What happened to Windows phones? Five years ago Windows phones were great.
>Never slowed down like Android
>Top of the line hardware and specs
>Great cameras.
Did software destroy Windows phone?
What happened to Windows phones? Five years ago Windows phones were great.
>Never slowed down like Android
>Top of the line hardware and specs
>Great cameras.
Did software destroy Windows phone?
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I want to fuck Anzu. Her scrawny body is so fucking hot and her cute chubby face is just begging for a cumshot. Also, like all bulimic girls she must have inhuman libido and could ride you all day long, plus being a cosplayer means she's an easy slut.
Useability of a dead ostridge.
she has a bf
the fact that it was M$ killed it.
You're too late to the party son, she already got ploughed by a gook
>implying women don't cheat
I never claimed she's a virgin, quite the contrary.
Kill yourselves you stupid anime lovers
This girl is ugly
No apps and they were late as fuck to smartphones during a critical time. The media was busy pushing Microsoft is old people shit and apple will make you young again!
The media has never criticized Apple in any form. Did they even cover the bend shit?
So what's the story with the new MS phone? Rumored to have top specs, but I think it's too late for them unfortunately. Not unless they can pull off some next level marketing.
Marketing, as always.
Dosen't matter how great something is if marketing fucks it up.
Just cause there's a goalie doesn't mean you can't score.
Windows Phone 10 happened.
If the damn thing didn't have that much apps in WP8.1, WP10 forced the developers to update their shit again just to make it compatible.
On top of that, a lot of promised compatible models for WP10 upgrade didn't receive the upgrade either.
Microsoft later claimed that some models couldn't receive the upgrade because the lack of recommended RAM for some models.
Hell, even the top model ones with 1GB+ RAM didn't receive the upgrade either, forcing people to buy another phone.
People just said "hell no" and the platform died.
Facebook, the only normie service supporting WP is dropping support fast. Messenger is gone and WhatsApp and others will be gone in June.
Still have my old faithful Lumia 630 to shitpost from time to time, but I'm forced to buy another phone, even navigating on the internet can be troublesome, crashing the browser every 10 minutes, instantly on bloated websites with 100+ JS running on the background.
A sad way to go tbqh...
>Did Microsoft destroy Windows phone?
Windows 10 is bloat.
Also Microsoft was too busy making low budget phones to cater to pajeets, so when they released Windows 10 Mobile, they noticed that only 9 phones of their whole catalog could "run" it.
Didn't they do the same shit with Windows 7.5, or whatever it was, where they literally couldn't update any phone running 7.0, the only option was to buy a new phone.
WP10 sucked and was released as a buggy beta version on flagship phones.
They announced making an android emulator so all your android apps would run on WP. This was a big fuck you to the few people who still made WP native apps; they dropped support and went for Android/IOS only (why maintain a separate codebase when it can emulate your other version?). Then MS said they aren't releasing the Android emulator anyway. This effectively killed all app development.
And they haven't bothered releasing a decent phone.
A shame because other than the apps and the WP7 cockup (which wasn't entirely their fault), WP was the most solid mobile OS out there. I'm afraid of what will happen once my WP phone dies, I won't be able to get anything similar, only worse ones.
Can't remember the reason, but it was something among the lines of windows 7 phone having ancient code not able to support dual core processors or some dumb stuff.
In Windows 10 Mobile's case, the OS is just too bloated. You need lots of ram and CPU to make it tolerable.
I don't know, but I bet that people got pissed if that happened.
Just like now.
MS asked Qualcomm to make them a good chipset that can do everything they wanted, but they didn't deliver only like half of those features, and they had no choice but to use it for a bunch of reasons (like being too behind in the race).
They then released the proper version of what they wanted in the first place, but it was incompatible with WP7 hardware.
It's sad. I had a 630 and I really loved it (got it beucase it was ridiculously cheap and my old moto g died on me). The WP interface was actually quite good and never had lag or stupid crap like that.
Sadly Microsoft just showed they don't give a damn about Windows Phones, and when W10M got released, they just cucked 8.1 users really bad. Suddenly many apps disappeared from the store, and I only could use what it came preinstalled and the few apps i managed to grab.
Now I don't have the phone, instead I own a Samsung J7
I kinda miss Windows Phone, but not enough to go back to it, even more seeing they are about to kill it completely
mine works just fine
They promised things to developers , only to deliver nothing. So in addition to an os that doesn't work as intended on all phones , now you also have almost no dev support.
Lumia 640 user here, the good thing is, it has a great battery life and is pretty reliable for normie use.
You do realize if she was a man she would be above 10/10 and she would have much more worshippers?
>So what's the story with the new MS phone? Rumored to have top specs, but I think it's too late for them unfortunately. Not unless they can pull off some next level marketing.
There is no new MS phone. There won't be one. MS cut off their entire phone hardware branch months ago, and Windows Phone 10 doesn't/won't have support for new SoCs, starting with Snapdragon 835.
Windows is dead on phones. They're only keeping the most recent ones on life support with software updates.
t. Lumia 950 owner
she's already starting to show age kek
How old is the whore?
she's 20 and don't call her that
She's still a baby
...and a whore
5 years ago they were bricking left and right. Still the same shit
Pretty disgusting desu
Is it true that she charges 2000 usd to fly to your place for creampies?
She is proven to be a girl
>Did software destroy Windows phone?
More like lack of it
What proof? Did she birth a child on video?
>Did she birth a child on video?
have you seen her hips? she'd die
There are plenty of child photos. Her name is Aslı Sahra Altunbaş.
Nah she has nice hips you could grab while fucking her pink butthole
She's skinny I like it.
Please respect. If you don't like skinny girls just post thick ones.
Fucking anime please die
>she's 20 and don't call her that
ok, I won't call that whore old.
She's an ugly whore and deserve to die
then don't go around saying she's got hips, she's literally a rectangle
Daily reminder that Anzu has a penis
Fucking Anzu while lifting Anzu Anzu!!
Noone fucking care about your stupid anime girl
Fucking leave this place
Who pissed in your coffee? kek
They are slightly larger than her waist and that's nice enough to me.
Why the fuck? WHY?? Why there is so many faggots on the internet?
You first :^)
It's a meme.
It's true m8. He was asked if he's really a girl in a Q&A session and refused to answer.
Maybe because it's a stupid question asked by Sup Forums memers?
I saw her irl, she is a girl. She is living in capital of Turkey(Ankara). Studying graphics design in Bilkent University. She is a children of very rich parents.
According to here in 2015 she was in 2nd year in uni, this year she must be graduating
Windows phones are great in my opinion. Super snappy, responsive, and I think the menu was far better laid out. Lack of apps and overall just not being a big competitor to the big 2 were where it was a downfall.
I don't know why they originally had bad press, was there some sort of like bad press they had originally?
Pretty hilarious that Windoze suffered the same fate(if not worse) on mobile as GNU/Linux on the desktop.
Her father is a fashion designer btw
>If you were a superhero, what super power(s) would you have?
Trap confirmed
>fashion design
>in roach land
wtf does he design burqas or something
are you a retard?
If I had to guess, it might be carryover from the Windows Mobile generation. Windows on smartphones has never really had great press going for it, despite the fact that WP isn't half bad minus
>muh appz
Turks dress just like westerners m8.
They are, however, not as open to the idea of gender identity and transsexualism which is why Anzu is NOT a trap
No she didn't you imbecile, she said it was a weird question and confirmed she was a girl.
>Turks dress just like westerners m8.
Erdog*n is an islamist you fucking retard
And so is the majority of the country since his party is the most popular...
They're popular because Turkey had an economic upswing under the AKP and not because of Islam. Get your facts straight faggot.
Why does he wears colored contacts?
Why does he wears a wig?
Why does he put on so much make up?
Why is he cosplaying as a woman?
They're also popular mostly in the rural areas, kinda like Trump is only popular in middle America
1. He's a faggot
2. Probably money. He posted about getting modeling jobs on his blog and his Youtube channel gets a good amount of views.
Stop now. This is your last warning.
Microshit happened.
Has nothing to do with AKP though, it's because southern europe was economically obliterated by the euro, as corporates shifted to other regions that were cheaper for production, like turkey. Once again turkey profits off of other's misfortune. It's like a national sport for them.
>liberal arts
What about it
>not STEM
wtf I hate anzu now
Graphic design is not exactly liberal arts though
graphic design falls under liberal arts
No apps, unfortunately.
If there was a phone like the Lumia 640 that ran IOS I'd love it.
>WhatsApp and others will be gone in June
You are a disgusting piece of filth for worshiping this rotten sack of shit simply for existing.
but she's cute~
>wanting to start a thread by t*rkposting
OP, I...
MS said fuck it and are going to port over whole of windows to your ARM phones.
Enjoy your pocket PCs because the processor technology is already here faggots
>Messenger is gone
The whole weekend I was wondering why it wasn't working like it used to.
>WhatsApp and others will be gone in June.
Fuck this shit. I'm not ready to buy a new phone when my current one still works 90% fine. What does it even cost for them to not pull the plug and keep the software functional?
>as long as you don't choose everything remains possible
What kind of a stupid message is that?
Implying that makes a difference.
You can post a bunch of baby pictures and say it's you, that doesn't make it true.
I suppose it's a joke about people who are unhappy in their current situation but aren't doing anything to improve themselves.
Child, not baby photos. And they are on her father's social media.
When do we get to see her tits and roasty cunt?
Get fucked you retard
Why would you ever buy a Windows phone?
I didn't. I got it for free.
Damn RIP in peace