How do you justify your inferior computer?

How do you justify your inferior computer?

its all i need
im selling all my other computer shit right now on ebay
im gonna use the funds for more 90's thinkpads to refurbish

[X] Can browse Sup Forums
[X] Can watch anime

Look at my highend workstation. Behold my power!
[X] Can browse Sup Forums
[X] Can play ME3MP

Everything you need.

I enjoy shit posts like this.

It really separates the insecure consumerist drone from the truly knowledgeable and enlightened.

I would rather have a shit computer than be an autistic forever virgin.

[X] Can I watch youtube
[X] Can I browse Sup Forums
[X] Can I do school work

i can't afford any better

>82MB Sony Memory Stick

>Dual 1080 TI
>to play Java based Minecraft shit.

It was my husband's machine before he died.

I dropped a new GPU, some RAM and a few displays and drives into it. Honestly wouldn't know what to do with the mobo/CPU.

All I do with it is Modo and Photoshop for painting with a doc avg of 20k x 20k. Its a bit laggy sometimes in 3D coat or when I'm sculpting but I'm not really sure what to do with it moving forwards. A bit choppy with texturing in Quixel or Substance too. I thought 32GB of RAM seemed excessive until I started regularly averaging a use of 25GB p.much every day.

Tinkering with Unreal is kinda fun. The visual scripting is very easy. I don't know dick about hardware and came from a background of macs and private torrent trackers for all my software.

I am nublet.

I'm a hobbyist programmer and occasional netflix watcher. My laptop is fine.

How else can I brag to anonymous people on the internet about how aesthetically cool I am for using shitty hardware.


Using new computers is unnecessary. Older computers are just as good for work, if not better because you spent less money on it.


Video games are for children. Having fun detracts from optimizing my time to advance my career.


Music is the only form expression necessary. True eleite programmers like myself listen only to lo-fi hip hop beats in FLAC.


Smartphones are a scam, old nokia bricks will last a lifetime. Why bother with apps when you have eliminated the need for "fun" and "social lives" from your own life.


Masturbation is unhealthy, wasting your precious life seed will destory your motivation. Why bother with more than monitor then? The second monitor only serves to distract and it will be used for porn to spoil my no-fap streak.


The Botnet. THE BOTNET



its not that bad is it?

I've been using a laptop for 2 years with no desktop as a main. I'm building a desktop next month after i graduate with my degree. What should I expect. Are we at 8 core 4ghz cpus yet?

Unless you want to go full blow "TEH ULTIMAE GAMIN REEEEEEEGGGGGGG" most of the performance is going to come from your RAM and GPU. An i5 is still all you need unless you're looking to do 60fps at 4k.

What about if I'm looking for graphical media A/V work? I do 3D modeling and architecture for a living, as well as mess around in Sony Vegas and Video encoding on occasion. Still an i5?

You wasted your life. Art is an unworthy endeavor and the fruits of your labor will soon turn rotten. IF you wish to repent, abandon your shitty fucking mac, get a refurbished thinkpad, give up art and learn to program. The path to Nirvana lies in the ways of the techno hermit.

Both browse facebook at max settings.

I'm on your side buddy, dont worry. I run windows 7 on a sager laptop. I'm not that kind of graphics guy. I'll be working in an engineering field soon, no starbucks and Macs for me

Download GPU-Z, and under Sensors check your GPU load when you're lagging. If it's 100% then the 750 Ti is holding you back. Or if the memory usage is pegged at the full 2GB.

They're what came up on Craigslist.

You THINK you are on my side, but you too are the enemy and your don't even fucking know it!

You're still part of the botnet. Get rid of windows. Get rid of your whole fucking computer. Start from the beginning.

Now give me fifty Install Gentoos and repent.

(In all seriousness I thought you were replying to my earlier shitpost, If you work in AV may as well go the extra mile and get an i7 and GTX 1080ti. I honsetly have no idea how Ryzen compares but if the programs you use are designed for multi-core support and are ryzen compatible the extra cores might help)
