You have 30 seconds to justify using linux with systemd
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GNU's Not Unix
poettering gave me 50 bux to install it, so i installed it in a few thousand VMs
When I updated Debian to Stretch and replaced systemd with sysvinit it crashed every few days. Now I'm running Jessie and just haven't bothered switching the init
>not installing with systemd removed
It's an SBC, I'm just using the prebuilt OS with a custom kernel with support added for the SoC that I can flash without an installer.
The Linux kernel, I believe, is clean. As long as Linus lives, you're not going to subvert the kernel. Let's just assume that is true for the sake of argument. If you can't get into the kernel, what is your next option? You need something low level (PID 1?), ubiquitous, and vast in scope and complexity.
This describes systemd perfectly. It was almost like it was designed to touch as much of a Linux system as possible. It has hooks into some many different subsystems and APIs that it's almost impossible to build a modern distro with current software without pulling in systemd as a dependency. This happened almost overnight, and I think there are malicious forces at work here.
We must remember Heart Bleed. Heart Bleed appeared to be an innocent mistake, and it was a tiny typo in one line of a C program. If it's possible to do that much damage with a tiny little error, imagine when you have an attack surface as wide as systemd, written in a language like C that is almost designed to produce security holes when not written absolutely perfectly--and humans are not absolutely perfect programmers.
Systemd is dangerous. It's too big to be audited as quickly as its developed. It's complexity adds as much attack surface to a Linux system as the kernel itself. We can't get away from these facts. Shitfighting about init systems is a waste of our time. Sytemd is horrible because of where it comes from and how complex it is. Backdoors will be hidden in it.
systemctl is better than relying on init scripts.
>Unix way
who the fuck cares? why aren't you using freeBSD if you do?
because I honestly don't give a shit and systemd has never bothered me in any way.
Honestly, I don't understand why people use linux if they're going to use systemd. What describes is very important, big picture stuff. If you use systemd, your complacency is akin to that of those using Windows or MacOS so you may as well use one of those systems because linux is neither philosophically nor technically compatible with your attitudes.
If it pisses freetards that much, then I'm all for SystemD.
Linux neither requires a specific attitude nor philosophy to be of use.
Stallman said that he supports systemd and disagrees with the Unix philosophy meme.
That's good enough for me.
You have 30 seconds to spend booting because you didn't use systemd.
systemd is probably being enforced by red hat (they pay people to adopt systemd like those at canonical) for some obscure reason. Debian started to support systemd and adopt it for some obscure reason. They are not transparent.
gNewSense 4.0 > FreeBSD > All
Plain. Simple.
suckless and Sup Forums are satire websites/forum. Newfags taking it seriously is everything wrong in this world
>You have 30 seconds to justify using linux
good thing i'm not because i'm intelligent enough not to have to compensate
That's just an opinion and arguable.
Using PID1 isn't necessary, it is done because it is convenient. Not using PID1 doesn't make your init any faster or more secure, any init can be subverted should bugs be discovered.
Basically the complaints against systemd are just opinions of a different way to do things.
Fair enough, I get caught in the idea that everyone who uses linux does so in some attempt to distance themselves from non-free software, since that seems like such a commonly voiced opinion, but there are definitely people who simply prefer, or are used to, the environment and would not have it any other way. But I think what I said still holds for the former group - someone using linux because they believe Microsoft is monopolistic and shady, and who may believe that Windows users are dangerously complacent about software or technology politics, should not be in support of systemd.
>I get caught in the idea that everyone who uses linux does so in some attempt to distance themselves from non-free software
Freetards are a minority even in the Linux world. I didn't even know freetardation was a thing till I started browsing Sup Forums and had already been using Linux for years.
systemd was created by an edgy teenager german who don't know how to program and now he is working at red hat because he can't find a better job
I hate the fact that some distros include nvidia drivers and lots of broken software just to appeal to normies. Mint used to do that now they had to remove some of the codecs after they were hacked by a /r/techhelp user. They were so worried about including bloatware memes they forgot to fucking encrypt their forums
You have to be 18 to be posting here. Get out.
it's what my distro came with
What is systemd?
An init system that does way more than an init system should.
Just use fucking Slackware
>only supports x86(_64), ARM, s/390
I can't.
It's what makes any usable Linux system run.
Holy conjecture, Batman! Look at this lack of evidence of malicious code in an open source software!
Because all the tools it deprecated sucked complete shit.
Cron and anacron cancer is garbage. Timers are way better
Services aren't autism shitfests of pidfile management and other God awful daemonizing shit with lsb functions that are never the same on different distros or in the same location.
Also lsb headers are fucking cancer and shit.
Fuck off lsb init shills.
Also before anyone mentions literal garbage like runit. Runit doesn't even have dependency management. It's dependency management is literally retry running later.
Other positives.
Journald is fucking amazing.
Any service that doesn't fork into background that can log to console no longer needs configuration or any code to log to syslog. Shit just magically gets directed that way for you in an easy to read binary data file.
It's also a full blown syslog, you can have it transport lgs as plaintext or to a log server, or your elk stack if you're super hip and cool.
Shit just fucking works and I don't have screw with autism logrotate bullshit rules or looking through /var/log/bullshit to read a log for some fucking program. Nor do I need to use some fucking gzip grep shit for rotated logs. I literally type journalctl -u mygayapp and shits just there.
Still provides /dev/log and shit, etc.
>Heart Bleed appeared to be an innocent mistake,
this is how it happens. i wish i could find that video on youtube of an nsa guy spilling it out.
>get in project
>earn trust
well, I
>30 seconds
oh, times' already up. never mind
>likes systemd
>has affinity for shit
checks out