If MacOS and Linux are both pretty much the same...

If MacOS and Linux are both pretty much the same, why does MacOS look so much better and entice people to actually switch to it from Windows? Linux only entices paranoid conspiracy nuts to switch from Windows, it's not because of good programs or beautiful design.

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MacOS and Linux are only the same in some superficial areas like syscalls and commands

>beautiful design
>good programs
wtf is that, user? Who paid you for that low quality bait?

The only thing Linux has in common with macOS is that it's kinda-sorta like BSD.

People buys an Mac because of the Apple's brand. Nobody will notice if you install an linux+GNOME on a Mac and sell it as a OSX.

Mac OS and GNU/Linux are not the same at all. Mac OS uses the XNU kernel which is based on Darwin, so it's more comparable to FreeBSD. Even then it's made up of a mixture of Next components and even some GNU utilities.

If you're not a total retard, it takes only 10 minutes or so to make nearly any desktop environment look exactly how you want it, so people actually do switch to it for the looks. Pic related is my desktop. It's also extremely easy to use. I don't touch the command line unless I need to edit files as root, SSH into my home server, or compile/package programs.

>If MacOS and Linux are both pretty much the same
They are both unix like systems, but this is where the similarities end.

Because it has marketing and all/most of the stuff people want available for easy install.

t. ex-loonix hackintosh fag.

>i don't touch the command line at all!
>except for when i do

fuck yes they do

I know this shit is subjective as gets, but your desktop looks lackluster and uninspired at best. OSX has fancy animations and translucency and whatnot and the main selling point (aside from the fancy chassis it comes in) is that it simply works out of the box. You can customize your GUI all you want, but at the end of the day, you had to customize it. Your average user has no idea how to do that, not even with a manual under their asses.

Gnome 3 looks really good tho? even as it comes from the distros

>MacOS look so much better and entice people to actually switch to it from Windows?
probably because there's a big company selling mac computers with everything preconfigured to work well? also mac has MS office, adobe, etc

because macOS is made by a team of professionals and linux is made by neckbeards in their basement

>xnu kernel

wait wat

I'm gonna play the optimist here for a while:

Maybe another real difference comes from the fact that Macs have been pretty good for a pretty long time.

GNU/Linux used to be genuinely pretty bothersome, much harder to use, much less hardware support, much uglier (by default). A Mac in 2000 was probably easier to use than a GNU/Linux computer in 2008.

Thus: Macs have had a much longer time to build a good reputation and to built their customer base.
Desktop Lignux user base has had much less time of normie-friendliness.

And Mac of course has their marketing, including every good-looking young woman using a Macbook in a cafe with the big Apple logo glowing. Including most DJ:s, including many movie stars and so on and so on.

I only use OS X for stuff like FCP.

people have different needs
if you're not autistic this should be relatively easy to understand
i guess if you have no specific needs switching to a mac because the operating system is aesthetically pleasing to you works

but this neckbeard is different, it seems


OS X looked really good a decade ago. Now its well behind modern GNU/Linux distros using GUIs like GNOME 3.

Lets not even start on the driver situation. The unofficial open source drivers for AMD hardware on Linux have support for OpenGL 4.5 and Vulkan, while the official Apple supplied drivers for OS X are slower and only support GL 4.1

Let's not forget that besides the flat design (which is more of a preference choice t b h) MacOS is still miles ahead of Windows in terms of consistency, font rendering and scaling. And meanwhile the average linux ricer can achieve similar results through several tweaks, Apple offers them out of the box.

You have to be retard to think using a GUI for SSHing or Compiling is better than using a Terminal.

>monospace system font
change your system font to SF Display UI Regular
you'll thank me later

I believe that if you could custom make mac shit like a PC it would take over in a few years.

I have a macbook but I will probably never get an actual Mac PC.

>what is hackintosh

Trash that is harder to install than gentoo with screen turned off.

Isn't it technically illegal and a pain to set up?
You'll have more luck with normies adopting Linux.

I'm talking about OSX offered like Windows for new PCs and available in store to upgrade and all that shit.

macOS is actual certified Unix, not Unix-like.

>If MacOS and Linux are both pretty much the same
They're not. OS X uses a different kernel, different userland, different display server, etc.

>XNU is based on Darwin
XNU is the kernel, Darwin is the OS that uses XNU. OS X is based on Darwin.

OpenGL is deprecated and Vulkan is DOA. Apple has Metal which will be well-supported by its iOS developer base by the time they pull OpenGL completely.

If Linux can look like Red Star OS, why is nobody using this desktop environment?

>Shit filesystem that is being replaced by a filesystem that does not have the feature set of BTRFS or ZFS.
>Shit kernel design based on an old ass microkernel design
>Shit interface feels like a kids toy.
>Paying for an OS that is no-where near even FreeBSD.
>Slowest OS I have ever had the dis-pleasure to use.

Fuck no.

Use the Red Star desktop environment you fuckers!

No they won't stop kidding yourself
70% of them don't even know what's an os

Yeah, not looking like OS X and not being able to run OS X software totally isn't a dead giveaway or anything.

everything else is just your opinion man but slow? fuck no

>everything else is just your opinion man but slow? fuck no
Linux on Apple hardware runs faster than OSX does. Its pretty fucking slow

Those are some nice sources you've got backing that claim.

what are we talking about here?

The OS runs smooth on my macbook. even linux lagged sometimes on some websites on my more powerful desktop(probably Firefox faggotry). Which is the slow part?

>OS X software
People do everything through a browser. Home users who just browse Facebook and news wouldn't even know where to get all that other software. Also I'm not him.

>where's Safari?
>maybe I need to get it in the App Store
>where's the App Store?

As someone who just installed hackintosh Sierra, yes, its kind of a pain.
But completely do-able, far easier later on.
And it isnt worth it IMO, there's ALWAYS something that's gonna be broken, specially for laptops (in my case, Netflix doesnt work natively on safari due to DRM shit)

mac is just a linux theme

Not even close.

so different that nobody noticed in my work

Doesn't mean it's just Linux with a special DE. OS X and Linux are entirely different operating systems.

but OS X is UNIX, so it's (at least) close to Linux, no ?

They function similarly but are still entirely different OSs. See

I have openSuse on a MacBook and it is faster than macOS for compiling and running scripts. There is no difference with browsing and other stuff, both OS run just fine.

>Said the Mac-using neckbeard weeaboo
That may have been true in 2001, but things have changed. It's become WAYY more apparent that everyone in Apple is a complete retard who only make minor updates to their OS an sell it as a new product on flashy hardware. I'm not even saying Linux is that great, but Applefags are deluded if they think Apple is made by professionals

she's not a neckbeard

Yet they manage to make a filesystem that is worse than NTFS by a very wide margin, yet Linux ships with some filesystems that aren't complete trash

As opposed to microsoft pajeets apple is professionals yes

>beautiful design
this was true back in the earlier osx era, later versions started getting more and more dumbed down

they'll notice when they plug in their iphone and itunes doesn't show up and freeze their system for half an hour

OSX has virtually nothing to do with Linux or BSD since Jordan Hubbard left Apple. OSX is barely even alive ATM. Tim Cock is letting that vine rot up his shithole.

It never had anything to do with Linux, it's still a BSD based OS.

>not trash

good one

Why do children these days have such horrible reading comprehension skills?



Because MacOS is designed by professionals and not guys who have no idea what they are doing? Besides, software. MacOS got all the relevant commercial software you get on Windows. On Loonix you have Gimp, LibreOffice or have to mess with Wine.

Also Applel ecosystem and hardware. If there would be premium laptops with Linux that doesn't look like shit, there would be more people switching.

>only make minor updates to their OS
How is it a bad thing? It's very mature software so there is no point to reinvent it just to add something new.

Look how changes for the sake of changes was received with W8/8.1 or even Office since 2003.

>Look how changes for the sake of changes was received with W8/8.1

Those were changes for Microsoft's sake (to chase iPad customers) rather than the users'.

As most changes are in mature software because good changes are pretty tricky and rare generally, besides you should always consider millions of people who don't want to relearn their workflows.

Sure, it's boring to install update and barely notice the changes but it's preferable to "what the fuck is going on here".
