/pcbg/ - PC Building General

/pcbg/ - PC Building General-- w-wait for vega edition

Post your component list, rate other anons', ask questions.

State the purpose of your PC, your budget, AND YOUR COUNTRY if outside the USA.
If you are asking for improvements, clarify whether you want to lower price or improve specs.
List the games or software you use most often.
Use common sense and put some effort into your queries.

>Assemble your parts list with price comparisons by vendor and compatibility filter.
>General build advice including chipset compatibility, power supply advice (which is pretty outdated/shit), Windows activation information.
pastebin.com/F9diF2hA (embed)
>Semi-outdated information about how to assemble a PC, how to select components, etc.

>Pentium G4560 remains the best if your budget is only around $500.
>The Ryzen 1700 is the only R7 worth purchasing.
>i5 edges out R5 for gaming, R5 wins in apps.
>i3 are no longer worth getting with zero exceptions. The budget choice is the G4560. Otherwise get an i5/r5.
>Whoever saying locked i5s were useless were hedging on great R5 performance... oh well.
>The R5 1600 is the best all around chip for the price, it's a better choice than an R7 for gaming.
>SSDs are worth it. Expensive SSDs aren't worth it.
>RX 500 series around 10% better than 400s
>for budget builds, consider a mATX setup for case/mobo savings

There's been a huge upswing in disinformation in these threads, and in the community in general. At the end of the day, YOU are the one who loses if you take bad advice.

If you see any other build advice or part list threads, direct them here with and report.

Other urls found in this thread:



will this be enough for 390 Nitro?
kind of want it just to shut up my cx750, with R5 it's the only part that makes noise now

What's the a monitor with a good price/quality ratio, 1440p 60hz 27inch or above? Also needs at least 2 hdmi slots.

1700X on sale for $369 at microcenter, $100 off compatible motherboard, get a free B350 tomahawk with $10 rebate!!


i run a 390x and an i5 at 4.0ghz on a 550

> /pcbg/ - PC Building General
more like video games console assembly general

Would you prefer 50 threads a day by Sup Forumsidividuals who want to know if their build is fine?

>B350 tomahawk

There's a reason it's on sale.


>There's been a huge upswing in disinformation in these threads
Just like the worthwhile cards have been dropped off the OP, eh?
>The Ryzen 1700 is the only R7 worth purchasing.
Sure thing.
//You see a post and wonder who's behind it.

>for budget builds, consider a mATX setup for case/mobo savings
Holy shit, this. Nobody who only uses a single gpu and a moderately overclocked cpu needs full atx. Imo atx is for using a bunch of peripherals like a lot of hard drives, or sli/cf.

Is this a good list of components for someone who doesn't play games at all but still wants to build their own PC?


>copy pasted OP without reading

I won't do it again, user.

I get triggered every single time I see somebody using a full ATX tower for a single GPU and a couple of hard drives.

Motherboard seems like an expensive choice considering the overall build and purpose.

You want more than 4gb of RAM 8 should be fine, you can get away with 4, but shit will write to disk all the time. Otherwise fine.
Check eBay for monitors. I got a 27" acer for $170AUD

Calm your autism bro, It's always good to have room for expansion

He has, 2x4gb ram, he's fine.

Changed my list around - case was mITX which limited my mobo options.


I'll go look for a monitor on eBay but would like a good one and I don't think people sell good items on eBay anymore, at least not cheaply.

My 7850 died and retards want 150€ for a fucking 770 gtx where I live so I might try aymd again

What is the AMD equivalent of the 770/960 or something in that range good for the buck?

I just want 5-7k score on benchmark I will buy a proper card when they stop being shit that is overkill for 1080p or lackluster for 144hz/4k

I'm talking about used cards*

I buy full atx, then pick up a secondhand FX card later for maximum lifespan and savings.
Ah, I misread.
As long as it's not a Korean one you should be fine.
Make sure the seller also has a physical store.

Will 550W suffice for b350 r5 1600 580 8gb nitro+ 2x8gb 3200mhz ram full overclocking build? Is Be Quiet System Power B8 550W 80plus for 56€ a reliable PSU?

basic specs are good. You might want to make the ssd 240ish gb, or get a cheapo hard drive, 500gb ought to do. You know your own storage habbits though.
Power supply is overpriced and shit btw.

RX470 4G is basically the cheapest card ever recommended for gaming, unless you are very specifically looking for something that is low power for old games.

if it works for this guy will work for you

The 600W version is reviewed here:

Looks like it isn't standout, but is decent enough and probably won't fuck things up.

HD 7970, r9 280x, r380 if you can find them at a decent price, and can make sure they weren't used for bitcoin mining. But only if you can find them wicked cheap. Otherwise I'd just go with a new Rx470/Gtx 1060 3gb, whichever is cheaper.

>btw there's gtx 960s in my area for $110US that could maybe be haggled a little.

I've got a huge tower with an i5 2500k and an HD 7850. I'd like something at least as good but way more portable and under $700.

Specifically, I need to be able to finish the witcher 3 on it. Is the $600 NUC fast enough? If not, what small form factor pc's could I build?

Due to inexplicable events there is now a finger print in the tim on my wraith spire cooler. Is the best course of action to completely remove it and then reapply or try and patch it ?

nuc is shit.
here you go. pcpartpicker.com/list/Hfcbf8
size of an Xbox

A NUC won't have the graphics performance you need for gaming in general, and especially Witcher3.

A small mITX build will probably suit your needs - spend some time looking at different mITX cases and pick one, and then find parts that will be compatible. Many mITX cases can be configured to fit full size graphics cards.

I'd rather the mods do their fucking jobs and ban motherfuckers who post these threads and any threads like it. They have *nothing* to do with Sup Forums; these people are just reading from a tier list.

The same goes for private tracker threads, headphone threads, watch threads, battlestation threads, desktop threads, any threads concerning CPU benchmarks for games, etc. Every single one of those belongs on a different board.

what's a cheap case with good dust protection and airflow?

reapply, possible air bubbles

surely one of you fuckers can tell me

Don't overstate shit.
It'll be fine. You can wipe off 40% of the paste and still have OK temps.

Sounds like you should probably just find another forum more dedicated to the specific topics you're interested, friend.

Thanks user.

My RAM comes tomorrow so I might be able to post pictures of my first build ever if people are interested

You're retarded. Unless and until Sup Forums makes a board specifically dedicated to consumerism, every single board is going to have discussions about purchasing board-related products which is perfectly valid.

On Sup Forums they talk about buying consoles and handhelds.
On /fit/ they talk about buying protein and steroids.
On /out/ they talk about buying boots and tents.
On /fa/ they talk about "copping" clothes.
On /p/ they talk about buying cameras and lenses.
On /o/ they talk about buying cars.
On /ck/ they talk about buying knives and pots.
On /n/ they talk about buying bikes.

And on Sup Forums we talk about buying electronics.

If the only thing you want to see on Sup Forums is GNU/Linux discussion, then just stay in the GNU/Linux general.

Post it in the GUTS thread.

Swefag here, I got a PC for vidya, but I havn't upgraded any parts for a few years now, and I can feel that while having two monitors and playing WoW on one monitor and doing anything else on the other.

My junk is
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750Ti
Intel i5-2500k CPU @ 3.30 GHz 4cores
Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600MHz 8GB
And some Asrock motherboard I got for free that I can't even find the name for right now

Got a budget of about 1000 euros/dollaros, doesn't need to be top end stuff but I just want some better stuff overall and some new SSD's, and no AMD please, the one I had before melted

>bitcoin mining.

Welp, I forgot about that, fuck AMD

I got some guy with a 65€ 770 (2GB)

Should I?

I was pretty happy with my 7850, the only shit it could not play was witcher 3 and a couple more shits and I guess the 770 will since its 200% the cpubenchmark and shit and I will stay at 1080p/60hz for a while

So im selling my Pentium G3260 as well, which should net me a good 30$ or so
With the rx460 selling at what i presume will be 70$, whats the best PC i could get for around 100$.
Everything but a GPU included.
It doesnt have to be powerful, id be using a Gt 710
Im thinking just another core2duo machine, maybe core2quad if theyre cheap.

If you're feeling limited in multitasking, you need to bump up your CPU game.

If you won't buy anything AMD, the only real recommendation is to go all the way up to the i7 7700k.

If you want a full build for $100 your only option is to scan used sales in your area and buy whatever is best. There's nothing Sup Forums can recommend since we don't know what is available in your area.

do you want to spend the whole $1000? because your setup is salvageable.
You could buy a beefy cpu cooler, crank that puppy up to 4.5ghz, get a new gpu and ssd. just doing that will make your system feel brand new.

I got a Cooler Master V8 CPU cooler, is that good?
And you mean overclocking the CPU to 4.5 or buying a new one?
Any gpu you'd recommend? Preferably I'd like to keep myself to nvidia since I never had a problem with those, as my former grapic card HIS Radeon HD 6950 2GB GDDR5 actually melted after about a month,

There is also CoolerMaster Elite 600W for 49 and Corsair VS series VS550 for 50 however i have heard the Corsair VS series is chink shit. Is EVGA 600W with 80 PLUS any good? It's the same price as the Be Quiet one but has 0 comments on the greek price comparison website im at. I'd rather generally not go over 60€ on a PSU here's a link on what PSU's i'm looking at skroutz.gr/c/30/psu-trofodotika/f/405607/Από-501W-έως-650W.html?order_by=pricevat&order_dir=asc&page=6

The problem with going only nvidia here is your GPU choice for something actually new would be worse than the AMD equivalent in a few ways

You would be best off with an Rx480, which is comparable to a GTX 1060 but the 1060 is more money and performs worse in some games. A 580 would be a fantastic choice but again the only nvidia competitor is the 1060, which performs worse than the 580 and costs more.
You had a housefire of a GPU. Like A 280x or an HD7790 with a blower cooler. AMD has yet to make a housefire this generation
(though its gonna happen soon, looking at that 585x2 concept)

Get a 480 or 580, slap a good cooler on your 2500k and overclock the bitch, then youre good to go for a while.
Your 2500k is getting old and an upgrade would be nice but right about now we're looking at 3 generations of Intel processors that dont have shit in performance gains.
An i7 4790k is only about 15% slower than a 7700k is for example.

Can I really overclock Ryzen 1600 with stock cooler and use it comfortably or it's just a meme?

yeah, you can. stock cooler is the best product to come out of ryzen, by far. followed by the 1600. so you're good

You can, just not as good as with a more beefy cooler. You can get a decent OC on stock with moderate temps but a good aftermarket cooler can bring it further and get even better temps.

Do I dare to go Radeon again after having my previous one melted? the 1060 is like 20 euros more expensive for me.

I should probably get some more RAM though, I keep being around 90% memory use when I do my usual stuff on the computer.
I guess I'll wait with the i7 or whatever and get myself a decent SSD

Currently have a non-modular PSU in this thing and it's taken up a lot of space. I need to use that PSU for another build anyways, so I need a replacement.

Is a SFX PSU worth the price premium to give the case even more space? Or is a normal modular one good enough?

Depending on silicon lottery you can go up to 3.8GHz +/- 100MHz on the Spire with confortable temps (not Intel's 90C+ "this is fine" temps) as long as your case has a half decent airflow.

I'd say it's on par with $20 solutions like the Artic Freezer Pro. No wonder third parties didn't want AMD to release the Max on retail (it's OEM only for now) given how it has $30 worth of cooling potential.

Are you going to overclock the CPU? If not, the Seasonic 520W might actually be the best choice as it should have no issues handling an RX580 and looks like the best build/performance out of those options, and with a 65W CPU + 225W GPU you'll still only be at about 60-70% capacity at load.

Here's a good review of that PSU in particular:

the 1060 beats the 580 by 7% overall in avg frames and 1.2% in 10% lows. what a tard.

radeon nowadays is fine. The 580 is a bit less known to be reliable than the 480, though. And 1060 is a solid choice. Heck, I own 7

nah, go EVGA G2 (quieter and cheaper) or G3 (smaller and more efficient) and never buy a PSU again.

this is a legit comment. Only cooler I own (out of many) that I'd put over the stock under $40 is the Arctic Freezer i32.

The current cards are not high wattage housefires. While ill agree that AMD really loves to put out high wattage nightmares, the 480's and 580's are not those. The 480 is around around 150w tdp i think.

If you are using 1080p, go with a 4gb 480/580, 8gb is not needed for 1080p at all. If you go with a 1060 for the love of god do not buy a 3gb GPU in 2017, quite a lot of stuff still does need over 3gb and we should be sending a message that 3gb is retarded. The 3gb 1060's are also lower binned chips and dont perform as well as the 6gb ones.

While i would personally recommend a 4gb RX 480, a 6gb GTX 1060 is still a good option, you'd just be paying more for about the same performance. But if you prefer nvidia and youre willing to spend that bit of extra money, nothing wrong with that.
Same reason i spend 2$ more per pack on cigarettes, i prefer a specific brand over other options.

3gb are binned AND throttled. yet they do perform better than the 480, and 2% worse than the 580 overall in 1080p. 2% better and 5% worse in 1440p.

>a 6gb GTX 1060 is still a good option
Is this the one you mean? Cause I been eye-ing this one for the last hours

Thanks. I only want 60fps in games so I guess I'll be fine? Also, do I need x370 mobo for stable overclock or b350 will be enough? I'm thinking about getting Asrock B350 Fatality one but I heard there's some problems with vrm? So I wonder if it's fine to do 1600 oc with it.

Well since i'm getting the R5 1600 i'm definitely going to overclock it with its stock cooler which i read is pretty powerfull. I will also be overclocking the motherboard to take 3200mhz of RAM. I don't really care about the build being quiet but i don't want any of my poorfag decisions to fuck up my build.

I'd go gigabyte, but Asrock probably second. ASUS are okay, but shit customer service, and MSI has like 3 power phases.

B350 is enough if you are going to use the stock Spire cooler and expect a 3.7 or 3.8GHz OC without cranking up voltages too much. Get X370 only if you're expecting to go beyond that (which will need an aftermarket cooler anyway) or if you absolutely need either SLI/CF support or the additional I/O.

A high quality B350 can hit 4 on 1600 chips just fine. It's the chip that is the decider.

>Consoles and handhelds
That's basically what people talk about in these threads. People here aren't asking about rare or hyper-niche hardware.

Not every little thing that is tangentially related to electronics belongs on this board.

Torrents have an entire fucking board dedicated to them. Headphone threads have very little discussion to do with technology other than they're electronic. They belong on Sup Forums. Watch threads rarely discuss anything more than the aesthetics of watches. They belong on /fa/. /wg/ already does regular desktop threads, and they could probably fit battlestation threads, too ($500 chairs are not technology). Desktop threads were not allowed years ago and it was a good decision they should have never quit enforcing. Threads about benchmarks for games belong on a board for games; they are not complex discussions about topology or VLSI, they're people rehashing the same pseudo-intellectual points over and over again. Send them to Sup Forums. Chinese buying threads belong on /biz/, in the same way we banned cryptocurrency discussion from here 4ish years ago.

If you think Linux is the only thing to discuss here outside of buying shit, leave Sup Forums. Please, talk about anything other than this bullshit. Talk about networking, security, machine learning, robotics, electrical engineering, hand-built hardware, custom OSs and languages, or large projects you've been a part of. Yes, these are slower topics and the board would be slower, but that's not an issue when they're not getting slid 24/7 by retards like you who think this board exists for their consumerism threads.

We don't shit up /trv/ with two pages of threads about cars and car parts because "you need a car to travel." Please extend Sup Forums the same courtesy.

The problem with forums is that usernames and non-opaque administration turn them into a circlejerk, because very skilled people often don't get the recognition they truly deserve, and so they take it out on their userbase.

You need to strike gold for that though, I've seen a couple of people having trouble cranking their 1600 beyond 3.7GHz on B350. That's why I mentioned X370, as the extra power phases and better VRM heatsinks can help with stable OCs beyond 3.8GHz if you happen to get a meh chip.

Also, to tame expectations. People forget really easily that reviewers will always get the highest binned shit from the manufacturer and real life results might be really different.

Redpill me on motherboards /pcbg/.

The budget build I'm making uses a G4560 and will run fine on a board from h110 to b250, but if i want an upgrade path is it better buy a b350 board now for $30 more?
Is the b350 needed for Ryzen or is it just for overclocking?

Main problem is that everything in that price range around 600W is going to be using cheaper chinese parts in order to hit that price point and often won't even meet ATX spec for all requirements on PSU power handling.

It's not that a 500W PSU won't work (it'll run at higher load than is maybe ideal), or a chinese 600W won't work, it's that you're running slightly higher risk of having problems than you would having a quality PSU with a little more headroom.

A 1600 at full overclock + a 580 will be running over 400W at full load.

any anons know of some aussie sites for good deals? fuck paying a fuck ton for a graphics card that's only for hardware acceleration & rendering
...and probably a bit of emulators or something

I see, i can possibly stretch a bit to the 70-75€ price range. I don't really care however for the 80 plus gold just to possibly get a return after 3-5 years of use. Can you check this greek price comparison website for a cheapest reliable recommendation? Would really appreciate it greek commenters give 5/5 on Corsair VS series just because it's Corsair.

If you had the opportunity to buy a WD Gold, would you get it over the WD Black? Are they strictly better?

>Calls other people tards
>Unironically suggests the EVGA G2
Bad advice general.

The fast check on upgrade path is making sure every CPU you are interested in is on the same socket.

B350 has an AM4 socket for AMD Ryzen processors. The G4560 will not fit and is not compatible.
H110 and B250 have LGA 1151 sockets for Intel processors. The G4560 will fit and MAY be compatible.

First you need to pick the right socket, then you should check the motherboard CPU compatibility list to ensure the CPU you are choosing is listed. 99% of the time if the CPU fits the socket it will be compatible, but this is not 100% the case.

While you're looking at the CPU compatibility list, you can see what other processors the motherboard will support so you can know what your options will be when upgrading in the future.

Odd, from what i've read X370 does not benefit overclocking at all and is only for SLI, future proofing ports, extra sata's, better onboard network/sound cards.

b u m p

That's what I've read too, but I guess it may help a little bit with better quality components and better power delivery so you don't need to use toasty voltages.

But having more power phases is directly related to overclocking?

Most have at least 2 hdmi slots.
First check for anyone possibly selling a used one since some are upgrading to 144hz or 4k.
Beyond that price for a new one depends on your country, if you're in europe i think dells are pretty cheap and good quality

Following up on this - here's the two 2TB options side by side

And here's the 4TB option.

thanks desu
I'm in australia so anything decent will cost me an arm and a leg. Let a 27inch 4k screen for $350 slip me by a few weeks ago, been kicking myself since.

Well, i'd expect motherboard manufacturers to at least mention their more expensive models benefiting overclocking so they can sell more of those but oddly enought they don't. Check Asus edgeup.asus.com/2017/02/22/ryzen-am4-motherboard-guide/

So if I am only gaming, would getting a 1700x be worth it? I can get it for $264.99 while a 6700k will cost me 269.99. Also buy 1080ti or give vega a chance?

I'd give vega a chance first. If you have the budget, I'd go for a 1700x.

If you gonna get Ryzen than go for full AMD build.

If I had to pick something from that site for your build, I would go with the Seasonic S12II-620, but to be honest I am surprised at those prices and selection - I guess Greece is fucked?

The S12II-620 has a good quality build, but and old design that doesn't perform as well overall as newer designs like the SSR-650RM which is only $77 in the US.

A 1700x at that price is a steal, as long as it's not second hand and therefore a potential dud. GPU is up to you, depends if you want to play the waiting game for at least a couple of weeks.

Finding good midrange PSUs in Europe is a fucking pain. EVGA, Antec and Seasonic are only officially releasing stuff here since a couple of years ago or so (mostly their high wattage stuff) and their price is highway robbery. For quite long you could only chose between whatever Corsair model was flavour of the month or just go with taiwanese brands like Aerocool or local brands with chink manufacturing like Nox

>I guess Greece is fucked?
Sapphire rx 580 nitro+ costs 385€ here so...
also greece is the poorest yurop country with min wage being 300€. I've been hardcore saving for 2 years to build this r5 build.

I absolutely have no idea what GPU to get, it's insane. Been running my Intel HD 630 for over a month now and I can't seem to find a sweet spot GPU to go with my build. RX 580 are seriously overpriced at the moment and 1070/1080 are stupidly expensive.

Go for RX 480 same card as 580 just lower clocked. Maybe you can find a used one from some idiot upgrading from 480 to 580. Also if you aren't going for anything more than 1080 the 4gb versions will work fine.

>seriously overpriced
They're at about 480 price levels for a better card. What are you talking about?
If you've already joined team red retard then you should be accustomed to waiting. So if you want to wait for Vega, then just do that. Otherwise get a 580 and look out for sales if you can't handle it.

Old Spice build finally got finished

I don't like buying used stuff, and the 480 are the same price as the 580 at the moment.

In the US maybe but here in Europe it's around 290-350€.
>If you've already joined team red retard
I mentioned Intel HD.

What's your monitor?

1080p 60hz but I might upgrade to 1440p in the future who knows. That's why going RX 480 doesn't sit too right with me if I already feel limited by it in 1-2 years.

No point in getting 1440p 60hz at this point, either go 4k 60hz IPS or 1440p 144hz IPS both of which run at $400

an RX 470 through the 580 would be fine, a 4GB 480 is going to be the sweet spot

Maybe we can update OP's GPU section with something a little bit more specific so the same questions aren't asked over and over again.

RX550, RX560, consider IGP if extremely budget constrained
RX570 / 1060 3GB
>1080pFreeSync or 1440p60
RX580 / 1060 6GB
Used or clearance R9 Fury (X) / 1070 / 1080 / Wait for Vega
1080Ti, consider SLI from previous tier if you already have one
>But user, that card won't run this shitty game on Ultra!!111
Go up one tier