/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

>Who's the bad bitch now, you crept on, paid the piper. Who'da thought a sexy bitch could be a murderous sniper
, edition.
Previous >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker disservice by providing members with opportunities for shitposting development, by recognizing tracker drama competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU (embed) (embed)
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


bitspyder is stealing thegeekz.click torrents. Compare the log yourselves:


and thegeeks.click/log.php



>Aww they say uhh..
.. a black man is a pimp
Well let me tell you the biggest pimp
on planet motherfuckin Earth, is her momma
It's her MOMMA that told her,
"Get a man that got a good job gurl!
Make sure he got a good car gurl!
Make sure he can take you out and buy you somethin gurl!"
What happened to just fallin in love with a nigga with a bus pass --
-- just cause you love the nigga?
But +I'm+ the pimp motherfucker!
I gotta be the player!
Biggest hoes, on planet Earth..
.. are walkin through the motherfuckin neighborhood
You KNEW when you got with the nigga he already had a woman
You knew he already had a family
but you fucked him anyway!!!
And then when you thought you gon' lose the nigga
you went and got pregant - didn't you bitch, DIDN'T YOU!!
And then when the nigga ain't around, what do you tell the child?
"Aww that nigga ain't shit, that's why yo' daddy ain't here;
cause that nigga ain't shit."
How bout bein a woman, and tellin the kid the truth
that yo' momma, you was a hoe!
Momma was a hoe, I was weekend pussy
I had you to keep the nigga, it didn't work out
that's why he ain't here - but he a good nigga
cause he take care of his REAL family
I was just a dumb bitch, tryin to keep, a nigga that I wanted

thread theme

Thank you 312c for ridding us of that cancerous spaghetti dude


put your trip back on, asshole


even fresher track

This is racist

fuckin bongs when will they learn

don't make me make a man disabled like 312c



Nice one kiddo. Glad your parents support your talent




could you PM myr and tell him to log in to tehconnection

fishman aka Mark Ed

>deletes it

I feel for you, man.

who do I PM'd this screenshot? Should I join BTN IRC via TOR and post it there?

>tfw this is an elaborate ruse to frame Fishman
poor guy

What was it? Archive is down

Betrayed but he'll find out you browse /ptg/ and mark your ass too.
Just do it via reddit.

Note the upper right where he forgot to inspect element

More than one archive, user.

Isn't this an old meme? I swear to God I've seen this image a few times like a year ago.

go on BTN and check his profile. Look at the top 10 (all recent torrents)

>check his profile
if it was really him you'll get marked too dumbass

I already have my forum posting and invite privileges removed. I have nothing to lose

Only 312c marks, rest of cabal has better things to do than entrap redditors

What did you do? BTN staff is usually chill

neons won't get this meme user

>trying to purposely get people banned

what have they even done to you?

Is there a rationless porn tracker around?

Because I'm evil!


Because it's funny as fuck and rustles up anons

If you cant care for you're BTN account, you dont deserve to have it.

What are the best trackers in terms


Depends on niche but BTN renders every other tv tracker useless, whereas other trackers like PTP still require supplemental sources to find everything, e.g. KG
BTN, although external stylesheets renders this more or less a moot question

MaM are really nice as long as you are too
BTN, it's insane how a ratioless tracker can have so much content with plentiful seeds to go along with it
PTP, TehC or Apollo (no joke)
I don't know what the fuck that means

Dafuq is that?

big black titties

>tfw you work for the NSA and browsing Sup Forums is part of your job

I have to agree, the APL stylesheet is great!

>unironically on currynoseeds.rip

how are these ratios doing anons?

>insert comfy_doggo.png


hey girls, wanna check out my arcane magic bussiness powered by javascript while we review Black Mirror's last episode?


post dick

Is it true that they once had hdb recruitment?

they still do user

what level?

HD Daemon. Im not sure what it used to be

How do you know they still have it?

Does HD-T have anything of value if I'm set on AHD (1TB buffer)?


I did some data sniffing and it looks like GGn has an XP system in the works.
Mark my words, they are going to change classes into a levelling system.

Screenshot this post (nobody screenshotted the one where I said they were removing 6h FL).

ill screenshot it, my esp having friend

Sup Forums has 3rd party archives you hobo

I not only screen shotted this post, but I am about to post it on (r)ed(d)it

I know, but true ESP memery requires screenshots.

right now it is a levelling system


Why is MAM's recruitment section so shitty?

Because it is so easy to get into. Go to TehC next I would say.

got an email to my .bz acoount email, it states that it is a rogue admin doing it

because it's an entry level tracker; easily accessed by a simple interview; with a soft economy and generous bp system.

It has a leveling system already

But not with XP.

some guy rusing as if he posted his BTN homepage

You can tell its a ruse with his edited search fields saying

> 312c can suck my muh dick

what is your favorite tracker and why?

holy shit, well spotted. didn't notice that.


RED, because they have tons of albums and it is very easy to gain buffer

MAM - very helpful
BTN - most comprehensive content
PTP and, unironically, Apollo
Whichever ones you're not on

...and also an irc. don't forget that, user.


AHD because /comfy/

neon here
no content = comfy?

MaM and APL
BTN unquestionably
HDB in a good way, RED in a bad way

I'm in all cabal trackers, but still can't maintain ratio on red, nice for people tracker you got there, zed.

great internals, small community
there is content you nigger

Oh it's very simple, just don't download anything that would put your download amount over 5GB.

why do autistic kids want empty internet elitism ?

It makes them feel special.

nice digits anime faggot
probably RED, music is my life! :]

nice digits anime faggot
probably APL, music is my xanax! :]

be nice, zed and nala can't understand that a hard economy only works if you have no competition. as long as people can download the same torrents at other sites and seed on RED the hard economy dream is bullshit

CG - dedicated uploaders, amazing content, great staff, no redditors, impossible for neons to get in

I love JPS. It's pretty curry but the content is great.

To give them a purpose in life.

Is there a PT that tracks gore?

RED is a ratio tracker after all.

How much air can Nala hold before she pops?