>reddit is open source
>Sup Forums isn't
Reddit is open source
Sup Forums is based on futaba, which is open source
You could probably write 4 Chan in less than 5kloc
Reddit is open source. Sup Forums isn't.
Alright, go ahead
Chrome is based on chromium, which is open source.
[$code]Sup Forums[$/code]
>Sup Forums is anonymous
>reddit isn't
Without JS, this is actually true.
>without code my programs are very short
> reddit is anonymous
> Sup Forums requires Google CAPTCHA
>reddit lets me post via tor
>Sup Forums doesn't
>What is PHP
>Kill me
>Sup Forums is Anonymous
>reddit is not
>Reddit has a shitty upboat system
>Sup Forums does not
>Reddit has awful security
>Sup Forums does not require security
>Reddit gives excessive power to moderators and the opportunity to abuse this power without consequence on their turf
>Sup Forums janitors let most things slide except for global rule violations and do not abuse their power
Uh oh! OP didn't use his brain. Wait till Le Derpina hears about this!!!! XD
What good is posting via TOR if you're signed in to a fucking account?
>Sup Forums janitors let most things slide except for global rule violations and do not abuse their power
You could just make a new account with random name.
>and do not abuse their power
we're no reddit, but come the fuck on
Back when I was a faggot, I got banned from 12 political subreddits in my first day for not having the ideology of the subreddit. The left ones started first, then the right ones.
Here, as long as I don't deviate too far from the train of thought of the thread, I can say essentially any opinion.
Google pays for it. Their image recognition gets more accurate as people use it
if you've been on reddit you'd know how bad it can get my nog
true, true
I don't care how bad a rotting body in a port-o-potty smells, you can't just go and tell me this shit-filled toilet is fine
>>Reddit has awful security
chan does not require security
What does this even mean?
Back when I was a younger faggot
one Hot Pocket has been deposited into your account
You can drink out of a shit filled toilet, my boy
If you just start a fire and boil it, my boy
Really fires up your neutrinos
No need for security if there are no accounts. And don't give me your VIP faggotry.
Can I exchange for 3 packets of Funyuns?
>No need for security if there are no accounts. And don't give me your VIP faggotry.
They could still leak IP logs.
Who cares if reddit leaks the random password to your random alt you made on TOR.
>Sup Forums guarantees that unpopular opinions can be seen by forcing you to read comments in chronological order, rather than allowing them to be sorted by popularity -- not even implementing an up/down vote system.
>Reddit doesn't.
Sup Forums clearly the better choice.
What good is posting via TOR if you're solving google CAPTCHA?
Sup Forums is the better choice but reddit does some things better.
>Sup Forums has multiple security vulnerabilities
>Reddit doesn't.
So, it's something like the BSD license then? Can steal public code without releasing your changes?
Yeah if you act normal most of the world's not gonna know who you are or give a fuck about you on Sup Forums. Reddit uses username-based accounts, which ties all your shit together along with your email.
> steal
>if you act normal
Sup Forums literally has built-in filtering, which I will be using on you.
>actively filtering out things you don't like
Hello r3ddit!
Yeah, I mean it isn't like you can turn off the trip and have your voice heard again.
PHP is an autistic programming language for "developers" who dont want to learn anything, like inconsistence and want to call themselves "programmers" becuase they learned a shit tier language which isnt even type secure
No. Even if the code was GPL licensed, moot would've never had to release any code because he never distributed his version of futaba.
The only license that prevents this loophole is the AGPL, but I don't think it even existed back then.
>"what is 2+3"
>it is impossible to know
>op is a fag
not your personal calculator, fagatoni
>literally do my homework for me
Well now I know how you ended up on Sup Forums
Stop pretending trips are the only thing you filter.
I personally don't filter anything, just pointing out that you're a retard.
>you're a retard for pointing out that creating your own echo chamber is r3ddit behavior.
Stop assuming I filter more than tripfags.
Attaching an unnecessary identifier to your post is the real reddit behavior.
I doubt it but if you only filter tripfags we have nothing to argue about.
If tripfags want me to give them attention, they'll turn off their trip.
>post on reddit
>"what is 2+3"
>Dr who reference
>wow such number
>It is impossible to know. *Edit: OMG thanks so much for the reddit gold! :D
>drumpf joke
>star wars reference
>It could be 6, I'm a quantum mathemagician hehehe
>Do we really need such complex problems in our school curriculums when poor POCs can't understand them and go on to fail those classes because of white privileged shitlords like OP that had the opportunity to learn how to do them?
>link to an xkcd comic
>rick and morty reference
Reddit is open-source in the sense that pre-hack (9-1)chan was (and still is, because OpenIB is just a mere collection of patches compared to the leaked production code): The basic software is freely available, but any form of production-relevant code (in Reddit's case, e.g. for spam combating and, historically, karma "downscaling" for historical comparison of posts) is still a business secret without which you can't run a large-scale competitor.
Current Sup Forums probably shares next to no code with the latest available Futaba or Futallaby scripts either, which were last released in 2005 or 2004.