Your month and year of birth

>Your month and year of birth
>Main technology which was featured on the cover of MIT technology review

Forgot mine:
>october 92
>Virtual Reality

Blimey, I'm old.







fuck CIA alien nigger


No issue in september 1990. No tech for me.

same for me :(

Only after 26 years we have waited for this with CRISPR technology


go away dianna



You are old enough to be my father, yet I'm old enough to browse Sup Forums. How does that make you feel?



It was back in 19tickety2.
We had to say tickety because the Kaiser had stolen the word thirty.
Of course old Uncle Sam called up his boys to get it back.
We must have chased that rascal for tickety miles before zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


>June 92
>No issue was published

October 1972



Free as in freedom.


Wow this is fun guys!

...Who's gonna tell him?

Reported for being underage, enjoy your b&

You must be fun at parties.

>may 99
Underage b&