anybody else here use an old school iPod on a daily basis?
I just got this baby about a week ago....planning on getting an ssd and installing rockbox
anybody else here use an old school iPod on a daily basis?
I just got this baby about a week ago....planning on getting an ssd and installing rockbox
Don't use it but I have one and I have fond memories of it.
And then I remember the itunes cancer back then.
thats not an ipod
I thought about getting one recently too do the same op, but looking a prices on aus ebay people want way too much for them.
op here
try installing rockbox
only people 18 and over are allowed here
was there a specific generation you were looking at?
i got my third gen for $20 shipped....seller never tested if it works as you can only charge it via firewire....all it needed was a battery and a screen and the casing was in pretty good condition for a 14 year old ipod
there should be similar listings on aus eBay m9
>there should be similar listings on aus eBay m9
I'll keep looking, I was thrown by the sellers wanting $150+ for a 5th gen
I had an iPod with rockbox some time ago. Drained the battery like a bitch but you could play Doom on it
I wonder if there's a way to import from US ebay
that is bonkers, how much playtime did you usually get on a single charge?
That's not an ipod
t. 21 yo
>getting an ssd
druaga1 get out reeee
This was nearly 10 years ago but I had to guess playing music maybe 3.5h, playing games about 30-60 minutes.
I use an iPod Video (5.5 gen) as a daily driver.
Modded with an extended battery and a 64GB mSata SSD.
Works like a charm.
Used it for a while with rockbox but I reverted it to the original firmware a while back.
holy fuck either you're a shitty troll or straight up retarded
damn bro
nah but I really want one
maybe a mini with a new battery, a CF card and rockbox would be ideal
No because I own a smartphone and Spotify like any normal functioning human being.
I'd look for an SD adapter if possible. CF cards are stupidly expensive for their capacity.
t. iPod Video with 2 SD cards in a JBOD array user
>tfw spotify would be incredibly convenient
>I want to listen to music from my small home country and the spotify selection is actually a lot better than what pirating gives ya (since all the major and most of the smaller record labels have deals w/ spoti but sometimes even p big releases don't get uploads)
>muh freedums prevent me from using spotify with good conscience
True. But I already have a bunch of both SD:s and CF:s due to photography autism, so it isn't a big deal. I've seen more with CF adapters, but sure, SD is kinda better.
>not having apple music where you can add your own files files to the same library as your catalog selections and using tuneskit converter to keep the catalog music as any file type you want
also, that phone of yours is gonna get super laggy to the point of unusability when it becomes 3 years old yet you can easily still use a 16 year old iPod and have it run like the day it was first purchased
SD adapter with one card is a good idea to save money on storage but I'm kinda worried about the longevity of a multi drive setup, especially with sd cards in jbod or raid 0
I use a 5th gen 30GB. I installed an SD card and a clear face plate.
Yes it is. You're probably 12 years old.
>normal functioning human being
Pick one.
I have an iPod nano 1gb from 2006 and a Shuffle 512 mb
I bought a broken 30GB 5th gen and installed a 120GB mSATA SSD. Love it. Also have a 4GB Mini upgraded to an 8GB CF card.
You'll ruin it. Might as well throw it in the trash.
How does Rockbox ruin it? If he doesn't like it he can just flash the stock firmware back. Hell on the newer iPods you can even dual-boot Rockbox and the stock firmware.
It was more of a reaction to the software itself. Sure, revert to Apple software if you don't like the other. Waste of time regardless when the default software is fine. That is unless you're a fucking pussy afraid of copyright. I bet I could break you in half, pipsqueak. I retreat to the gym often.
I bet you're twelve.
This is some real hipster bullshit. What advantage does this have over brand new chink MP3 players that don't have totally shit batteries and displays, when that's much smaller and cheaper than a new disk?
Getting one is pretty retarded in light of the other brands out there with tactile buttons and everything. But I do use mine on a daily basis because I've been doing so for years. Ain't broke (apart from the battery I replaced for tenbux) so I ain't gonna fix it. It's just nice that it lasted me this long.
I have second gen 4gb mini with original internals. I should probably change the battery and get bigger storage.
Muh upgradeability and wolfson dac. Its sturdier than generic chinkshit too.
Personal preference in hardware. I love the clickwheel, it's the best way to use a PMP I've ever experienced. I'd rather pour the cost of 10 chink players into an iPod than buy a chink player. Plus it's neat as fuck that I can crack open my PMP and upgrade the storage to a higher capacity HDD, SSD, CF card, or SD card.
I have a 6th gen Classic that I keep plugged up in my car.
It's pretty nice having a USB audio interface.
I've read on forums that you can just plug in a flash drive and it'll work the same, but I've never gotten around to testing.
my ipod isn't exactly "old school" but i do have a 3rd gen ipod nano 4gb that i take with me on road trips and shit
iPods feel good, their click wheels feel good, easy to find parts and stuff
for me: part of the deal is also the fact that I couldn't afford iPods in the mid 2000s, but I kinda thought they were nice. so I'm just fulfilling an old desire, since it is cheap nowadays
there's also the fact that rockbox is neat as fuck, I wouldn't trust chink firmwares to be nice
Considering current year, why is anyone using this over Spotify, which has offline playlists?
I really want to know.
>paying to listen to music you dont even own copies of
>I shiggy diggy
also its because they're built fairly well in comparison to chink mp3 players
I don't want to pay 120 euros a year for using a proprietary client to listen to music that I don't get to keep.
But I consider my little boycott a sacrifice: as far as pure pragmatism goes, I'd love to use Spotify. It has more of my favorite music than I can pirate.
Also when I actually consider the cost, it is kind of a lot of money:
If I assume that I can buy a new album for 10-20 euros. either as a digital download with no DRM or as CD or even vinyl... Well, I can buy 6-12 albums a year with the Spotify money. I'd rather buy the occasional masterpiece/unavailable-for-piracy album than pay Spotify. And I buy the best albums anyway, usually.
>I buy the best albums anyway
Sup Forumscore trash doesn't count
just buy the music off bandcamp, the most free music content distribution network around
my Sup Forumscore phase was years ago, friend
I've probably still got like 50 Sup Forums-approved albums on vinyl, though. Three copies of both of the albums of Neutral Milk Hotel, yay!
that is my preferred method when available and priced well, yeah
i bet you all cowards don't even have a Zune
>zune is dead and is never coming back
why did this meme have to die?
I have one, got a shit replacement battery
what's recommended?
it's rip forever. i liked mine a lot, but the connectors all died on me.
guess they weren't made too great
zune software >>>> itunes
Neither iPods or Zunes could touch this.
>drag & drop interface for music transfer (it did require official Creative software, but it had a file explorer interface available so it was hardly a big thing)
>30 or 60GB storage
>could record radio on it, decent voice recording
>shipped with a line out adapter
>relatively easy to open up and replace stuff
Nowadays the mustard race is probably modded iPod with Rockbox, though. Or Cowon or Sansa.
They had such a nice design, too. Particularly the chunky, smooth metal back with the Zen thing in the middle.
I loved my Cowon S9 back in the day.
also nice
>used miniUSB
I bet you're unemployed.
Because I'm not going spend >$100/year to rent music. I'd much rather put that money towards buying CDs. Plus my iPod drives my headphones better than my phone does and has line-out.
Not since I have a smartphone with a fat sdcard I don't.
I did use an iPod shuffle until '12. Pretty nice device and there was a python script available to sync its music database so you just used it as a flash drive.