Does Sup Forums approve of the Dvorak keyboard? Has anyone used it and felt more comfortable or fast compared to the qwerty layout?
Does Sup Forums approve of the Dvorak keyboard...
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Considering I've been using qwerty since I was 3 years old. That's over 24 years of use qwerty, I would never use dvorak.
I think there's more of a market for a reverse dvorak if anything to make typing with just the left hand easier
I'm right handed and hit 70% of keys with my left hand alone
unless you have been using it for most of your life it does't give any advantage to a someone already seasoned to qwerty
I switched from Qwerty to Dvorak for a few months and then switched from Dvorak to Colemak. Been using Colemak for three years now. It's very noticably more comfortable to type in, but my speeds are about the same.
A study in the wikipedia showed that there is a slight increase in speed.
I think the difference between changing the keyboard layout has more to do with actually learning how to use the keyboard, than the arrangement of the keys.
The only time you need a non standard arrangement is using specialized software like brokers and that program a old man created in order to protect my freedoms.
>I instant message with my friends more than I program
You normie beta
I have to use many systems at work.
Unless you are literally only have your own systems and are sure that youll never need to use anything else, it would be pretty stupid to switch
colemak android aosp keyboard comfy as fuck
I was reading about alternate keyboard layouts and was considering switching to colemak, but then was worried about complications when having to type at a computer for my job.
Is that a legitimate concern, specifically for a Linux user?
there is literally no reason to stop using qwerty at least for english language speakers
me me like dvorak more than qwerty
qwerty is shit but unless you like changing shortcuts in every program you use, or having to swap back to qwerty to use said shortcuts (more relevant using somebody elses setup) you're going to find dvorak (or coleamak) very annoying to use
some points to consider:
it takes months to learn the layout properly, if you can already type fast/properly you might approach your qwerty speeds in about a month if you really try hard but if you're learning dvorak as a means to learn to type properly it'll take longer most likely, leading to the second point:
you won't type faster in dvorak, it's a slightly more efficient layout but the people who claim to type faster were shit at typing in the first place, sub 40-50wpm hunting and pecking in qwerty going to maybe 60-70wpm in dvorak after learning the "proper" method to touchtype, if you're going from 100wpm+ in qwerty you're going to type about that fast in dvorak, maybe slightly faster, but again, you're relearning how to type properly, or should be at least
being a more efficient layout you'll find people using it more for better hand alteration and less awkward hand movements, it's not without its flaws (and colemak may be better in places) but at this point anything is better than qwerty
if you learn dvorak you'll still be able to type in qwerty but you'll take minor speed hit going back to qwerty
basically you should only really consider learning dvorak (or colemak) if you have problems typing in qwerty as it is, being a layout that isn't used by 99.9% of the world you're going to have problems using the layout on any pc that isn't yours (and if you want a special snowflake variant like programmers dvorak or UK dvorak you're basically condemning yourself to have no out of the box support)
fwiw I spent about a week learning dvorak maybe 10 years ago and about 2 weeks learning colemak about a year ago, I preferred colemak but learning it was taking too long so I gave up both times
To be frank, I type like shit on Qwerty now.
It's not really an issue because I rarely if ever have to type on someone else's machine, and when I do it's a few small things that I can take a 40% reduction in typing speed for, not a novel.
The reduction isn't as bad as it could be either. Colemak is much more similar to qwerty than dvorak is, so it's less jarring to switch between.
I have an xmodmap file that I just download and load when I need to switch to colemak on a linux machine. Takes about a minute to switch, and that's assuming the DE on the machine you're using doesn't already have a quick layout switching mechanism. MacOS has it built in, so that's not a problem either. The only OS that's annoying is, as usual, Windows, which doesn't even have a colemak option in any of its layouts.
So the joke about your dick reaching form A to Z on your keyboard is about Dvorak users?
Dvorak seems to be useless in our age, unless you're a hardcore writer. Use colemak, you'll be back to your qwerty speeds in 2 weeks or so of training.
Been using it for 18 years. Love it. Although it could be arranged better for coding.
I use it with abnormal qwerty keyboard. Always have.
If you want to learn it print out a small Dvorak key layout and tape it to your monitor so you can look at it when needed. NEVER NEVER switch back to qwerty while learning. You'll have to start over.
It'll take a week or two then you'll have. But then a week later you'll regress for a week but then get back on track. Same process happened for me and two friends that also use it.
I switched and it helped with pain in my hands. I love dvorack. It took me about 2 months to get back to my normal speed and then I got faster on dvorack. I'd agree though when it comes to programming it's pretty weird.
>If you want to learn it print out a small Dvorak key layout and tape it to your monitor so you can look at it when needed. NEVER NEVER switch back to qwerty while learning. You'll have to start over.
this is a bad way to learn, what you should be doing is something like this:
the idea is you learn by typing common words(or gibberish at the start) using your index fingers on the home row, then index + middle, then index and middle on top and bottom rows, and so on, until you've exhausted the keys you can learn, there are many sites that do something like this with pure gibberish but what you want is one that will do it with legitimate common english words where possible
this is easier on dvorak and colemak than it is on qwerty because of the better vowel and common letter distribution, but using this method means you can completely memorise any layout in less than an hour, maybe more if you're a slow learner, but there's no need to rearrange keys on the keyboard, no need to print out a cheatsheet to use as a crutch, you just spend an hour grinding it out and you should completely memorise the layout along with some common words to go along with it
muscle memory takes weeks to fully adapt and you'll catch yourself on letters you've temporarily forgotten for a while but you'll have real tangible progress from day one and won't have to spend a week dicking about not being able to type sentences unaided, I tried the printed layout method for dvorak and it was a miserable grind and I was kicking myself when I tried this method for colemak because it was so much faster
anyone tried out the workman layout? is it any gud?
and if you're interested, tipp10 does this for qwerty (pic related), I'm not sure of any program that does this for all 3 layouts because you really do need different word sets to practice on but there's plenty of static ones to find online for colemak and dvorak
>Needing to change your layout to type faster
If you don't type at least 90 WPM then you don't belong on a technology board
It's not to type faster. It's so you have less awkward movement of the fingers. Qwerty was designed to slow you down because typing too fast jammed the old mechanical keyboards. It was also designed so that salesmen could typ the word 'typewriter' using the top row of the keyboard.
Dvorak reduces your chance of injury.
Read the OP
>Does Sup Forums approve of the Dvorak keyboard? Has anyone used it and felt more comfortable or fast compared to the qwerty layout?
>Dvorak reduces your chance of injury.
Oh wow, now I have a 0.001% chance of getting injured instead of 0.01% chance. If you're actually risking getting RSI then you're doing a hell of a lot of things wrong that changing your keyboard layout isn't going to fix, like having fucked up posture or not taking breaks.
Some of us are always striving for perfection.
And $50 says your posture is shit
QWERTY is better for 1 handed typing
repeating request for opinions on workman layout... seems interestinc, gurious
>it could be arranged better for coding
It was, and it was called programmer dvorak
I have used QWERTY all my life so I'll just stick with that
there is no reason to use Dvorak as its 2% more efficient than QWERTY
regular dvorak sucks, right pinky is way too active
left hand dvorak is the real deal sex appeal, 4 rows of letters!