Windows Update removed O&O ShutUp10
O&O ShutUp10
Other urls found in this thread:
>using freeware to remove botnet
O&O ShutUp is a Microsoft "partner", their software won't do shit, Windows 10 did you a favor by removing that snake-oil.
citation needed*
What good is it if Windows Update disables it every week and gets the data they want anyways?
Use Dws lite stupid fuck.
works on my machine
aka it's still there
Russian botnet
Fucking lol at all the trouble winfags have to go through
Op here. I use Linux too, dipshit.
Or just use the Windows group policy editor which has been the standard way to configure Windows since forever instead of getting a questionable thrid party tool to configure your OS for you.
>Microsoft is more trustworthy
I trust Windows to respect the base Windows configuration utilities more than I trust some other tool to set them.
Isn't that disabled even for Pro licenses?
>using windows 10 to begin with
this. Just booted into my W10 machine since a long time on Mac / UNIX. Apps popping up out of nowhere, software crashing for no reason, audio driver stops working at random, start menu does not work, etc. How can people take this shit seriously anymore.
>installing a botnet in user mode to "fight" a botnet in root mode
topkek, only a win10 user would be this retarded
Official Member
Good work, user. I remember seeing this long ago and my sides started hurting from the uncontrollable giggling.
>j-just run shutup10 haters are re-retards!!!1
Windows 10 fanboi rekt
It's open source at least
>Not blocking telemetry networkwide
You need to try harder faggot
>back then
>upgraded to anniversary
>it removed classic shell but didn't touch KMSpico
I only had the apps popping up out of nowhere thing after doing a clean install because Microsoft wants for force Windows Store apps (of which only a handful are any good). Been about a week, haven't had any issues since.
Putting aside the fact that windows 10 is botnet to the core that needs to be pulled by the roots
>being so retarded to not being able to remove botnet youself
>using anything but enterprise ever
>Using built in windows indexing