to switch back

still better in italian


Because Workman is superior.

Colemak is not as hard as Dvorak

I've been using QWERTY since I first picked up Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing in the 90s. It's in my DNA. It'd be like learning to walk and talk again.

I'm left handed so QWERTY is objectively best :3

When I switched to colemak 1 year ago I started to type at the same speed as with qwerty in less than 3 weeks.

Quale spazzatura, Luigi!

>user why are you typing like a retard?
>because your stupid OS doesn't support my special snowflake layout! if it did, i'd type 2% faster than you!


>Implying that user wold forget how to type with QWERTY
>Implying that there is an OS that doesn't support colemak


>not using pic related master race
keyboard peasant.

Colemak user here.

I'm way worse at qwerty now.
All good OSs support colemak, but Windows doesn't and makes it really hard to add

You can easily switch your phone to colemak too.

There's not a real point, but you can if it bothers you.

How hard is it to use other people's QWERTY keyboards once you get used to an alternative layout?

>switching keyboard layout

Because I have better things to do than to overcome muscle memory for the most minor of benefits

>Not inventing your own custom layout specially optimized for lightning fast shitposting

I have been using it for a few months, keep forgetting caps lock is backspace


>No Azerty

>implying windows is a good os

>implying it's not better than osx and lincucks

Why haven't you switched to sucking my dick

>lol just take 10 years to get back up to your typing speed
no thanks lad

That's the opposite of what I implied. Learn to read.

Why is your picture not your picture?

No I couldn't, my phone has a physical keyboard


>Dealing with config EVERY time you want to use a live CD/DVD/USB.
>Every work(company) computer you EVER come into contact with will be QWERTY. This means changing the config, which may not be allowed or practical, then changing it back when you walk away, otherwise people will be pissed; or having to use QWERTY every time you touch a computer other than yours.
What's the point of learning and training yourself to type on Colemak when 99.9999999999999% of computers that aren't yours use QWERTY? You're just torturing yourself at that point. That was the whole reason I gave up on Dvorak.

But I have

because itd break muh hotkeys, all of them

how did you benefit? can you still use qwerty?



It's not.

I already type 100+wpm on a qwerty

why bother switching to a non standard keyboard

funny enough, qwerty is like riding a bike. you'll fuck up like 2 words before your brain auto switches into it. its kinda like knowing multiple languages.

>Why haven't you switched to colemak yet?

Couldn't be