What would happen if you was to make a metal bar that encircles the Earth, would if fall or stay a float the sky? Like how Saturn has rings around it but with the Metal bar still within Earth's atmoshphere
What would happen if you was to make a metal bar that encircles the Earth, would if fall or stay a float the sky...
>>Sup Forums
lol it would more than likely collapse in on itself
unless the material is somehow strong enough to withhold the stress of earths/moons/suns gravity all pushing/pulling an object large enough to have its own gravitational effects.
yeah its that strong
Seems this question is too hard for someone intillectial to answer. I understand its a hard complex question, but what are you guys theories?
It wouldn't be stable. It would fall.
I don't think any material is strong enough not to deform/break, either.
It will never find it's balance and collapse. Even if you made it somehow very resistant it will touch the ground somewhere
Alright what if the material was immnue to breaking then? would it fall?
the ring would end up doing this around the earth, crushing cities in it's wake
Sounds like a good military weapon
If the metal bar was perfectly the same mass throughout, and assuming we are treating the gravity of the earth as a perfect sphere (no area of the Earth attracts slightly more or than any other (which is not true of course)), and assuming the bar was strong enough to withstand itself (which would take a crazy material), and assuming that the bar is of a small enough mass that the force of the sun is negligible, and assuming it has been angled at the right orbital inclination to perfectly match the moon, and assuming that the radius is of such distance that it doesn't hit earth,
the center of mass of the ring would orbit around the center of mass of the Earth and Moon combined.
(imagine earth playing hoolahoop)
Also, the speeds at perigee and apogee and eccentricity would depend on its initial velocity and initial distance from the center of the Earth Moon system.
(According to classic Newtonian laws anyways, this doesn't include things like gravitational compression, relativity at different distances from large bodies of mass, etc.
I hope this helps OP.
It would keep hitting the Earth due to other gravitational effects. The moon would pull it around just like tides.
>the ring would end up doing this
The ass thing, or the hula hoop thing?
This is important.
Saturn's rings consist of material that is orbiting the planet. They're not just magically floating there, somehow immune to the gas giant's gravity.
If want to build a superstructure, an orbital ring is theoretically possible. But if would need to be outside the atmosphere and rotating at an orbital velocity. Otherwise it could never be made stable.
If it was strong enough to support itself and wouldn't be influenced randomly by wind, it would stay there
It would collapse and rain debris all over the earth. If it somehow could remain in one piece it would circle the earth like a giant hula hoop. It wouldn't be able to remain in orbit I think
The rings of saturn are made up of small minor planets or moons. Each piece is moving at an incredibly high speed so they're able to remain at fairly stable orbit at least for the time being. As they slow down the gravity of saturn will draw them closer and closer until they eventually collide in a few million/billion years.
A proposed metal ring is one solid piece which will significantly complicate getting it to a high enough speed to keep it in a stable orbit. Basically it will fall to earth almost immediately. Rather it will fall apart, and then fall to earth. Assuming it doesn't fall apart it will still fall to earth but it will begin to "orbit" it in an unstable and highly irregular way like a hula-hoop but out of control.
It wouldn't be pleasant for the people on the surface
>but with the Metal bar still within Earth's atmoshphere
vsauce covered this on the 'how high can we build?' video
Why not both?
This fred smells like space elevator bait
A solid metal hoop around earth would eventually (like sooner rather than later) collide with the earth
The reason why saturns rings stay in place is because they are not one solid object, they are billions or trillions of rocks orbiting saturn, because there are so many of them so close together we just perceive them as sold rings around Saturn.