YouTube being fucked by ad companies bailing out

>YouTube being fucked by ad companies bailing out
>Google gets extremely mad
>Google decides "if you want to be unreasonable, then we'll give you a level of unreasonableness of our own that will make you kneel and come back crawling"

>Google plans to create its own ad-blocker
>the advertisement sector's worst nightmare that they couldn't even conceive happening
>"if YouTube can't have you, then nobody will"

This is gonna be glorious.

Other urls found in this thread:

>the death of online advertising perpetrated by the biggest online advertiser
Truly, truly we are living in the best timeline

>advertising monopoly is now a possibility
the world is a weird place

>Google plans to create its own ad-blocker
so doing it like Brave?

>A world where Google ™ decides who lives and who dies

i dont get it.
i thought advertisement was one of googles biggest sources of income.

>Google decides "if you want to be unreasonable, then we'll give you a level of unreasonableness of our own that will make you kneel and come back crawling"
don't be evil

Considering google practically owns the websphere, they might actually pull it off.

They wont block themselves, silly.

the biggest ad company in the world is creating ad blocker
makes you think

Google's ads are generally one of the least intrusive (except Youtube of course) though I don't know how they have been with malware.

Of course they won't block themselves, but they will be doing the world a favor by increasing the number of shitty ad networks getting blocked by default by browsers.

By the way, didn't Presto implemented something like this before Opera became slave to the Chromium?

>Create ad blocker to filter out competition
>Embedded into chrome
>Apple already blocking ads
>Almost all Firefox users user adblockers
Advertisers not with Google are fucked, tbqh

Most likely what will happen
>Google edges out all adblocker competitors
>controls the adblocker market by themselves
>then starts pushing out bullshit like "premium ads" where you can only block if you pay them

Monetising youtube was a mistake, google should start killing it off.

>don't be evil

These days, Google decides what is and what isn't "evil".

literally Ministry of Truth at work

>tfw PPC specialist

Th-things will be okay...


as expected of a trump supporter, no reasoning ability whatsoever.

It's not adding a fact check to every article. It's just highlighting a piece of information present in the article you found, just like it already includes snippets of the article.

Literally just formatting data better.

So, what now? YouTube is going to step into the realms of thought policing and destroy itself?

>as expected of a trump supporter

Jesus fucking christ, this level of moral superiority. Kill yourself with a rusty spoon, you giant faggot.

And to top it off even if it was a real fact check it's literally snopes fact checking themselves.

Absolute fucking retards.

Source on any of this?

>filter all non-google ads by default
>charge ad companies 50% of their revenue in order for their ads to be whitelisted

>step 1: pewdiepie makes "death to all jews video"
>step 2: shitstorm ensues
>step 3: wall street journal makes article about it, pointing out that big brands such as coca cola are being shown alongside racist videos
>step 4: big brands pull out of youtube advertising
>step 5: youtube content creators massively butthurt, reporting basically ZERO earnings compared to previous weeks
>step 6: google doesn't like being fucked, so decides to fuck whoever doesn't use their ads

basically pic related

>Google controls all ads
How brilliant is this? this is the Extent of google's power. i am sure this will only affect reality a Little and is a Pathway to progress.

MS and Applel do have their own ad networks though

Will they block anti-adblock fuckery too?

>Google creates ad blocker that only targets non-Google ads
>Creates wide public interest in ad blocking
>Dozens of adblockers pop up marketing themselves based off thr fact that they "block ALL ads, not just some."
>Kills Google ad revenue
>Google is finally dead

Jewgle still has android which makes half their revenue.

Maybe they'll finally remove their cancerous tentacles from the web along with fagbook.

Isn't revenue from android mostly ads too? (admob)

Google advertisment is that the eadvertiser pays google money to be on the top of the search results.
Usually the top 3 or 5 search results are placed by google.

Yeah but it's 100% their network, they don't have competition there

It goes deeper than that.

Then you fetch the YouTube video another way.

If you're smart, you can free yourself of the chains that are YouTube's garbage web interfaces.

Google is forcing third party advertising services to clean up their act. Malvertising is one of the biggest issues and ad networks don't know or care enough to stop it from happening. Other issues like tracking, obnoxious animations and sound, etc. are also pretty bad.

Google doesn't care about any of that, they just want to create a monopoly on advertising.

And all of this was because of SJW WSJ article was bitching and whining trying to use their connection's to fuck over Google. Google will get them back good.

That's how they're going to market/defend it though.
>User security is our highest priority
>We want to make Chrome the safest way to browse the web
Stuff like that.

That's a pretty cynical thing to say. You wouldn't doubt Google, would you? They said do no evil.

holy shit I never thought about it this way.
Luckily advertisers can easily battle this with server-side rendered ads

They can crash advertising with minimal loss on top of that, selling personal data is far more profitable

>selling personal data
not to mention they are in bed with certain agencies.

that's interesting. I never realized how many views top channels had on youtube. Shit, 1 billion views, even if the average viewer watched the video three times, is 5% of the world.

except that google is nit even able to refuse to give consent and is being raped by the CIA, FBI, NSA ...

It goes even deeper

>a jew is behind the youtube ad apocalypse. (((he))) started it all so he can sell google his own already working algorithym that filters hate speech

>source:Sup Forums

>multi-billion-dollar botnet jewcorp vs the most obnoxious people earth
This will be entertaining.

>Jewgle gets killed by a jew
Get your shit together, secret rulers of the world. Unless of course this is part of "the plan"

>all the other ad companies group up and form a company to compete with Google Ad services
Why can't this happen?

>a jew trying to outjew the jewish establishment
the ultimate jew and is not even his final form

>to compete

you mean to control who's opinions are going to get monetized. what can go wrong?

The irony of it all is that YouTube has unskippable ads that cover the entire content.

Pretty much against all Googles 'better ads' policies.

Plus they just start playing and blasting sound.

Those unskippable whole screen ads are going to get purged by Google's own adblocker.

>tfw you want google to win

What a timeline

it is not one of its biggest sources of income. it makes up >90 % of their revenue. it makes up almost all their income.

It basically will lock up internet advertising to Google because they won't block their own ads

You kids can take a thread about toilet paper positioning and make it about Trump eh?

good, "content creators" all need to be gassed anyways, this just makes it faster.


>being this obsessed

>no more incentive for people to upload freaky ass "kids content" to youtube
Feels fucking good. Now I need to have kids.

Is brave good?

OMG. I barely understand what everyone here are talking about.
I have ads blocked everywhere, including phone.
I haven't seen YouTube ad for a month.

Why can't this happen? People will just block this adblocker if it starts misbehaving, or stop using it at all, will be blocking everything.
Eventually internet will no longer earn on articles, videos, chat etc and go back to 2000 era.

Not him, but I've made it my default browser, uses a shitless RAM than FF and Chrome

Thanks user

somehow this is going to lead to pewds destroying the entire media, youtube and google and seizing total control for himself, launching a global reich that will become eternal. basically this is pewds becoming muad dib

Hey, we did that with Obama.