TIS 100 Player going into programing

Hello Sup Forumsentlemen.
Newfag on this board, comming over from /biz/. I've recently played a game called TIS 100 and really enjoyed it. I've never coded in my life and entering into this world, I was amazed on how much fun I had completing the puzzles. Although the first few were easy I started getting stuck on a few ahead but it made me question myself:
How would one go into starting to learn how to program? Also, what is Sup Forums's most recommended language for people like me?

Other urls found in this thread:


google "python tutorial"

Python is for plebs, learn java

Assembly is the closest language to TIS 100. Tessellations of nodes are known as threading in programming. However, if you want to build something actually useful and your last name isn't Sawyer, I would recommend learning Python 3 or Java 8 instead.

Atmel AVR assembler language.

How would one go about choosing between Python and Java? Everywhere is see on this board, Python is always being mocked for being slow and all that. I'll be completely honest, I don't know too much about this stuff, that's why i'm asking for help.
If it helps, I'd love to make small 2d indie games, especially racing 2d games, I'd really like to do that.

The slowest thing these days is the programmer and how smart he is
If you want speed you wouldn't even use java either, it's just enterprise stuff for some reason

Python is slower but faster to write with. If you want to write simple scripts that gets the job done and performance isn't a huge issue, pick python. I've regularly ported my python scripts to other languages (sometimes because I want native support) and my code length would usually be about triple the length of my python code.
C++ is the general language used for game programming, there are some python frameworks like kivy however.

Which is more recomended to make non browser games like the one I mentioned above?

java is for code monkeys, learn c

So would you recomend learning Python and then C++ or would it be possible to start with C++?

this desu

It is very possible to start with C++ and it would teach you a lot of good programming habits. I would however recommend starting with python as it is unlikely that you would be able to do anything useful with your C++ knowledge while you could do practically anything a few weeks into learning Python.

Can you make games in python with textures and maps?

Try LISP!!!!!!
Pick LISP!
You gonna like it!

why C and not C++?
What's the big difference? The other user is telling me to go C++ and you guys tell me otherwise, can you explain?

Neither, use c# and unity. You'll actually get somewhere.

You could do that with any language, a python game would naturally run much slower.
C++ was built atop the C language and almost everything in C is usable in C++ as well. The C++ language adds several things to the C language including object oriented programming which makes your program much more scalable. Almost all gaming companies and gaming frameworks use C++ to code their game with the exception of unity's C#.

Jesus, so many different opinions. First java, then python, then assembler, C and C++, now you're suggesting C#.
Kek can you guys make your mind?

There's a lot of retards on here that shill c because they're in their first year of cs and haven't actually done any real programming yet, it's certainly not appropriate for making games with. C++ is fine but you'll waste your time learning the language while not getting anything done on your projects. C# is a good starting point. The syntax is very similar to c and c++ so you could move on later without too much trouble and you won't give up because your leaking memory and crashing your program and you can't figure out why. C# my man. It's a perfect start point.

I've suggested every single language there in the thread, but I also maintained throughout that you should learn python first and move to C++ it you're serious about game programming. Why don't you make up your mind instead? As programming is mostly logical, it is not hard to transfer your knowledge of one language to another.

t. user who has done them all

Why not c# instead of python. If he wants to make games then c# and unity is a metric fuckton better then python and pygame. And there equivalent in terms of the time it'll take to learn them. Also c# will give him a grounding in c style syntax so he could move on later to other c style languages. With python he'll still be trying to blit sprites to the screen a year in.

/biz/ is the most cancerous board on Sup Forums. I mean theyre all kinda bad but /biz/ is on another level. Its literally a giant cringe thread. I go there to laugh at losers like you

Because learning C# for a single framework (unity isn't even that great) is an awful idea and C# is far more similar to Java than it is to C++, which requires heavy use of pointers for example. He will not be able to do anything useful with C# for a long time unless he gets into xamarin or .net anyways.

Python allows him to be productive from the get go.

Unity is that great lad.
t. Someone who really has used them all.

I've done many aspects of C# including Linq, .NET, Xamarin, Mono and any other weird framework you can think of. C# is hands down my favorite language but unity has a reputation of being a terrible mess. He will want to learn to do a UI some day and Qt (which exists on both Python and C++) is perfect for that.

But the guy wants to make games and pygame is really really basic and pretty crappy. I suppose JavaScript would be fine to learn. Plenty of html5 frameworks to choose from and you could still use unity with JavaScript for writing anything actually good. I still think c# is better then python for games though, it's faster, it's massively supported and the tools and frameworks are the best by a country mile. Depends on whether the guy wants to make a game or just piss around in python i suppose.

Unity just got a totally new UI system that's actually very very good. The old one was fucking shit I'll give you that but 5.6 is the nuts mate. It's jumped up a good few levels in the last year. I was a confirmed ue4 c++ fanatic until going back to look at unity a few months ago. Things have really developed.

>can barely speak English
>expecting anyone to take you serious
the power of Lisp

Learn C and fuck off back to /biz/ kike

Pygame is crappy yes, but I also mentioned kivy in the thread much earlier. Unity is a piece of crap and picking up C++ and unreal engine is much more time efficient if he's really serious about game programming (chances are he'll soon realize how difficult it is and quit).
We might as well go full Node.js now.

Again unity really has upped it's game in the 5.6 release. I swear it's better for small to mid size projects then anything else now.
Ue4 is great but the binary sizes are crazy large and the mad templating in c++ is quite tough to get on board with. With unity you can have a rough game working in hours instead of weeks. And it'll run fine on mobiles too, if that's your thing.

All right, that sounds good! C# seems like a good middleground between hard and easy to learn according to the internet.
Yeah, that looks like a good plan. I've done some research and found out Python is the most fun language to write on for beginners since it's so similar to our normal language, and it helps to keep motivated and wanting to learn more. I'm thinking the best path to take would be to learn Python first and then move to C#, that way I can start easy and move progressively into more complicated territory.

On a different note, have you guys seen what SethBling does in minecraft? I'd love to have the knowledge to create what he creates inside a game, like emulators and calculators and stuff with the command blocks. Is anyone interested in that type of thing over here?

>Unity 5.6
Guess I'll have to go and check it out then. I still would recommend python over c# because of how OP doesn't have a damn clue about the difficulty of game programming, and that python is so easy to pick up that even if he was to drop it, it can hardly be considered a waste of time since most of his knowledge is transferable. Besides, being able to do whatever you want quickly is immensely satisfying for a new programmer.

Yeah op, go look up a bit of both. See what suits you more. C# or Python you can argue about but either of them is still gonna be much much better then c, c++ or java.

I said I'm more inclined to do small and simple 2d games, getting serious isn't really my priority. Just looking for your guys' opinion on what would be recommended for a fag like me.

I know sites like codeacademy teach the basics of most programing languages but they unfortunately don't teach C#. Is there any website you'd recommend me to learn from, like the website you used to learn C# yourself? I know I can use google and easily find a bunch of tutorials but I'd like to know if there's some good websites Sup Forums would recommend to learning C#.

I know I'm shilling unity pretty hard at this point but these will get you up and running pretty quick if you decide to try it.

for Python people are mostly butthurt over significant whitespace, which means how indented something is is part of the language
for Java people are mostly butthurt over the huge data structures everything is in and how much helper (or "boilerplate") code is needed for a lot of tasks

This. Java gives me sore fingers.

>What's the big difference?
there isn't much difference at all, until you get a long way into the language and start running up against its limitations
C and C++ have very different ways of extending the language and C++ has more built-in ability to give structure to your data and code and make things separate or integrated

All right dude, thank you very much for your time, this is exactily what I needed!

So pretty much, it doesn't matter because i'll be doing simple stuff. If it doesn't matter, then why not learn the easiest of them? Which one is the easiest you'd say?

You should have said video games from the start
If you want to learn basic programming you may want python then move on once you've got the idea to C#, C++, or whatever the game engine you want to use is (it will probably be one of those two)

But odds are you can't do that and will get stuck on details/syntax rather than solutions, so just pick an engine and go with what it has. As for the engine itself, dunno lol

You may as well just pick one, though. Is it so awful to learn something and move on if you don't like it?

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