Why aren't you using LxQt?
Why aren't you using LxQt?
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How does it compare with lxde? Is it lighter than it and xfce?
I wanted to. Somehow my Aui installer got stuck yesterday and I wanted to go to sleep.
Trying it again today
>How does it compare with lxde? Is it lighter than it and xfce?
Not as light as LXDE but slightly lighter than XFCE or MATE which is pretty impressive considering that it looks like KDE.
>Not as light as LXDE
Can you spoonfeed me what are the differences between lxde and lxqt then? Gonna get back to linux after years, I used to use XFCE but idk what I should use now.
>light light light light
>light light light light light light light light light
Nice buzzwords. Sure is amazing that this piece of software allegedly uses 0,004% less CPU time and a meaningless and negligible arbitrary 10MB of RAM. That is totally a major factor to use it, totally!
>open your web browser if you already haven't
>go to an internet search engine
>type in lxqt
>go to their website and there's a huge link which says about
>read the 5 sentences
XFCE has improved considerably mate, it even fixed its tearing with a vblank option finally added to upstream.
op is a feggat
You forget that it may become a good alternative for those who like modern, polished DE's but have shitty hardware or run their distro on a laptop. It looks almost like KDE but uses less than half of the resources which will significantly increase battery life. That sure is a major factor to use it. Totally!
>33 minutes of promoting some shitty product
Lxqt is everything except polished. It's a bloody mess, half icons missing or broken, missaligned things everywhere, not even a proper window manager, I could go for hours with this,
because I prefer a tiling wm
not even using it for tiling but it automatically maximizes every window and I can tab between them easily, all I need
Shitty drivers, use Linux® certified hardware
you might like maxwelm
>looks like KDE
You keep repeating that as if it's a good thing.
Kwin isn't recommended wm for it. It's still half baked DE.
Post the start menu
Because I'm not autistic.
I use XMonad.
i do, op
because i'm running Windows 10 Professional x64
only weebs and cucks run linux
>not autistic
>uses WM written in one of the nost autistic languages
No, I'm not austistic so i use awesomeWM
Because I use Apple OS X Aqua™.
How many people are standing behind LxQt? is it some small project with only a handful of contributors?
>durrr why don't you use the same shit i do durrrr hurrrr