Sup Forums always parades out some unqualified woman who lucked into a cushy tech job...

>Sup Forums always parades out some unqualified woman who lucked into a cushy tech job, decrying supposed gender quota in IT hiring
>never talks about women like Limor Fried who runs Adafruit and designs their electronic prototyping kits

Why is this?

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She's a SJW too

that wasn't what the OP was asking or talking about. this is a technology board; take your culture wars to Sup Forums


People like to cherry-pick if they feel it serves their agenda. It's how they're able to make illogical arguments, and avoid cognitive dissonance.

Because outliers are outliers.

Why does Sup Forums hate women so much?

teens trying to fit in with what they perceive to be Sup Forums culture, mostly

Because women remind us of everything we don't have.

She does some "girls in tech" shit, but it's mostly trying to get normies and programmers with no hardware background to make their own shit instead of buying into IoT botnet shit.

So we shouldn't point out the absurdity of HR hiring practices un tech companies?

So is this a tranny or what

do you all really have troubles getting hired because of female competition?
I mean… just step it up

You should, but the coverage here is absolutely overblown compared to the actual size of the problem.

because affirmative action is morally wrong

women are just dumber than men and resources spent on keeping them alive could be spent on men and then there would be less wasted resources

Because I don't fucking care if you're a guy or a girl writing software or building hardware, if it's good software or hardware I'm happy, if it's shit then I'll say it's shit.
There are no good female programmers the same way there are no good male programmers. Good programmers are just that, good programmers, gender doesn't fucking matter.

women like ladyada intimidate Sup Forums , that's why they hate her so much. that or they become /seek out traps. more pussy for me


Sup Forums is sexist, DUH!



>this is a web browser and Linux distro shitposting board


this but unironically

It's just a storefront that sells pre-assembled crap. They don't actually create anything. Fuck off.

It doesn't give incentives to people performing a task they are (over)qualified for due to their accidental qualities (race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) and attracts people that aren't qualified to fill the void.

No, they design their own shit.

Chinks copy them because their designs are open source.

Limor is definitely a she.

Well yeah look at her fucking hair.


Is that an old IBM keyboard?

because women are privileged and don't acknowledge it

do you cunts not realize how nice everyone is to you? You're awful programmers but everyone coddles you. This is why you think microagressions are a thing. You've never experience real agression while men do daily from men further up the hierarchy.

Then you complain when we joke around at work and try to have fun. You ruin work places with your presence and annoying perfumes. You literally fucking stink. Quit your jobs and go have babies like you're supposed to, you mentally ill retards.

who the fuck as you for your opinion anyway?

>work in hostile workplace with toxic culture
>blame women


Nigga, all their designs are open source. They made those designs.
She had the hair long before SJW's where a commonplace thing.

Because I don't have a problem with women of merit.


>She had the hair long before SJW's where a commonplace thing.

No she didn't.

Limor got hooked up with a good group of people when she was high school age, who knew what the right mentality and direction was. A group of people who weren't hung up on traditional ideas about men and women.

wtf she was cute

feminism has ruined wymen

>woman was cute when she wasn't even old enough to drink legally

This has to do with feminism how?

Not defending feminazis, btw.

There are plenty of great programmers that Sup Forums never talks about because they don't chap anyone's ass.

found the

I don't see anything wrong with her. People talk about the negatives because there is no point in talking about positives unless its something like a new release. Also bitching about SJWs lets the LCD join in when they normally can't do anything but embarrass themselves in the fizzbuzz threads.

>toxic culture
I don't know what's worse. People thinking there is such a thing as bad culture or people thinking you can change someone's culture by sharing facebook posts.

I have to assume it's because she's qualified and competent. The problem with the cushy-tech-job gender quota thing is that people only focus on things that make their life even slightly more negative, or temporarily more positive. Your optics get screwed up and you start talking in, "All of ____ behaves a certain way" kind of Sith-lord terms becuase the only example of those people that actually gets your attention behaves that way. Because those women make peoples' lives worse, those guys come on Sup Forums and bitch about them and talk in those terms because the good women are just an afterthought.

It's kind of like how SJWs talk about male privilege, where every time they talk about men, they're talking about tall, handsome men they want to fuck but can't. Those are the men they associate with "men", rather than a short, fat, bald guy who can't get any respect and drives a big truck to try to make up for it, but only succeeds in making himself look like a fat baby getting in and out of his vehicle every day. Those SJWs can't get fucked by any men, and so they pine after the most attractive ones, get burned and get all fucked up about it.

On the other side of that coin is fat, antisocial neckbeards. They can't get fucked, and they focus only on the hottest girls around and especially on the internet. When your optics get skewed in that way then sure, all women must be whores and life has to be fuckin' easy street 24/7.

She might be cool, but it's annoying to see people made into role models. Do people really need role models in IT? Every one and their fucking dog knows it's a cushy job.

You're such a beta faggot. Get some pussy and stop letting other males "up the food chain" bully you, pansy.

Because there's nothing noteworthy about running a website that sells arduinos and breadboards

>not really liked by men so she said fuck it and became as repulsive as possible to reject even the slightest change of a date
doing gods work there desu
stay out of the gene pool

>that hair
>those glasses
>that lip piercing
My mother gave me intuition, and I'm gonna use it: This person is a massive cunt who I probably hate.

Why does this happen so fucking much? Is everyone unaware?

3rd wave feminism loves fat people and thinks being fat is either a choice made by a strong woman that we must respect or a disability that we need not criticize. Viewing exercise and pursuing beauty as adhering to the norms of the evil patriarchy. So you end up with a bunch of Pudgy out of shape people that are proud of their helplessness, painting themselves in colors that in nature represent Danger. i wouldnt be surprised if these people end up lonely without kids because their accidently used colors that scare people way like a poison tree frog... only this time its their Ideology that is the poison.

>People like to cherry-pick if they feel it serves their agenda. It's how they're able to make illogical arguments, and avoid cognitive dissonance.

Whoa, no need to shit on OP so hard like that. He was just giving his opinion.

"She" designs them the same way Jobs "designs" all of Apple's products.

>Limor got hooked up with a good group of people

I wouldn't call SJW feminist tumblrinas "good people" unless you meant in an ironic sense.

Because there's nothing to complain about with regards to people that are competent if not good at their jobs

Of course.


e d g y

Listen cunt, SJWs decided to invade, they all believe the personal is political.

If we do nothing they will politicize literally everything and make everything like the progressive stack in OWS.

We can't just put our heads down and keep going, we have to all fight them at every step and make tech inhospitable for them so they go fuck with others.

Until we have achieved complete victory, we cannot and should not stop with the culture war.

You can tell she doesn't enjoy hardware like guys do. That hair screams "look at me" so this is all attention seeking behaviour.

The problem isn't women, the problem is SJWs.

Having worked in tech for a few decades I can tell you that we had more women that were more competent as late as the 00's, the influx of social justice blue hairs is really destroying the reputation of women in tech.

>Go to science march today
>speaker is a muslim woman that talks only about islam and hijabs

The entire women in tech discussion (socially, not just on here) revolves on vilifying men. So it gives little reason to bring up competent women in the field.

The truth is, men are basically fine with people like Limor who do great work. We love to see it. But that ruins their talking points so they try to avoid bringing up the successful women.

I can't wait for the next economic collapse.

I'd rather we all live in absolute destitution than deal with this shit any longer.

>the influx of social justice blue hairs is really destroying the reputation of women in tech.

This. Women hear "tech is terrible to women" and all of a sudden they're looking for problems.

> Woman coder reads Jezebel
> "Tech is terrible to women" "Widespread rampant misogyny" etc etc
> Starts looking for this stuff
> Nothing sexist happens, but any interaction that is weird or is unexplained (like if people are awkward, which is the tech MO) is chalked up to bias
> This happens for 6 months
> All of a sudden that normal regular coder sees an office conspiracy because she's got 6 months of pent up nonsense.

I mean this is exactly the pattern. I've seen several women engineers talk about how terrible tech is with no real examples. Just "it's bad" for some nebulous reason.

because Sup Forums is full of white men who cant get girl friends

t. Pajeet who is still salty about his latest accusation of shilling in another thread