You have 30 seconds to prove to me that intel isn't selling you a botnet upgrade stick

You have 30 seconds to prove to me that intel isn't selling you a botnet upgrade stick

>pro tip: you can't

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but intel already has a botnet in the ME

You have 30 seconds to prove they are.

in case your cpu is amd

So is this the new Turbo Memory?

Is this worth it?

Watch based Linus video about it. Worth it for HDD, pointless if you have an SSD. So basically everyone who isn't nigger tier doesn't need it. That being said it will be available in the from of a full scale enthusiast SSD eventually, and probably better than the existing memory we use right now. whole video proves my point you shill

Just buy an ssd.

This sounds great for photographers who need a shitload of space but aren't going to spend thousands of dollars to get that space in SSDs.

You 'botnet' fearmongers are that afraid of someone seeing the hentai you watch every night around 9? Christ just let them see your dick stand rock hard for those cartoon pixels and smile at the camera. Really, no one cares

Do you not have blinds, curtains or closed doors in your home?

and you wonder why your parents are disappointed with you

what a cuck

I do and I rarely use them. I really don't give a fuck about what people think. And if they want in my home, castle-doctrine is a beautiful thing. If life scares you that much, stop being a pussy and buy a gun and learn how to use the fucking thing. Quit spreading the botnet fearmongering and get over the fact that someone somewhere knows the kind of porn you like

>fedora edgelord response
really makes me think

If you truly want to escape your feared botnet, go live off the grid in Africa and stay off your shitposting machine

false dilemma

What the fuck about that was fedora? Do you people even know the words that come out of your brains anymore?

No, not with their current design or architecture.

x86 as it stands doesn't really know what to do with a non-volatile cache with those performance characteristics. 3D X-Point might've been more interesting for SPARC. It would need substantial architectural redesign, along with operating system redesign, to really take advantage of it; it would need to be fielded in a much higher bandwidth to take advantage of its low latency, too.

There is just no place for it anywhere in the consumer space I can see for the next ten years at least. Maybe enterprise, with a ton of them in parallel, on big databases, as the next Texas Memory Systems.

This right here.

Be careful, it's possible for you to get fined and/or jailed for indecent exposure if you're naked and standing in front if a window when a person sees. Even in your own home.

>What the fuck about that was fedora?

>I do and I rarely use them.
>I am above petty normie privacy fabrics *tips fedora*

>I really don't give a fuck about what people think.
>Nothing anyone says or thinks of me will affect me *tips fedora*

>And if they want in my home, castle-doctrine is a beautiful thing.
>Silly mortals, while you were having casual sex, I studied the blade

>If life scares you that much, stop being a pussy and buy a gun and learn how to use the fucking thing
>*unsheathes katana*

>Quit spreading the botnet fearmongering and get over the fact that someone somewhere knows the kind of porn you like
>Heh, nothing personnel, kid...

>I do and I rarely use them
So you do want privacy sometimes... hmm...

When retards like you start going all 'FREEEDUMBS NOTHING TO HIDE!!! VIOLATE THE NAP AND ILL SKIN YOU ALIVE' it's pretty much the epitome of the fedora culture.

Gun, not katana. I really think you have an over-advanced form of autistic dyslexia that you should get checked immediately. As a professional 'fedora' I recommend the fastest lead Aspirin that you can find

No sometimes I really hate the sun glaring off of my TV while I binge watch Netflix

no need

understanding the technology youre using and taking common sense approaches to minimize your digital footprint is hardly fear mongering. youre just projecting your ignorance.

You really do a fantastic job providing imagery that paints you just as revolting as the posts you've made have. Thanks for the daily reminder that I'm really not that bad, user.

Well said.

Again, minimize it by deleting it and learning how to cut wood and hunt game and never touch electricity again if you're so concerned. Keep your money under your mattress, build your fallout bunker and stock up on those MREs. Your fear of botnets is just going to grow as technology gets more integrated into human life so just come to terms with it and realize that no one gives a singular fuck and get on with your damn life.

The only people not concerned with privacy have nothing to say.


stop responding to the strawmanning shill faggot


It is FAR better than what we currently have, however its in its infancy right now, if the chips are truly 1000x better at the interconnect level, new controllers will significantly improve performance, possibly a full pcie x 16 or possibly pcie 4 x16 could be used and shit all over nvme and sata solutions.

but for now, home use is limited to hdd accelerations and servers that need the ram, but not necessarily need the speed.

>tfw DDR4 prices are so high I'd use a $40 optane stick as ram if I could

you think intel is milking the market?
they'd NEVER!

Cheap xeons and DDR3 ECC, my son~

I'd rather just pay the $150ish to upgrade to 16gb DDR4 from my 8gb than have to buy a whole new motherboard, processor, and case.

>Buy E5 2690 for 150
>128GB ECC 16GB sticks for 300
>Don't have to upgrade for a decade
I see no issue here.

I'm not the type of person to keep a computer for 10 years. I'd rather just wait until Samsung and Micron get their yields in check and DDR4 prices go down.

They never will.
It's price fixing plain and simple.
Happened with 2, 3, and now 4
The best you can hope for is ddr4 ecc to drop like a stone when ddr5 rolls along.

If it's price fixing, then why we're prices so much lower before? The official story that Samsung and Micron are putting out, that they're having trouble switching to 17nm and 18nm processes, sounds more believable. And there are other companies that make RAM, they would stand to make a huge profit by undercutting Samsung and Micron if they were price fixing.

Can you you people see past the marketing wank?

This is obviously so laptop manufacturers can continue to use spinning hard disks in laptops and use this so They aren't awful.

>buying intel

Octane is for enterprise solutions as an alternative to having an SSD in each workstation. Citrix VMs running with one of these and a small HDD makes a ton of sense when shared content is on a network drive. Especially for big SharePoint, access users. Anyone who thinks it's for children gamer solutions is an idiot and needs to get a job.

ssd for photshop/lightroom

hdd for photos

>not libreboot masterrace

Stay pleb, plebs!

>30 seconds to proove
>11 minute video

>this guy