post pic with your font, colorscheme, and other relevant settings

Other urls found in this thread:

sakura terminal
vim default colors
white background color, light black foreground
Monospace 10.5 (looks better on 1366x768 screens)

>light theme
enjoy your eye cancer



Monospace 10
github colorscheme during day. Desert during night.


>using 30 year old software

Why not just:
primeSum += isPrime(i)

If you're going to return 0/1 anyway.

>not using 30 year old software

Wait, I'm a retard, return the n instead of 1 and then you can simplify the sum loop.

Font: Wingdings
Color scheme: Legacy high contrast

dumb anime poster

>Goes on Mongolian tabloid website
>Gets upset when he sees Mongolian tabloids.



what a cute girl

i use it because i have astigmatism
chill your insecurities user

>being this much of a cock lusting sissy

>Not being a cock lusting sissy

>not having my dick in your mouth right now

The code is meant to be readable.

To ACTUALLY improve that program we need to use a different algorithm.


good girl

you look so hot on your knees

>os dev, multiboot/grub boot loader
my niggah. what kind of os are you working on?

VIM seems awesome


>not using a proper IDE
You might as well use notepad.exe

Your naming is fucking trash, holy shit. You don't even save column space for 80-column strictness by using such obnoxiously short names.


what de/wm is that? And what theme for it?

how long did it take for you guys to get good at vim, or at least competent


Enjoy having astigmatism AND eye cancer


with all these eye disorders I can still see the fragility of your ego my man

That must take forever to run. Try

Is that really your card? Insecurity? Must be shit having shitty eyes and being dumb.

Can you even tell who you're talking to?

this. It's prime numbers 101.

>being this triggered
thanks for proving my point..
um, it's an anonymous board...

>projecting this hard
Thanks for proving my point.

i definitely i wish i could project my self worth to you user, i hate seeing people suffer

That's not how projection works, go read a book, I know it must be hard to find one with letters big enough for you, but I'd think it'll be worth.

>still trying

Trying what? To help you by telling you were you're wrong and where you can get better? Yes. Otherwise I don't know what you're talking about, if you can't see I'm trying to help then I'll just stop.

>still trying to comeback
>not realizing the ship sailed

Boy, you must be very boring, I guess with all of your insecurities you must really need a win, so you win! Good for you!

What are you talking about user? That reply was delivered and posted as it should.

well at least you can admit to it xd
>not realizing how you made yourself look

user, are you high? You're making no sense

i only make sense to the intelligent mr. satan

That's what stupid people say when they're ondrugs.

that people make no sense? im glad you're gaining self awareness :D

See? You're not even capable of following a simple 1 to 1 conversation without getting all confused, you should quit that shit if you want to get your life together.

>being this mad at typical C code

if your brain gets overwhelmed by abbreviations I'd hate to see what kind of code you write


That's not typical C code, you cock gargling memelord.
Abbreviating long struct or function names is normal, abbreviating fucking "add_node" to "addln" and "make_node" to "mkln" is fucking retarded. Those aren't long names. There is 0 point to abbreviating them.

>he typed "ln" instead of "line" my brain is going to explode


what does vim have over nano?

Obscure as fuck keyboard commands

yep I'm that guy

What color scheme??


what the fuck?

I am learning vimscript because I need to create a plugin. Recommendations?


Why are so persistent with "prove muh point"? Did someone ditch you irl?


color scheme?

Ayu mirage

>still trying



wm is i3-gaps
statusbar is polybar

Vielen Dank

This board is about technology, not your pedophiliac shit. You hideous cum-encrusted weirdo.

False, light environments need light theme because light reflecting on the screen makes dark parts unreadable and your eyes have to focus more.

This is incorrect.

you got kids by any chance?

autism confirmed


thats a nice color scheme desu

font is inconsolata
colorscheme is gruvbox


Can you explain how it is wrong?

shoo shoo rsi jew

as for the perfect naming


Fish abbreviates really long paths by using the first n characters of each parent and then the full dir name

NVM. I'm retarded

Legit question:
What if I can afford less than O(n) space complexity? Allocating 2M integers takes forever

I'd say like most things, getting better at vim is a continuous process. I'm still very new, but I can use it as a basic text editor, as in moving the cursor around and fluidly changing between insert and normal mode. I started with vimtutor, a short, interactive tutorial that covers roughly what I know now. If you have vim, you have vimtutor, just type it into a terminal. From that point it was just a matter of using the program. The hardest part about starting out, for me, was just sticking with it through the slow and clumsy learning stage. Having a cheatsheet helped a lot too. There's also which looks good from the little I've played of it.

What's a good plugin for completion in Vim?

>*autoompletes backdoor*
why would you want this?



It made me think my screen was dirty. How do you bear with even the slightest amount of transparency?


Classic vim user right here

>writing rudimentary code
>level 1 University CS class
>no debugger, no code completion (why would he need it anyway, he's writing code for a fucking linked list)
>errors in his code
>algorithm not as efficient as it should be, implemented incorrectly

Try harder, learn to actually program instead of obsessing over your shitty fucking text editor and colors

no comments anywhere in these fucking screenshots
Sup Forums "coding"


there's fuck all algorithm there you little java cunt

I pronounce "veem", fite me IRL