"select all squares with vehicles"

>"select all squares with vehicles"
>all 16 squares have vehicles

>Select X until there are no X left

Whoever made this deserves to be raped to death by a hyena

1) Select all squares
2) ???
3) Profit

>it's a "pictures are intentionally slow to load" episode



No, they deserve to be cut all over their body with a razor and then stuffed in a bath of salt and lemon juice.

Where are you guys going that you have to solve captchas so often?

I use them maybe once a month tops.

Unless you buy pass, you are lying

Yes, so you guys are complaining about captchas on Sup Forums when there's a very easy way to avoid them with a small fee?


you can see his pass faggot
besides old-style captcha is the best way to minimize your services to the Google Botnetâ„¢

>Select all squares with X
>Doesn't specify to avoid squares without X
>Select them all

>"select all squares with vehicles"
>some squares have a tiny little bit of a vehicle visible in it and you're not sure whether it counts or not

>what is browsing the Internet over Tor

Like the entire fucking Internet is behind CloudFlare and it's always RECAPTCHA.

It only gives me the old one like half the time.

Wtf i only get the I'm not a robot one

Didnt show on my shitty userstyle ;-;

>select all pictures with apartment building
>has street signs too
>i click the street signs without even thinking since that's what I've been doing for months
I am going to end Google by my own hand.

>More than one burger
>Small fee
K man

>select all sandwiches
>makes you select hot dogs

>select all squares with street signs
>clearly visible street sign on green field on exactly 2 squares
>know before clicking submit it's not going to accept it because it NEVER accepts 2 squares

>meat surrounded by bread
>not a sandwich somehow

Is beef wellington a sandwich to you?

>two pieces of bread

Is pastry bread tho?

Good point. I guess that means it's a pie and a hot dog is a sandwich.

Nah, see , Hotdogs only 1 piece of bread

You don't rip the bun down the seam?
What kind of animal are you?

What if you rip the bun on its seam and make it two separate pieces? Does that make it a sandwich?

I'd also like to add that at Subway they cut the loaf down the middle but leave a seam just like a hot dog. Are you saying Subway doesn't make sandwiches?

I guess then yeah its a sandwich. Also, does anyone actually do that on purpose?

No it's an artisinal hot dog.

Going on the definition no, but i guess we can say they make 'Sub Sandwiches' that are not classed as regular sandwiches but are their own thing?

They make subs you retard.

>take piece of loaf bread
>put hammondcheese on it
>fold it in half
is it a sandwich?

What if I were to assemble a sandwich and then somehow fuse the bread into one piece with the meat/other fillings still stuffed inside? Would it still be a sandwich?

Nah, definition, has to be 2 seperate pieces. I guess a primitive homemade sub?

>not using legacy
Only thing is it won't let me make a new thread if I have legacy enabled. Have to switch to the squares one.

No, then it's a taco.

Nah that sounds like a toastie, if its warmed at least, if its cold i have no idea

>paying for Sup Forums

Sup Forums - Sandwiches

>user with a pass logo
>not a fagtron somehow

>click square
>it disappears
I always give up when that happens.

Just use reCAPTCHA v1 you retard

Try creating a thread with legacy CAPTCHA

That doesn't seem to be an issue

where's your thread, lad?

I don't know what to make a thread about

make one about web browser rice since yours seems to be (((poorly))) riced
