>early days of computers and internet: used by 99% of smelly male nerds with weird niche interests, coding, IRC, otaku culture, hacking, warez, scifi discussion boards, etc. nerds realize there are so many things one can do with a computer, plenty of hardware gadgets, the birth of video games, etc; there was this notion that "this is the future" but the mainstream people didn't understand and didn't care enough to invest in the pricey equipment
>iphones and facebook appear: 50% of the world consumerist base ie women suddenly take interest in internet machines, pay +500 bucks to carry powerful little computers that can anything and expensive ISP services which allows them to download anything at high speed; use them only to take photos of themselves and talk to their IRL friends on social media
It's really weird how powerful computers have been reduced to these little narcissism tools, how women haven't thought of a single innovative and interesting use for the expansive tech equipment they carry everyday in their handbags
Early days of computers and internet: used by 99% of smelly male nerds with weird niche interests, coding, IRC...
Other urls found in this thread:
Who cares what women do with computers? Just be happy they helped advance technology with their pocket books.
a-are you a MISOGYNIST??? how DARE you stereotype all womyn the same. you WHITE MALES are all the same.
I don't see the problem, women have if anything accelerated smart phone development through their buying power in the market. Isn't this a good thing overall ? I quite enjoy having a powerful smartphone.
In my experience, women also use computers to buy and sell clothes on Facebook groups, watch livestreams of pregnant giraffes, and make little vinyl scrapbook embellishments with a Cricut.
I know people have complained about the decline of the internet since Eternal September, but Facebook and smartphones were the deathblow. The average IQ in most discussions has approached base population IQ, and if you want to discuss anything that is a non-niche hobby, the forums for them are filled with dribbling retards. Even Sup Forums is filled with stupid bait threads, fanboy wars, and badly hidden astroturfing.
Unfortunately I have no idea where else to go.
This is both good and bad. Generally their immense desire to spend money non-stop on bleeding edge tech unnecessarily (fashion statement) has accelerated various markets but at the same time I can't stand the dumbed down shit and 'advanced' feature stripping because they use fucking none of the cool stuff that comes with advancing technology. Except moar cameras for moar selfies.
That may well have happened regardless but they no doubt accelerated it.
To tell the truth I don't know why so few women take interest in technology. I study eee and there were/are the least amount of grills on our course out of all others. Not only that, but half said they were forced to do it by their family.
There are so many incentives and events for women in engineering but none take any interest, it's the biggest joke of all; trying to encourage women to do shit they don't like just because they're fed up of men always liking it and want to change it but they can't and continue to blame men and ask for greater change but women still won't change so they get madder and so on. Interesting.
Blackberries and myspace were waaaay before Iphones and facebook. Also most people I knew had computers with Internet in the mid to late 90s. The true early days of the Internet were at CERN labs and developed/operated by people with actual skills and intelligence.
If you long so much for the early days of Internet that you weren't actually alive for, why don't you actually learn some skills and make something better?
Facebook and iphones merely existing doesn't mean you need to pay attention to them if you hate them so much, the Internet isn't a finite space (well I guess technically it is due to server space, but for all intents and purposes it can be as big or small as you want). And the wonderful thing about the Internet and computers is if you don't like something you can always make something better yourself
>Facebook and iphones merely existing doesn't mean you need to pay attention to them if you hate them so much, the Internet isn't a finite space
The problem is that normalfags have an obsessive need to colonize every last square inch of the internet.
>The true early days of the Internet were at CERN labs and developed/operated by people with actual skills and intelligence.
There was a glorious period inbetween of interconnected college systems, bbs, etc
Facebook is a closed or entry-only network. Just delete your account and you'll never have to see anything posted there again.
This is both good and bad. Generally their immense desire to spend money non-stop on bleeding edge tech unnecessarily (gaming) has accelerated various markets but at the same time I can't stand the gaming shit and 'gaymer' branded devices because they use fucking none of the cool stuff that made technology great in the first place. Except moar hertz for monitors.
>t. Sup Forums
What amazes me is that those bitches are constantly eating and still manage to be thin. I used to date a stereotypical blonde white bitch and she would eat two burgers at McDonald's every single time and still manage to be thin as a board.
Meanwhile I'm cutting off the soda now and I only have breakfast and a single meal per day, no junk food shit, and I'm still fat as fuck. This shit sucks.
There is no need to try so hard in your post.
I do agree its unfotunate how the crazy world of the internet, and pre-internet has been reduced to "if you can't handle me at my worst than you don't deserve me at my best #omg #queen #tru ;_; c c 100".
Hell Usenet is little more than a television show of the week dumping anymore.
Where is a suicide bomber when you need one
Why don't people remember how many shovelware games and garbage office "humour" websites there were in the 90's? By your ridiculous logic Windows 95 killed the internet since it attracted tons of normies, both families and regular office employee. Facebook didn't do shit, the internet was garbage in the 90's, garbage in the 2000's and garbage now.
women are far more than 50%, more like 80% user
but you are right, most women are also normies, and normies are bad wherever they go
Social media has changed the web tremendously.
>only have breakfast and a single meal per day,
eat more small meals if youre trying to lose fat
their buying power also means that the features will be tailored towards them, hence really stupid shit
The worst part about it is they all need to include themselves in the photo
Like wtf can't they just take a generic photo of the event
This, everywhere the masses go they ruin it, clickbait everywhere.. perhaps the darknet is the last hope?
It did but so did AOL, Windows 95, Geocities and Flash. It's weird how both Sup Forums and Sup Forums tend to be nostalgic about things that didn't exist.
>the metabolism may may
He probably has a sedentary lifestyle and not everyone's body responds the same to food intake methods.
You think thats bad? I wasnt even a geek of some sort, well kinda was but I like the "fringe" stuff more. The manuals, the weird texts, the /tg/ like lore. The various weird communities that propped up. Exploring all of them, even the video game worlds the early places. There were wonderful. What the internet needs perhaps is not only nerds, but also the outcasts, or the weird people that dont quite fit in society. They made the internet great. Even the dudes who used a hammer to impale their balls with nails were ten times better than the average micro agression normie.
I wonder if at some point you nerds can go REEEEEEEEEEEEEE NORMALFAGS GET OUT OF THE INTERNET
Maybe create somekind of machine learning algorithm that can herass, stalk and bully all the normies automatically.
> this picture
>barrier to entry benefits first to market and incumbents
>stop the presses!
>remember when Sup Forums was good?
If this results in me being unable to use my own computers how I want I'll complain, I'm far more concerned about UEFI than ladies and smartphones tbqh
>muh thyroid
Someone's mad he got rejected lol
I started using the web in 1996 or 1997, so I was actually there and I know how bad the effects of social media have been.
>early days of computers and internet (1970-1990): used by 99% of smelly male nerds with weird niche interests, coding, IRC, otaku culture, hacking, warez, scifi discussion boards, etc. nerds realize there are so many things one can do with a computer, plenty of hardware gadgets, the birth of video games, etc; there was this notion that "this is the future" but the mainstream people didn't understand and didn't care enough to invest in the pricey equipment
>Personal computers with networking capabilities and ww appears (~1992): 50% of the world consumerist base ie women suddenly take interest in internet machines, pay +500 bucks to carry powerful little computers that can anything and expensive ISP services which allows them to download anything at high speed; use them only to take photos of themselves and talk to their IRL friends on social media
what the net worth of make-up and hairdresser fee on this picture alone?
Time to go back to BBS and Usenet.
All that text is too boring for normies...I hope.
Anyone as big as your photo has no excuse, but I'm saying if you are like 20-30 lbs over normal weight, you aren't going to get there just by spreading your meal out into chunks. Take your psuedo nutrition back to /fit/.
You can't use your computer how you want. You don't have a book that tells you what every chip does and how to poke it to make it do certain things. This isn't a "We should go back to C4s and Apple //s" thing (well...) but if you think you have any power over your hardware you're mistaken.
That's not even close to true and you know it.
>not everyone's body responds the same to food intake methods.
With the exception of a very small portion of the population with actual serious medical conditions, that is simply not true
Give it to me straight Sup Forumsoys...
Am I missing out in life without a Facebook?
I was applying for a job last week and it asked for my Facebook account. I thought you guys were memeing with at shit but I guess its real. I just left it blank.
nah, you still had to spend hours of effort to connect and annoy other people, it was a totally different scenario.
You are missing out by not having a Facebook, but it's whether or not you think having all your personal details data-mined is worth it.
To be honest I've never understood social media in the context of Twitter (140 characters, really?) or Facebook. What's the point of a platform to talk to people you know? At least with Sup Forums I'm talking with people who I'll never ever meet (nor would I ever want to).
>nor would I ever want to
I want to be your friend user, why do you reject me so?
Garbage has always existed, but the issue now is that today's garbage is the centre-point of the entire web. You can make the argument that there's other sites and you never need to go to Facebook, and that may be true, but even the most obscure page these days has google JS tracking or a social media Like button. Their tentacles are everywhere, and you can't defend the change in context that this creates compared to "there's garbage sites in places."
cos ur a fag lol
facebook expedition survivor here, facebook is literally hell, bunch of clickbait for likes, bunch of roasties showing cleavage and getting nice comments from the orbiters and fellow roasties who also get nice comments from other roasties, basically a giant circlejerk and "95% of people can't solve this question" pics, shitty games and tracking EVERYWHERE, you do realize everything you write down to someone, from someone, about yourself or about others is stored, logged, sold off to ads and hopefully not some illuminati-like bad guy group
like i give a fugg
that is true and you know it
this, going to facebook is like forcing yourself into a conversation between girls (i.e. gossip and useless shit). Delete your facebook and all will be good.
>Am I missing out in life without a Facebook?
If you socialize with people face to face then you're missing out on nothing. And the company that asked for your facebook is probably shit. Many people keep their information hidden and don't share their wall posts with non-friends so them asking you for your facebook is redundant.
>and hopefully not some illuminati-like bad guy group
It is being given to the NSA, CIA, FBI, etc, it couldn't get any more illuminati than that.
What two burgers? There is a significant difference between two Big Macs and two Double Cheeseburgers. In fact, Two Double Cheeseburgers ~= One Big Mac
Women on average need 70% (heh) as much food as men do
they were told to take a selfie actually
thank you for correcting the record
>the truth is bad when it doesn't agree with my feelings
my pleasure
That's even worse.
>he doesn't appreciate the sea of slutty pics and amateur porn
But then again this is Sup Forums, the place of trap lovers and cucks
Women at stadiums: OP webm
Men at stadiums:
Not their buying power, but their make provider's.
>how women haven't thought of a single innovative and interesting use for the expansive tech equipment they carry everyday in their handbags
Have you?
People taking pictures
.. of people taking pictures
.. .. of themselves