Intel's 100 MHz faster i7-7740K is on it's way

The refresh nobody asked for. On a new HEDT platform nobody cares about.

Other urls found in this thread:

>100 MHz faster

>21w higher TDP
That single socket holocaust ain't gonna start itself.

Holy shit, I was honestly expecting to see april 1 as the date on that.

It might be shit but normies will still buy them rather than AMDs offering. It's the same as with netburst vs A64.

>conviniently forgetting the 220W amd housefire

Does this mean Intel has literally no answer to AMD this year?

Nobody will ever remember Faildozer or the memetastic 9590. But this shit?

>140w TDP (probably a shitton higher under load, just like every other broadmeme and delidlake)
Intel is trying to kill you and rob you blind at the same time. Even AMD isn't that brazen.

Shit I meant forget.

>there are retards that will buy the 7640k

What a strange thing. Why would you even care about dat IPC-raising 60 MB of L3 cache when you get 3.2 GHz speeds instead?

Is it just for those workloads that benefit from the increased bandwidth when their dataset fits entirely in the L3? I can hardly imagine there being two of those in the entire world.

netburst 2.0 here we come!

because the only thing worth remembering about that 9590 was the price, but I can never get a solid lead on what msrp for it was, amd either scrubbed all mentions of msrp for it everywhere, or it was always 270$ but was oem only at first, and one oem decided to go third party seller and ask 1000$, as it was only that price for what 3-6 weeks and then a consumer packaged version came around that was 300~$

the xeon alone can deal with 3tb of memory, the cache size on die is a side benefit, this is more you need the ram you pay the price, not so much you want an ipc uplift.

no answer for the next 3-6 years really
They were bringing out more cores eventually but they had to expedite that, and likely by the time it comes along, amds low hanging fruit processor will come and reshit on intel.

>Ryzen's floor is the Core arch's ceiling

It's going to be a next few years watching Intel squirm until they finally release a new architecture

I can't wait for Zen 2 to close the gap in single core performance and really make them sweat. Single core is pretty much all they have left. Even Intel is moving away from it with their 6 core consumer Coffee Lake CPUs.


Right, I get it. But then in that case, why would you go with a 4-core instead of the 10-core 8891v4 for exactly the same price, especially when both can turbo just as high when only using few cores?


good point, my only guess would be its application specific, the 4 core likely keeps its boost longer and has a higher base clock, while the 10 core does neither,

Going with X99 wasn't a mistake after all.


psst, they have no validation staff left(hehe) they fired them and rushed the product(hahaha)

>0.1 GHz faster

I hope it requires a new socket and chipset just to fuck over customers extra hard.

so glad i stuck with my 4690 for a while longer

3.9ghz is fine and ddr4 is shitting the bed price wise.

ddr5 when?

it does. kabylake-x on 2066 socket for NO reason at all except for 8 more PCIe lanes.

If this 7740k is way faster than a 7700k, that's means Intel was bullshitting us with Kaby lake.

Anyways, I'm not buying anything less Than 6 cores when my 2600k dies.


I expect it to overclock to 5.7Ghz on air

i care about it

Using only 400 watts idle?

Are you trying to kill your family?

inb4 it costs $300 more, and retards will still buy it because
>muh gaming muthafucka

Also, new socket.

5.5-5.6 maybe

liquid metal on heatsink + 2 or 3 San Ace fans
+1 San Ace fan behind the motherboard

Intlel was a mistake.

AMD is finished and bankrupt

delid dis

>140 W TDP
>need to buy new expensive motherboard because Z270 is incompatible

Panic release? Panic release.

>waging a war against the laws of physics

Intel is fucking finished

>Sorry, we couldn't find the exact page you requested. You may have followed a bad link of the content many have been deleted.

>0.1 Ghz higher clock
>new socket
>20w higher TDP
>4 cores
Oy vey

Noctua and Corsair are going to be very happy thanks to the retards buying this garbage though

Why would they need an answer to a worse performing architecture lol

7740k supports quad channel memory so extra 21W because of that?

Yeah, right, that's exactly the reason why Intel is rushing duct taped housefires and products that don't even make sense into their market segmentation out of nowhere. Back to Sup Forums with you.

And 6ghz water cooled overclocks

Not sure if you can watercool with boiling water

At least amd's $600 flagship beats an i3.. oh wait

Poo in the loo autistic shitskin nobody is buying your cheap poozen poo in loo made cpoo rajeet 580 0 fps gain 50watts gain kys poojet

>oc 5GHz
>30% less 1% LOW
>launch benchmark missing every single bios & windows performance update

You okay, Ramesh?

Dude, a TWO core cpu beats an EIGHT core cpu, there's no way you can defend this unless you're an actual street shitter

So why don't you overclock amd's cpu?

[autistic screeching]

What are programs that put all the workload on 1/2 cores? What are single or close to single threaded applications?

meh, who cares. currently running an i5 7600k at 4.6 without even upping the voltage


and a $325 4 core 7700k beats a $1100 8 core 6900k, i guess intel is done for

>tfw pic related is actually going to be a thing with babby lake x

Nice memes

Nothing you say is substantiated in the least

Now back to reality: Ryzen is trash for gaming

That is what you need to get Ryzen cpu's past 4.2 ghz

a large passive cooler?
it's not ridiculous it's silent and free of moving parts.

>Difference in gaming isnt even noticeable
>If you have 60hz screen like most do it doesnt matter in the least

The better multicore performance is something you really notice though.

Truly it is, I do all my gaymen at 144p with all background apps closed and need can feel my body phisically convulse when my average framerate is lower than 600, such as 550 with Ryzen. Strangely this affection doesn't seem to occur with stuttering and frame drops.

t. intel owner who is switching in 2 weeks

I feel like all those guys with 5820k's have made pretty good purchases. Everything since with 6 and more cores coming from intel was pretty bad, obviously especially in price/perf. And we all know about the 200w 4core inferno.
probably runs on 1.3v or so regardless.
boring stuff, faggot

>difference isn't even noticable



>amdrones in charge of math

>posting synthetic (bots) benchmark and its probably outdated as well
yeah totally fair

>t-this benchmark d-doesn't count!
Every single time

How long until amd and Intel stop sucking dicks

Can buy X99 mobo for $150 and i7 3930k for $150, it's tempting to take that upgrade path from my i5 3570k, since even AMD is being faggots and the 6c12t ryzen is $300.

That's still more than 100 frames over a gaming screens refresh rate. Completely synthetic benchmark that makes no difference in reality.

You do not understand what that word means

it isnt, it has a radial blower in it and it is just Zalman tier retarded design with no benefits to it,

you neither.

>No matter how many times I write this paragraph, a lot of folks do not seem to "get it." These are very much "benchmarks." These are good in helping us understand how well CPUs are at performing calculations in 3D gaming engines. These benchmarks in no way represent real-world gameplay. These are all run at very low resolutions to try our best to remove the video card as a bottleneck. I will not hesitate to say that anyone spouting these types of framerate measurements as a true gameplay measuring tool in today’s climate is not servicing your needs or telling you the real truth.
you can stop posting now.

>ii-i-i-i-i-i-ntel i-i-i-s t-t-t-t-tt-he b-b--b-bb-b-est

do those even work?



you don't understand, that new refresh is a NEW start.
The 7740k will probably have more IPC than it's brother 7700k AND more clock speed ! It will probably have the famous 25% performance improvement, it would make sense because of the TDP.

What a fucking joke, they're selling a new 7700k on a new platform to outjew their fanboys. When AMD make a rebrand of their RX 400 series it's a disaster but when Intel do basically the same it's ok ?

>do those even work?
If the airflow in your case is decent, yes.

>hanging a tonne of metal onto your motherboard sideways
Wow fuck the strain properties of PCB, let's wreck this shit. It's supposed to used laid-down.

>since even AMD is being faggots and the 6c12t ryzen is $300.
Where do you live? Even in Europe its only $247.

Seems like an ideal cooler if silence is your goal. I doubt that cooler is going to be effective if your intention is to do some gaming and overclocking.

the thing is no more than 800g

if you put high cfm fans on case, but that would defeat the purpose

What did he mean by this?

If it was made on release day then the info is surely invalid.

Because amshit rebranded something with shit performance and the resulted rebrand still has shit performance. Intel 7700k already has top performance, much higher than amd, and their refresh will be even better

>all the damage control
>all the muh gaymes are what counts
>all the haha Intel wins because...
>all the panic

At least that thing had eight cores at fucking 5ghz stock on an ancient process, the lower clocked ones were at only 125w TDP.

4 cores, 4.5ghz, 14nm, 121w TDP, no fuckin justification for this bullshit. It doesn't even have an IGP the thermal specs are all CPU.

I'd take 5 more watts over shit performance any day

cute old benchmark

>stone old cherry picked benchmark
0.1 Rupee have been deposited to your Intel© Pro® account, Mr. Rasheesh.

>every case where my poo loses is biased
One week old DigitalFoundry benchmark