Qutebrowser General

How are you using qutebrowser ? Post your userscripts !

Are you using all hotkeys ? Or are you using the mouse ? or are you using the mouse and hotkeys together, like me ?

im always on asdf with my left hand, so i can ctrl+a to increment integer in url, or press d for closing tab. or ctrl+b and ctrl+f for page down and up, because its so much faster than scrolling !

im interested in the way how you use qutebrowser, to improve the way i do !

PS: Hi TheCompiler

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice advertisement faggot

I'm sticking with firefox thanks

Unstable as fuck. Maybe next year.

>t. Marketing Department

Haven't had any issue so far

Try with the QtWebKit-NG or QtWebEngine backend - almost all crashes are in the backend and not in qutebrowser itself, and if you're using QtWebKit, that's quite unstable.

Make new thread one qutebrowser gets something like noscript for firefox.

I tried to change the font size of the tabbar. Crashed and wouldn't restart.

Then I uninstalled it.

This is now the thread you are refering to:

i have less crashes since i switched to qtwebengine.
im a bit confused: why is qutebrowser using qtwebkit in archlinux as default ?

FWIW none of those recent posts are by me. I use
git.the-compiler.org/webdiff/tree/webdiff to monitor archive.rebeccablacktech.com/_/search/text/qutebrowser/ and answer to threads though.

See github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/27 - going to happen around July!

What is this file?

Huh, works fine here, and haven't heard about issues with that either so far. Did you get a segfault or a python exception?

Because some features (like private browsing) are still missing, because Qt 5.8 had various annoying bugs with QtWebEngine (most patched in Arch's repos), and because there's qt5-webkit-ng.

See github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/2335 though

qutebrowser's icons compiled to a resource file so they're easy loadable from Qt


having some problems on musl with the qt backend
but i really like it.

Why don't you just use Blink?
or the one that Mozilla uses?

You can't just simply "use blink", you'll need something that gives you a somewhat stable API over it - the current options for that are CEF (Chromium embedded framework) and QtWebEngine. qutebrowser is using the latter, because it (obviously) integrates well with Qt.

I'll take a look at Servo once it's more mature and has Python bindings which can integrate with Qt.

I see. I don't really know a lot about browsers, but from what I've heard Servo's supposed to be better than Gecko? Or will they integrate it or something?

Anyway, maybe I'll try it on my laptop tomorrow because I like vim and
I don't know if qb seems to have the most potential or everything else I've read about just seems to have problems as well (Although ubzl seems like it has potential too).

Good luck!

>Reasons for using Firefox
You want features/addons/customisation/the browser to work for you
>Reasons for using Chromium
You just want a fast browser
>Reasons for using Qutebrowser

Firecucks user with vimfx and mouse gestures here. Keyboard only usage is completely fucking retarded.

Who said keyboard-only?

What is firefox addon vimperator, vimfx?
What is chrome addon vimium?

I use vimfx aswell, and have to touch mouse mouse/touchpad when some input bix doesn't work with addon...

But mostly keyboard.

VimFX is comfy with laptop.