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libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment

>How to get started

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Fuuuuck. I made this on mobile and it copied all that shit. Where do I commit a my fix?

What are you working on this weekend?

>What are you working on this weekend?

trying to learn react

doesnt seem fun

for example seeing lines of code like this...

this.updateLanguage = this.updateLanguage.bind(this);

luckily I've been messing with code just long enough to know that forcing myself to read something over and over again in different contexts will eventually magically make it make sense :)

>what are you working on?

Gonna complete my portfolio and start applying everywhere, hate my fucking job can't take it anymore.

I don't feel good enough really or all the job postings ask for too much, I dunno which.

It's like saying to the function

Hey function, each time I say "this" inside of you, please refer to this class that I am constructing, make your "this" point to this class not some undefined object called this.

Makes sense?

They all ask too much, what you need the most is the abilty to say, yeah I can do it, and learn it fast as fuck

>mfw im only on Sup Forums because I'm taking a break from using ruby on rails to code my very own personal blog
>implying you believe me

next step is to resize an image in gimp for coderelated

ul {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
list-style-image: url("meme-arrow.png");

I love ruby and so do all of my boyfriends

thanks for the encouragement user.

Why does this happen when I try $web-ext [anything]

> webdevs in charge of making a command line utility that werks

Think you could pick something a little more bloated for a personal blog?

Dear god use a static site like jekyll.

static HTML personal websites always crack me up. They are always such clusterfucks.

is it that hard to do 100 lines of JS to organize your wesbite?

Who cares, at least it's not the massive bloat of the ENTIRE RAILS FRAMEWORK just to display some text no one will ever read.

Then don't use rails

use vanilla JS


>input image
>write some phrase
>put in youtube video w/ music
>pet doggos

that helps a little. as I study more Javascript and React I'm sure everything will make more sense. honestly probably getting into React a little early... I should know JS better. but whatever I'll learn the JS as I go along.

Thanks for telling me about jekyll. This is the first I've heard of it, and it looks useful.

Just apply for everything.

There's no science to it.

I applied to my current job over a year ago and didn't even get a call or anything.

I applied again this year and they hired me on the spot.

Apply everywhere and don't stop. It's ok to apply to same place twice apparently.

>finish first month at fullstack job
>it's going well
>pay is well below average though

What's my game plan for getting a better job? After I have six months can I start hunting?

Put your resume out there now, but don't start looking seriously until after 3 months.

>get hired for php
>be doing lamp/lemp + javascript
>thrown into multiproject lead
>making as much as a wordpress shitter would make


Like email it to companies or just get my LinkedIn profile current?

Lol are you me?

Get googling


I'm fleshing out my online presence right now with the new job info.

I updated my indeed a few weeks ago and have had recruiters emailing and calling out the ass...for Java positions.

>It's ok to apply to same place twice apparently.

most places have an "official" rule of waiting 3-6 months before applying again, but yeah, if you are able to apply because they post a new listing or whatever, they probably won't check to see if you have applied recently. apply errywhere erryday.

tips on applying for a non-degree holder? I do have a uni degree, just not CS/engineering related.

Like, do I put the word "self-taught" anywhere in there, do I just list my skills? Do I link to my github?


Use arrow functions they bind this automatically so you can skip that part

Yeah list your skills and github.

Don't put self-taught

Nope, arrow functions are the problem with react.

React is all about arrow functions in the official docs, but React is one of those cases where normal functions will actually get the right context automatically.

Don't indicate anything about your degree or lack thereof on github. If you don't mention it, people usually don't think about it or sometimes even assume you have a degree in CS.

I don't have a degree, and after I stopped listing my education on my resume, it was like night and day. Some people asked about my education, but most didn't and assumed that because I know what I'm doing, I have a degree.

Definitely put github. I've been reviewing resumes for a couple internship positions, and I get all these resumes that have "Pursuing bachelor's degree from X School with 4.0 GPA" listing their skills, but no github and those resumes go straight into the trash because I have no way to verify if they can code or not since a degree doesn't mean fuck all.

I'd hire someone WITHOUT a degree and a github with lots of good code on it over someone WITH a degree and no way to verify if they can code or not.

But what do I put on my github? Where do I start?
Should I contribute to some open source projects?

Yeah, also make your own projects. Think of something cool to make, and then make it.

I put my GitHub in my contact info in the header. Before work experience I list relevant skills, known languages, and a short description of personal projects which are stored on GitHub. That's how I got my first job (no degree)

This. Put your top personal projects (most complete, most complicated, best, etc.) in your resume. If you've got like 20 projects they might click the one you did as a highschooler instead of the one you think is the best example of your work.

Also create a personal page. www.[yourname].com which has an about page and a portfolio page with an overview of your projects.

>tfw I'm fixing this problem.

Did not have a personal page when I got my first job. Will definitely make one before I start looking again.

Use open source libraries and tools to make stupid hobby projects. When you come across an issue in one of the open source projects you're using, go in and fix it.

Fixing bugs in big projects will feel like a lot of work for not much gain at first, but eventually you'll get pretty fast at it.

You don't have to stick to bug fixes either. If the official tutorials/docs are outdated, go in and update them here and there. It doesn't take long once you get used to the git workflow, and people are really appreciative of it. It's a great way to get your feet wet in open source.

what do you guys use for contact forms?
i tried php's mail() function, but it doesn't seem to work.

How do I into php?

where did you tried it, on your pc?

on servers i use postfix, i set mail() function to use postfix and i got no problems with that

> laravel.com/

he needs to learn how php works first faggot

You don't. You choose a different language if you can help it.

here is the error log

PHP Warning: mail(): Multiple or malformed newlines found in additional_header in /home/website/public_html/mailer.php on line 25
PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/website/public_html/mailer.php:25) in /home/website/public_html/mailer.php on line 27

I also read on the internet that the mail() function is outdated and doesn't even send mails properly.

also, can you explain briefly how do you implement postfix with mail()?

Why? There seems to be a lot of companies looking for PHP devs out there?

Because the memes about PHP's shittiness exist for a reason. There's plenty of job opportunities in JavaScript/Python web dev. Don't make yourself deal with PHP if you don't have to.

Well I've been learning the MEAN stack but I saw more people seeking PHP over node and I just want to get hired.

dont listen this faggot Try it, if you like it continue
you can simply test it like this
install it digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-postfix-on-ubuntu-16-04
When you install it use shell_exec to run mail function.
For example
$email="[email protected]";
shell_exec("echo ".$subject." | mail -s ".$msg." ".email");

i may have error in code above because im writing directly here, but you can get idea

thanks dudes, great advice

also, I I'm 30, so I have years of work experience, none of it related to CS. How do I put that on my CV? Or how do I leave it out, without making it seem like I've done nothing with my life (inb4 I haven't, desu) in all that time?

>Because the memes about PHP's shittiness exist for a reason. There's plenty of job opportunities in JavaScript/Python web dev. Don't make yourself deal with PHP if you don't have to.

Those memes exist because braindeads like you continue to parrot them

PHP is patrician

Employers still want to see a steady work history. Mine was a bit sporadic so I fudged some of my earlier jobs, made it look like I was at places longer, less jumping around, etc

Just don't get caught in a lie.

let's say some script in certain website is using 100% of my CPU. how would you pinpoint it and stop it? been wondering how to do this for... many years

It's probably a fucking terrible idea to ask this here, but I've been working on my first Django site for the past month or so, using Bulma for the first time.

What I have is basically just a simple site for me to post blog posts and fictional stories I write, and I'd like to get it good enough to where I can show it off and potentially get some opportunities from freelance people.

It's about 85% done. I just have to add comments to my story_view and blog_view page, and then maybe add a few more security revisions, and I'll probably add some more content here and there.

Would anyone be willing to take a look at what I have so far and give me some input? It's being hosted up on PythonAnywhere since I'm a poorfag who can't afford hosting.

do any of you with web development jobs maintain professional blogs? this is a commonly recommended meme amongst the CS graduate crowd, and I've been considering it just to keep track of my accomplishments/skill learning/etc

Why is angular so complicated? It seems like a few extra lines of JS and jQuery could do the same thing.


how do i extract the definition string from here
pls halp

Because Angular is literally a meme.
It's just like Node.JS.

Javascript is objectively a shitty language. You should try to use it as little as possible. Not pollute your fucking templates with more of it.

>I don't get oop

It has nothing to do with OOP.
Javascript is an extremely inefficient and terribly designed language, period. It's ok to use it for it's intended purpose, but that's it.

>I don't know js

Can anyone recommend a clean, simple, and minimalistic CMS that's not PHP based?

What do you guys use for sites that are mostly static, but where you just want a quick and easy UI that you can log into and make quick edits and updates?


just post a link?

I've read that having blogs/public repos/etc is a good idea

The problem with most frameworks these days is that they try to make you learn a LOT of other bullshit along with it.

Here's a good starting point for React:

Nah just use vanilla js

can you people STOP making website that take up 1/3 of the horizontal space on a normal monitor, where i have to ctr+ a zillion times to make it look normal? thanks

Block JS just for that site?

there is no other way? what if I just want to stop that and nothing else?
so, there is no way to stop the shitty JS?

an example: there is a script that uses lots of CPU to show some "snow effect" in the page

I've heard it but it sounds like a pajeet move

Anyone use gitlab continuous integration? How does it compare to Jenkins?

The only thing it's sensible for an employer to give a shit about is your projects. Blogging about languages and frameworks and shit is almost exclusively the purview of those who can't do, which is almost everyone -- notice how nobody ever gets shit done in Sup Forums programming threads? It's just uninformed blogpost after blogpost about language or framework x, because it's way, way easier to talk shit than to get shit done.

>this.updateLanguage = this.updateLanguage.bind(this);

The point of doing that is that calling bind() generates a reference to that function with the given context. A common anti-pattern is to pass this.updateLanguage.bind(this) to child components in the render() function. This is bad for performance and memory. Maybe a smarter user could explain why.

But by binding callbacks in the constructor, you avoid the issue. Looks like you are following a good tutorial dude bro

Is it acceptable to put tutorials you followed on a portfolio as a project or is that considered poor form?


I've only seen pajeets do that and it looks corny

I am using pug/jade, I currently add a header file via includes, but I want there to be a description on my home page, but none others, how do I make the homepage header I include slightly different from the rest?

Why would it look corny?

Nice numbers friend.

A good interviewer wants to know how you think. I'd suggest having something original to go with it. A tutorial might show that you can follow directions but anyone can copy code from a tutorial so it doesn't prove that you can solve problems on your own.

It's fine.

Think of it this way. There are 10s of thousands of tutorials out there. What are the chances they will know it came from a tutorial?

Also even if you still think those odds are somehow high, the guy interviewing you probably hasn't looked at a tutorial since well before your tutorial existed.

Are there any modern wikipedia engines, /wdg/?

Based on modern technologies, with clean design? Backend/API first?

JS is a terrible language and I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would ever use it when not forced to. Frontend web dev, fine, ES6 is making it better at least, but why the fuck would you ever use it for anything else if given the choice? Node.js is fucking TERRIBLE.

only if you actually understood what the tutorial taught you and even then, just build your own stuff based off of that. worst case scenario, you'll just look stupid at an interview if all you've done is follow instructions.

Explain your point please fampai

so I am trying to generate a random code to a url that saves some values of a page, like you make some selections from mypage.com and then create a link mypage.com/random2342 that redirects to the selected values, can I do this with just js and which is an easy way to do it?

>Looks like you are following a good tutorial dude bro

Just the official react docs on github. I think it covers everything I would need

>can I do this with just js and which is an easy way to do it?
It has something to do with window.location.href="page" + / + randomVariable.

Then decodeUri component so the next page will catch the variable from the url.

Or just use router libraries. Director, vue-router, react-router, etc


getJSON {
promises, etc. then(function (data)) {
storage = data;


>But what do I put on my github? Where do I start?
Download some MIT-licensed repos or libraries. Implement it in your own projects. Then upload your projects. So many things to do on github. If you're just learning JS you could make a repo with your JS autocomplete snippets, etc. Don't be afraid to upload shitty code on github. As long as your making progress thats ok as long as you're showing "potential"

>this.updateLanguage = this.updateLanguage.bind(this);

Hehehe I call that "the binder". That thing has its permanent place below the constructor ComponentsWithState class

anyone up


To get away from my boring as ass standard banking software job, I'm reading on Web.

I've read several books, done some stuff. And now I found this web bootcamp on Udemy and got it for 15$ thanks easter sale.

It's so much fun, I'm doing nothing hoing through it and trying out stuff in my free time.

As soon as I'll have a nice portfolio I'm gonna switch jobs.

Save the variables in localStorage?

Avoid it if you're going to learn Mongodb. Mongo is a clusterfuck of shitty ideas, made by, then sold to people who don't know what they're doing, by a bunch of copywriters who don't know anything about data.

>generate a url
>redirects to the selected values
Are you saying you want URL shortening on a URL that contains a page anchor?

The fugg do I start contributing to stuff? I feel like I finally have the ability to contribute, but I have no idea how to start?

My github is exclusively made of my own somewhat simpleton scripts -- I would like to really get into contributing to any project.

How do I start?

Whats the view on this webP filetype?

Is it compatable with old browsers?