Int foo[5];

int foo[5];

What is the type of foo? You should know this.

foo is a pointer to an int array of size 5.

in C

>foo is a pointer
Whoops! Would you like to try again?

*foo is equivalent to foo[0]
*(foo + 4) is equivalent to foo[4]

so yes, it's a pointer.

"array of 5 integers"
What is the point of this thread?

arrays are convertibles to pointers through a standard conversion but aren't pointers.

>Can be dereferenced like pointers


foo is an array of 5 ints.

So, of course, &foo is a pointer to an array of 5 ints.

Try running
printf("%p %p %p %p", foo, foo + 1, &foo, &foo + 1);

int foo[5];
foo[0] = 2;
printf("%d %p %p", *foo, foo, &foo);

2 0x7ffecdb99b00 0x7ffecdb99b00

>I don't know what decay is

The type is "array of 5 int".

fcking retards
foo is pointer, array is only imaginary word
foo points to address based on [x] as foo + type * x

&foo is a reference
*fpointer = &foo is a pointer

>array is only imaginary word
wow, it's not even a real word? Look at that!

its type is
>sub esp, 5*sizeof(int)

Arrays are automatically passed as a ref went sent as a parameter to functions..

And what about foo + 1 and &foo + 1? In this example they should end in 9b04 and 9b14 respectively.

Foo+1 4 bytes
Foo+2 10 bytes

Use sizeof senpai, you'll be surprised

Use vectors

Stop using C.

printf("sizeof(int): %d\n", sizeof(int));
printf("sizeof(int*): %d\n", sizeof(int *));
printf("sizeof(int **): %d\n", sizeof(int **));

int foo[5];
foo[0] = 2;
printf("%d %p %p %p %p\n", *foo, foo, &foo, foo+1, &foo+1);

2 0x7ffc80a982c0 0x7ffc80a982c0 0x7ffc80a982c4 0x7ffc80a982d4

fuck forgot the rest
sizeof(int): 4
sizeof(int*): 8
sizeof(int **): 8

I don't you did that correct

Wouldn't it make sense that a pointer is 64 bits on a 64bit arch? Int is only guaranteed to be between char and long

>this thread
you really need to find more interesting things to argue about

Arrays and pointers are actually slightly different in C. In C an array also has information about the number of elements if it was allocated on the stack. This allows you to use sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]) to get the number of elements in the array. This only works on arrays and not pointers as the size of a pointer is just whatever size your machine uses (32 or 64 bits).

I know it's type is int[5], but only because I saw some of the retarded sycophants on #C on freenode pitch a fit about it once to satisfy one of that channel's admins.

fucked that up, was originally going to type "it's int[5]"...