So this is the power of Ryzen

So this is the power of Ryzen

Other urls found in this thread:

it's the power of open sores

Found the problem.

The benchmarks are invalid!

New platform, it needs some software work.
Plus, nice nitpicking Shlomo Shekelstein.

It'll be on par soon I s-s-swear

oh, you found that one time when for 5 days dota2 was broken again 1.5 months ago
good on you

>Consumerist shills advocating and baiting each other over 2 companies.

I hope you all get shot.

>t. starving turd worlder posting from nokia asha

So you picked an outlier benchmark, in an uncommon API, on Linux, out of a whole suite of tests that weren't a tenth as bad as this?

Intel shills really are running out of ammunition.

It already is in some games where it wasn't on launch. What will you fake-stutter when some becomes all?

Probably something fucked in your settings.

These aren't fanboys starting these threads, they're actually paid to do this by intel's marketing department.

Usually the hire a contractor / marketer that isn't actually part of the company.


t. triggered poorfag


i need work pls

>he want's to shitpost
Two can play that game

>Also on Loonix + Gahnoo
>Also a MOBA
just kill yourself

Being so much of a faggot that you actually compare computer processors on gaming performance.

It j-j-just needs a BIOS update then it'll be on par.

people still go to that shithole?

>average on the 6950x/5960x increases with OBS
Yeah, I'm sure there's NOTHING wrong with this data whatsoever!
Thanks happy merchant for revolutionary technology that gets better the more load you put on it and proving it with these infallible benchmarks!


>He has fake benchmarks
Pic related>he's trying to hide his stutter
Quote related

>He has fake benchmarks
Pic related

>he's trying to hide his stutter
Quote related


> stock vs. overclock
every time

Point to me which one of these CPUs is overclocked

is this thread for people that missed last two months?
Ryzen fastest maturing platform ever at this point, no CPU release got so much performance from code updates.

The problem is Valve, they're literally garbage-tier programmers and source 2 is something straight out of 2007. It's unbelievable how bad the engine is.

He's just mad that I pointed out that TechSpot doesn't know how to benchmark properly.

>It's on linux so it doesn't count
How retarded are you?

It's on Linux what did you expect quality software?

thank god i haven't fallen for this Sup Forums meme.

Yep, power of Ryzen with shitty code.

I expected AMD not to be shit.

> the 7700k runs shitty code 50% faster
> intel b-b-btfo

this desu, it's pathetic as the Ball spammers on Sup Forums

Nice backpedaling.

How was that backpedaling? Are you using a random retort generator?

This is the power of Ryzen.


Why does Intel even exist?

Stability and consistency is overrated, buy the latest and greatest meme on Sup Forums



OY vey you're not posting Intel Sponsored Windows Graphs, you're getting fired Rabdul

are you trying to trick weekend people with day0 benchmarks? on Sup Forums of all places?

Probably this benchmark was done without dedicated gpu, since ryzen don't have one.

Can you imagine first day memory latency was 90ns? intel had to make 3 generations of IMC to com down this much

>with 2133MHz memory

>still slower than a 6900k and 6950X


and after all those years feeding us that TDP is everything, we will focus on TDP instead of performance - they lost
they didn't just lose, they lost with 2 less cores

not AMDs fault Linux cucks can't code for shit.

not to mention this little flaw on most popular intel CPU.


You know, there are two types of software, Multi-Threaded and Single-Threaded, if your software is Single-Threaded it means your 4Core CPU is only going to use 1 Core or less because of Hyper-Threading.

Number of cores is irrelevant unless you have software to support it.

"clock" is responsible for bandwidth not latency
it's not like cpu/gpu

3200 means Mt/s not Ghz, it's just easier to sell with Ghz attached

Higher clocked memory on Zen lowers both cross CCX communication (latency) and memory controller latency.

do you know what a GHz is, no fuck it, do you know what 1 hertz is?

>"clock" is responsible for bandwidth not latency
Sure thing shlomo.

It also lowers latency on Intels, but less drastically.


I was wrong, even so, still improved quite a bit compared to mid march.

Of course one can set smaller timings when memory is running at smaller feequency but nonetheless memory can handle more requests if it has higher frequency. Smaller timings means that memory will respond faster and bigger frequency means that interval between subsequent requests will be smaller.

730ms difference

A stutter is a stutter. Your eyes aren't gonna care if it's 500ms or 750ms.


>1 new post

AFAIK Dota was patched very fast.

Fuck off with those benchmarks, everyone already know that Ryzen in fact now performs about as good as intel


That's dota vulkan which is a huge mess which I don't think they've fixed yet. With opengl I'm getting something like 140 fps with [email protected] and RX480 using the opensource drivers

That's because they used Novidya GPU's. They stutter on Ryzen and Intel. Try again with an AMD GPU.

Infinity fabric is another name for AMD's new uncore that auto OCs with faster memory modules

It just intel thing

absolutely this
why would someone post shit like this who owns an Intel and is satisfied?

Oh. Dota Vulan was always a mess. DX11 is a best right now.