They keep doing it.
They keep doing it
Other urls found in this thread:
I switched to SeaMonkey.
Doing what?
Switched to vivaldi
They keep doing what, putting cute little daily tips at the bottom of the home page? What is the issue?
use waterfox, ppl
I bloated my Waterfox with addons, need to make a clean install.
In the meantime, Vivaldi hasn't failed me yet.
Installed Iridium, never launched it once.
But even on Waterfox, it happens.
could they just stop?
I don't know what kind of userbase they are targeting but it clearly left a long ago
regular, socially mature adults is their target i imagine, so maybe you should find a different browser user
You keep using that as the homepage.
Eating sweets before main course is healthier because it makes stomach ready for digesting and avoids further fermenting and therefore gases (tastebuds) if eaten after main course.
thead from the other day had one encouraging users to tell their "squad" about it, so idk if socially mature adults is their target demograph
Or how about not eating sweets at all unless you're a 13 year old child.
Maybe if you ate more sweets you wouldn't be such a grumpy puss
Imagine being so autistic that you make a thread on a chinese cartoon imageboard to complain about a harmless blurb on the homepage of your browser.
Certainly they're not targeting people unable to change their home page.
This shit ain't cute at all.
clear browser.aboutHomeSnippets.updateUrl in about:config
I installed the test pilot extension with tab center, video thingy and enabled all the telemetry.
Make Firefox Great Again!
>Eat dessert first
Way to ruin your appetite.
Shit that are doing is beyond the limits. That's why I switched to Chromium
>eating in the morning at all
>eating more than once day
People do this?! o.O
>not eating 12 tiny meals spaced throughout the day
It's like you don't even want to be healthy.
How is that healthy? You're killing your heart doing what you said.
firefox users must be fat as fuck
Agree. It's fucking annoying and just blatant pandering to the reddit crowd.
Wow, my web browser is telling me to eat my dessert before the main meal - how random, funny and quirky! XD
I love how the latest update broke more extensions than ever too.
Find a major browser which has a default start page that doesn't suck.
IE/Edge: Fucking MSN.
Chrome: Full scale Google search page with your recent history tacked on bottom.
Firefox: Reduced Google search field with shitty feel-good blurbs.
Opera/Vivaldi: See Firefox, but without the latter.
Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host
Welcome to the botnet.
Large, infrequent meals lead to weight gain for most people.
>killing your heart doing what you said
How the fuck did you reach that conclusion?
Still better than sjw google
Idk, I weight 48kg (normally 52-53kg) and 1,75m height. I'm used to eat once a day food and later some fruit (banana, orange, kiwi..) or yogurt. Been doing this for six or seven years, mostly due to limited spare time.
>How the fuck did you reach that conclusion?
Your heart rate goes up right after you eat.
never gonna make it
Stop attentionwhoring, retard
Nah. I'm distancing myself from sugar.
Insulin is bad, and a coffee with a spoon of honey is enough desert for me for a day.
I'm a Firefox user and I can confirm this.
Just use a custom home page.
>mostly due to limited spare time
>limited spare time
>will still gladly argue about the choice of group policy options in windows threads
>>How the fuck did you reach that conclusion?
>Your heart rate goes up right after you eat.
You can't make this shit up.
I bet there's at least 10 women employed to come up with these amazing tips.
>Not using about:newtab as you homepage.
>have firefox open in the background
>suddenly my modem lights start flashing
>go into resource monitor to see whats up
>firefox is using 100% of my bandwidth to download something
>does this shit every time i leave it unattended for a few minutes
god firefox is fucking garbage
still wont switch to chrome though, that trainwreck definitely isnt getting anywhere near my computer
>what are updates
You can test it by yourself.
have that shit off
Your heart rate can increase depending on what and how much you're eating, that's not the point.
The point is that you believe a slightly higher heart rate is "killing your heart"
Your heart's longevity is measured in a finite number of heart beats.
>ukranian education
big bait
>leftist brainwashing
Don't forget how trained the heart fibers are,
whether the blood-flow is thicker or thinner depending on Iron and not enough hydration and various other things,
whether the heart is beating harder or lighter thus implying heart-strain and how it is trained to beat each day, etc. etc. etc.
And whether organs are pushing up against the heart and creating pressure on it, like with gigantic fat fucks whose lard pushes upwards when they are sitting.
>people in Sup Forums who aren't whiny spergs with a victim-mentality.
If it can be engineered, it can be reverse-engineered.
Ofcourse pressure is also an important factor. Regardless, your heart works a lot more right after you've eaten.
Daily exercise will also allow lower heart rates while resting.
Like it or not, the people that say things like "squad" are the socially mature adults of today. Quit acting like a "le wrong generation" kid.
Firecucks will defend this
ITT: buttmad firefucks users
>american education
But exercises will make your heart beat more, therefore they are bad as eating.
Health experts are recommending against many small meals these days because people are inclined to eat junk food as their mini meals instead of healthy.
It'd be a pain to cook healthy food at the stove 12 times in a day.
If you think you can avoid eating chips as one of your 12 meals, go ahead. But practically speaking, it isn't advisable for the most of the population.
Plus if you are really trying to be hardcore anyways, you'd want to do the crazy bodybuilding strategy "intermittent fasting" where they eat literally one big meal a day and fast the rest, allowing them to simultaneously gain muscle and lose fat.
/fit/ btfo
You are severely underweight. It's probably more like your heart rate slows down some time after eating to conserve as much energy as possible.
i made google my homepage
>15,67 BMI
You are dying.
thanks mrs skeltal
Do you suffer from down syndrome?
search snippet
change result to blank string for the url
open folder
delete /storage/permanent/something../moz+something
>You still get a snippet but it's just the get addons one.
Bad goy!
You should be thanking Mozilla for providing you with fat lesbian thoughts of the day!
Eating sweets is for fatties