>This video is unavailable.
This video is unavailable
>Sorry! We can't find that track.
>links to long-dead file hosting sites like YouSendIt or Megaupload or zShare
Old dead links forever lost are truly the worst feel of all.
>404 Not Found
>403 Forbidden
>only the uploader can download this file
>You've been banned for 72 hours. Because your ban is short, you may not appeal it.
>Could not find the DNS server.
>thread with exact same problem
>scrolling through
>faggots flame eachother to death
>edgy signatures
>6 pages later
>"nvm it fixed itself after rebooting"
>"nvm i fixed it"
>You've used 90% of your Bandwidth Cap for this month. (1024 GB)
>Have 1024
>DL 100KIB
kill me
what's worse:
> we won't get to your appeal in time, but you have to appeal it anyway if you don't want this to be used to escalate your next ban for a minor offense to a permaban
>please register to continue watching this video
>This domain name has been seized by ICE - Homeland Security Investigations
Those chinks at nicovideo riced me hard
>obscure shit split into multiple parts
>one part is missing
>This video is age restricted.
>Sign in to confirm your age.
Wait nonmobile Internet connections are capped too? Jesus Christ, stay cucked nigger.
Easy to evade by changing watch?v= to embed/
>Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner
Greasemonkey + Viewtube
i was joking but since we're sharing tips here
cp /usr/share/applications/mpv.desktop .local/share/applications/
nano .local/share/applications/mpv.desktop
Exec=mpv ... -- "$(xsel -bo)"
nano .config/tint2/tint2rc
launcher_item_app = .local/share/applications/mpv.desktop
>Copy Link Location
>click mpv in tint2
or alias in .bashrc
not only that, but Xfinity somehow creates a popup on any website they wish and rape my browser with a draggle dialog message with the warning on it. Trippy as fuck that they can do this.
Usually happens towards the end of the month thankfully.
>download 5GB .zip file
>Please enter password