1080ti Founder's Edition exploding

Sure am glad I decided to wait it out for Vega.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=nvidia drivers kill gpus

Snap, crackle, pop.

Somebody should create a meme that is a play on dell's famous tagline.

>Dude, you're waiting for vega!

I remember in 2008 there was a bug in the nvidia driver for Ubuntu that turned off the fan so the card made a little smoke then the screen went off. I couldnt play video games for a while or use compiz because of that. I was 12 at the time, I still won't use nvidia products because ATI/AMD never caused me anything like this and is more reliable.

Happened in 2012 too youtube.com/watch?v=sRo-1VFMcbc

>Literal house fire
Poor bastard though. Though I wonder if there's more to the story. I haven't heard of this happening anywhere else, so it's possible he was abusing his card with overclocking or poor heat management

He's out $700. Seven hundred dollars.
There is already a gigabyte rep in the thread. Now they're the ones with the fire to put out.

that's what you get when you buy a shitty brand like gigabyte for a premium card

Who needs hardware flaws? The drivers will do all the hard work of killing your GPU for you.

google.com/search?q=nvidia drivers kill gpus

While it can be blamed on gigabyte for their handling of the RMA I don't think there is actually a difference in any of the founders cards. Evga, msi, asus, gigabyte, etc all the founders cards are identical component wise because they must follow the reference design and specifications.

nvidiot housefires



Also happened in the mid 2000s with Geforce Go 7000 series. Lots of laptops cooked themselves to death.

they weren't kidding with this fermi stuff

Oh fuck that, I'm definately buying a high-end AMD GPU now.

oh wait....

Yeah I'm sure you are, because AMD products never have problems like this

You're thinking G84 and G86 on laptops

I should know, I owned one of the fucks, specifically a Quadro NVS 140M, had to get the motherboard replaced every two years for free until the internal power supply went quietly.

Amd doesnt have this problem since eons :^)

Yeah if you need it now you have no options. I own a 1060 and a 980ti but the new 580s, specifically the Sapphire ones, are aesthetically gorgeous. If that's not enough for you though you have no options. I wouldn't go above the 1070 though as the value drops too much. My 980ti overclocks so well with the unlocked bios and AIO cooler that it hits 21,000 in fire strike, same as a stock 1080.

The only motherboard that failed was a few years old and from a crappy brand.

I sold my old 980ti for 330 and got an aftermarket 1080 for 450, with 1,5 years of warranty.

Performance is about 20% better with both cards oc'd, and it runs much cooler, uses alot less power an is quiter so quite happy.

If AMD had any decent alternative I might have gone for it, but they are totaly absent in the high end segment for almost a year

Can Nvidia fix this with a driver update?
That is the question.

I'm calling this a false flag.
AMD wants people to wait for Vega so they are paying people to shill.

Sure kid

>lemme just take my card apart and see what the problem is

What a retard. This isn't a 1984 Chevy Silverado that you are popping the hood on. If your card goes up in smoke just assume it's toast and RMA it. Don't take it apart.

fix one defective vram unit on a card? There is nothing to fix.

We don't even know what the guy did with it, he might have oc'd the card well beyond what it was capable.

This literally means nothing.


didn't just recently driver broke monitors on laptops? last year I think

>another novidia card caught fire
really makes you ponder

That's exactly what I bought mine for. I could have afforded a 1080 but I wanted the 980ti specifically because I enjoy overclocking and the pascal cards are too locked down. The heat my machine puts out is pretty crazy, way more than anything i've had before but it's also my first machine with high end parts. I think my 980ti was a really good value. I may sell it and the 1060(which I just use benchmarks really) for vega becasue freesync.
The reddit post may be a false flag but I'm just your regular run of the mill faggot.
To be fair popping off a back plate and cooler is trivial. I would have done the same. He was also already denied on the RMA so maybe he did it after? Who knows. He can't prove he didn't just jab it with a screw driver and cause the burn

nobody could confirm it though
even Steve"curlyhair"Burke gave up and silently brushed it under the rug

>he may have oc'd the crd well beyond what it was capable

It's funny that you think that's possible. Pascal is so locked down that no matter what you do in software you couldn't endanger the card with an overclock.

Thanks for clearing that up AMD-employee!

It's still very easy to overvolt the card if you have no clue what you are doing.

The fact that he also took the backplate off the card makes me suspect even more that it is somebody who would tinker with the card.

And even if he didn't, we might still be dealing with just one defective unit.

>Nvidiots are this desperate for something to stick on AMD

The irony.

Please take a look at what started this thread


>unconfirmed unverified rumor vs actual real drivers setting fan speeds to zero and VRMs catching on fire extremetech.com/computing/238633-evga-gtx-1080s-1070s-allegedly-exploding-due-improper-vrm-cooling

No, it's literally not. It's totally impossible to change the voltage unless you have a 1080 classified or flash the one 1080 bios that has 1.2v. The voltage slider on every other pascal card literally does nothing.

>unconfirmed unverified rumor vs actual real drivers
>actual real drivers
>gives a link that actualy has the word 'allegedly' in it

Top kek

>wanting to take the large risk of losing your shelter over something designed for children

Fact of the matter is, we don't know what this guy did with this card.

And it could just be a defective unit, so what is the issue here.

>considering a gpu the number one reason of houseburndowns

This never happened to the FE cards, only EVGA's custom cards. So either he was using some Aorus custom 1080 Ti or he's full of shit because he was already wrong about the 'EVGA's 1080 FE exploding'

It's a fucking ref card, they're identical across all vendors.

>they are going to get away with this because amd succ

it is

it's not, it's gas explosions and forgotten candles

Okay I can agree with that. Sorry I'm butt hurt about pascal being locked and bitch about it whenever possible. As soon as we get a bios editor for it I'll shit the fuck out of it.
This whole thread was just a ayyylmao its on fire im sure Sup Forums will kek

Whole story BTFO

>Intel making Vishera 2.0
>Novidia turns into literal housefire
Damn guys, where were you when AMD won?

Is this meme making a comeback?

Bring on the memes

My 980ti is basically a slightly overckocked 1080
These things can be pushed to stupid lengths, truly an amazing card


I fucking love how /r/nvidia is just tech support because Nvidia has so many fucking problems.

/r/amd, despite being both CPU and GPU issues, has less combined than just Nvidia's GPU and software/driver issues.

The fact that they are identical is why it's such a sensational claim. If there legitimately is a problem with the cards it'll be a big deal but we'll also see way more posts soon enough.
It's also funny that this thread has more posts and discussion than that reddit thread.
Agree. Mines at 1550 and roughly matches a stock 1080. It only cost $330 and it came with a water cooler.

>If there legitimately is a problem with the cards it'll be a big deal
There won't be, the fact that he's already mistaken about the 1080 issues with EVGA is enough to allude to the fact that he's a moron.

You should put the mem to 700 it gives a real tasty boost

>/r/amd, despite being both CPU and GPU issues, has less combined than just Nvidia's GPU and software/driver issues.
because mods are literally red team+ and delete all bad press

If you bring up any issues whatsoever you are banned permanently, of course they keep a few to maintain the illusion

It's overclocked too but it's much more moderate than the core clock offset. Can't remember exact settings, in class right now.
I would kill to get a legitimately unlocked pascal card. My 1060 6gb hits 2150mhz at 40c under a gaming load with a shitty AIO, I wonder how far it would go if the bios wasn't locked down. I want a 480 or 580 to see how far I can push it with a 120mm aio.

Why don't you niggers get back to ribbit and stay there.

Cant confirm, I was ranting about how unreliable freesync and relive are but I just got downvoted and never got my threads deleted.

>go to r/amd to ask for help with furyx pump issues because asking for help here would be futile
>get banned and told to stay on reddit by newfags

Nvidia is back!

>Truly an amazing card
Wait until Jewvidia puts it in the legacy driver list. They will gimp it so much that an RX580 would outperform it. :^)

Not gonna happen bud
Keep living your gimp phantsies

>I fucking love how /r/nvidia is just tech support because Nvidia has so many fucking problems.
it used to be worse but i remember at some point they decided to make another subreddit dedicated to it because it was drowning out all the news

Bullshit u dumb pajeet, my 1080ti is working better then anything AMD has

Because the second anyone has a slight issue they make a whole thread about it
*tiny flicker*
*makes thread*

>Sure kid

I love how there are dozens of cases, on video, of Nvidia cards frying and proof of specific driver updates frying them.
No big deal.
A single RX480 supposedly fries the PCIe slot of a shitty Dell OEM board. One. Single. One. And Nvidiots won't let it go and think it's even.

I bet you're actually an AMDrone that's just trying to make Nvidiots look worse.

and this is why i buy zotac. meme all you want but they generally have top quality gpus.

hahhaaha someone in Gigabyte's marketing department should have a talk with their customer support.

a) quietly replace customers card with a new one
b) have pictures of your brands graphics card catching fire plastered all over the internet and become famous for it

gee, I wonder what would be the smarter move there.

>Sure am glad I decided to wait it out for Vega.
To be fair, EVGA or Gigabyte make GPUs with both nvidia and amd chips so their problems could easily affect both.

>bug in the nvidia driver for Ubuntu
This is something nvidia has fucked up on several versions of their drivers over the years. AMD did this once too with their catalyst driver, btw.

>EVGA or Gigabyte make GPUs with both nvidia and amd
evga doesn't into amd

>AMD products never have problems
Shame on nvidia, and shame on AMD too. "The other guys cards also catches fire sometimes" isn't a valid excuse.

>AMD wants people to wait for Vega so they are paying people to shill.
It's obvious that they do this, for some reason every big corporation these days have a shilling budget under marketing. This obviously doesn't excuse graphics cards which catch fire.

hahah nice double reverse psychology there nvidiot

>because mods are literally red team+ and delete all bad press
Lmao. No they don't.
I go there often and the other day and day before there were two posts about investigating issues with drivers degrading performance on old AMD cards.
Turrned out to be nothing, and only for Uniengine while actual games gained performance, but it took like 30 hours to fully figure out and looked super bad initially.
Today the front page had someone trying to figure out why his 1500X isn't performing well in a few games like he'd expect.

Yeah there are mods that surely have strong connections to AMD, but they're very aware of the Streisand-effect and shit. Negative posts get on the front page all the time. Including one about PSP to the top like every week.

I've made plenty of bitchy posts myself and haven't gotten so much as a warning.

haha xd. i like you

r/amd is so cancerous that there is a subreddit (or whatever the fuck reddit forums are called) dedicated to the topic of why r/amd is so cancerous and toxic. it's one of the first links when you type r/amd into google

>Went on there to look for Zen information and every other post or comment is them attacking reviewers calling Intel out for bad practice. I don't know which reviews to trust if theyre saying they're are bad.
Literally the only thing that came up.

>Gimp fantasies
You mean fears, I have a GTX970.

You're not going to get gimped man
It's a complete myth
You're good


Kill yourself faggot.

he's not tho. factually game averages show any decent aftermarket 970 or manually oc one will be within 5% of an aftermarket 1060 and rx 480 over like 20 games

My 6600k and 1070 build litterally heats up my room like a space heater
Amd being a heater is a meme

well the 1060 and 480 are 980 tier so that makes complete sense
Nobody has gimped anything

>Room gets hotter with card
>That means heat is dissipated for efficiently
it's a good thing user

heat being dissipated efficiently would mean it's being dissipated so fast it's not accumulating as much

It's not when you live in South West Texas

if you leave your pc on for extended amounts of time this will happen to everyone. my room always gets hot when i leave my pc on and go to watch tv for a few hours. when i put it to sleep i can feel a noticeable difference to the temperature over time compared to when the pc's on.

with amd cards and their known higher power consumption and thus heat output i'd assume they'll just warm up the room quicker.

More like novideo :^)
I have actually had a jewvidya driver break one of my graphics cards before. Didn't brick it completely, but a driver update killed its displayport output.
>have monitor connected to displayport
>update novidya(TM) driver
>monitor stops working, won't come back on
>nani the fuck
>begin troubleshooting, different outputs on graphics card, different graphics card, different monitor on displayport etc.
>find that graphics card's displayport output was fried by the driver update
>jewvidya customer support's got nothing, suggests an RMA with card's manufacturer

Hate to be one of those douches but take a physics class user
oh shit sorry man, can't crack a winodw. Atleast AC is cheap for you guys right?

Hi yes I'll take shit that never happened for 500

Wasn't this like a shit tier motherboard that wasn't supplying current within the spec to the slot?

>causing video output port to fry itself

this is some peasant tier bait

where do you think the heat coming off of the card goes

No it was the card taking too much power through the PCI slot
was patched in driver update, not motherboards fault

the room
which then goes outside because rooms have airflow

Na the RX480 was indeed drawing more than the spec PCIe. It was assumed boards handled it fine. This was literally one single guy, one single motherboard, for some shit Dell OEM PC, that couldn't handle it. All the hundreds of thousands of others were fine.

So yeah, regardless, it shouldn't have been drawing more than spec. Still: one single shitty $2 motherboard died as a result.