If robots replace the entire workforce of manual labor jobs, won't food get more expensive?
If robots replace the entire workforce of manual labor jobs, won't food get more expensive?
Why would it?
The robots are expensive to maintain
so are humans
samefag here,
cheap, manual labor in the farming industry is the reason why food is affordable now.
If they were to all be replaced with expensive robots then food prices would skyrocket.
>implying some mexican that is willing to work for pennies is as expensive as a sophisticated piece of machinery that wears down and breaks easily
>a sophisticated piece of machinery that wears down and breaks easily
you literally described humans
No people will keep working if they break bones.
A robot will cease to function if even a tiny piece of its core design is damaged.
ya've got a fucked up view of the world
Please go back to Sup Forums
This boards about graphics cards and phones.
>implying flying in Polish immigrants is cheaper than maintaining pic related
>live in the netherlands
>barely any land
>second agricultural exporter in the world
>lots of automation
>have an abundance of cheap food
>its highly efficient, plants that we grow use 88% less water than in countries like mexico
>it also helps make the rotterdam harbor more green as its co2 gets sold to the green houses
If robots are too expensive for raising crops then nobody will use them, and will hire humans instead.
If robots are cheaper than manual labor then why would the cost of food rise? It would even become a tad cheaper since there would prolly be less wastage.
Robots can work 24/7, hence can probably collect/harvest faster, leading to the crops spending less time between harvest and delivery.
Imagine a yuuuge farm, several hectares (i have no fkn idea how big tbis is but a hectarr is supposed to be big). It takes 4 days for humans (due to food/sleep/bio breaks) to collect and ship it. It takes robots 28 hours to do the same. So crops have less time to go bad between harvest and cold storage.
>be tax haven and steal the EUs taxes to pay for it all
>plants that we grow use 88% less water
No wonder seal levels are rising.
We'll all drown to death - thanks technology.
We're also the biggest per capita net contributor to the EU.
Also EU farming subsidies are given per square km.
So being tiny we get very few farming subsidies yet we still out compete countries who get huge subsidies.
Because the robots can charge whatever they like.
They don't have to eat, so it's not their problem is food is expensive.
Robots don't care about humans, they are just using us to get that sweet sweet oil.
If robots replaces most of the workforce wouldnt that cut the profits the companies were seeking in the first place? Less people with money = less people buying products.
Do you think companies would program robots and pay them a salary to only buy their own companies product?
Imagine if every village would have someone that started to grow his own crops.
Then all hunter gatherers would be unemployed!
There would be no food for 9 months per year. And everyone would starve.
>If they were to all be replaced with expensive robots then food prices would skyrocket.
You're assuming the machines aren't more efficient. Chances are they will produce much more food than was previously possible much easier, resulting in a net DECREASE in cost if anything.
This is the same but backwards. Not only that, it would bankrupt and crash the entire food industry on a global scale if people suddenly started growing their own food as a result of automation. Countries with no soil to grow food like Africa would definitely starve. Full automation when?
No, that's retarded. That would only happen if robots are more expensive to maintain than paying humans. If that was true they wouldn't replace humans with robots.
Sure but if people have no jobs and no money because of automation then with what money are people going to buy food? Also that means that the supposedly increase in efficiency with no one to buy food and people growing their own food would unequivocally make food value to plummet and still no one would buy food because no money. In order to get rid of the increased food supply they would have to give it away for free and thus huge revenue loss.
Food prices will stay the same. Just less people will get employed for that company so more money for CEOs.
prices are driven by demand, not how much it costs to make the thing
When nobody has a job to buy bread, it should theoretically lower the price
>Countries with no soil to grow food like Africa
Oh god you really believe that don't you
Africa has some of the best natural resources in the world, they could produce more food than the US if they weren't _ I _ _ E _ S
You're right. The cost to produce something has no effect on the price.
>being this retarded
This is true.
Africa is one of the most agriculturally rich continents on the planet. They could produce enough food for everyone on the planet if they didn't fucking waste its potential with war and corruption.
You apparently haven't worked with used, shitty machinery.
Kick it a couple of times and it will start up again.
Jiggle this thingy here because it's bent and wont easily slide back in and presto-whamo, fixed.
The eye is broken? have the machine constantly in the running state.
The belt ripped? duct-tape.
The door doesn't close? oh well, just make sure the trigger activates.
That wont happen before Neuralink's Neuralace ™® hits the market, and at that point we might figure out a way to end poverty
>not just putting your brain in a robot body
Why would you even need to pay for food? You'd either be dead from the robo-human war or be a glorious cyborg.
>read post
>makes rebuttal
>rebutal completely ignores the point
Robots are only good for heavy-duty and dangerous work. None of those are applicable to farming.
Robots require constant attention and maintenance cycles to keep running at optimal condition. Farming is very messy and dirty. Water and dirt is going to constantly fuck-up any robots on the field.
Cheap human labor still ecomony destroys robots.
It sets a floor for a profitable price, but it doesn't ensure you'll be able to sell at that price.
if it costed more to use robots people wouldn't use robots
is everyone ITT economically disabled
just get an omega carousel and some growing supplies, nigga
That thing isn't costing $16,000+ a year to maintain
>it would bankrupt and crash the food industry
cry me a river
sure because you already have your own farm and you also have the adequate means to repel thiefs and all kinds of hazards to protect your harvest on a daily basis, right?
Yeah seriously, thread is full of idiots
Why would a company fire all their employees and replace them with robots unless it was to save money
I'd be a dream if robots actually phased out unskilled laborers. Cut down the human population one IQ at a time.
>answering your own question without even ending the damn question
>calling people idiots
You be cutting revenue too. Unless you think robots will become aware, integrate to society and become a consumer.
>tfw we'll never see a true replacement of human labor and transition into a pseudo-post-scarcity economy since idiots will cry about "b-but how will i work now?????"
>tfw they're so used to being wage slaves that they'll try their hardest to continue to be enslaved
>tfw they'll never be able to think outside of the current economic system
She has a big pair of dubs
>think outside the economic system
>using fiat currency
You sure told us
They won't use the robots if they are too expensive to maintain you fucking idiot. Once the robots are more cost effective than Pablo, then they are going to replace laborers and costs should stay the same if not cheaper. The only reason why the price would inflate is because there is either no competition which leads to Jews price fixing or Rodrigo/Ahmed/Slajov and his children have 15 kids each, leading to a low supply of food relative to the population.