Does Google actually make any money from having the most popular web browser?
Does Google actually make any money from having the most popular web browser?
they deny competition a lot of money and that's almost as good. plus with their new "built in ad blocker" will block all ads except for google ads so RIP internet ad industry.
It has google as the default search engine, and you can't switch the main address bar to a different search engine easily.
It keeps their ad business safe from browsers that could become hostile to them
they get a botnet a layer down so yes they do, more information = more money. chromebooks are another layer down (so even more info) but are less used.
Yes. This is how the stock market works.
>and you can't switch the main address bar to a different search engine easily.
You can do it surprisingly easy though.
You can't disable "safebrowsing", aka collecting your data, even hashing everything you download and checking a database.
>thinks clicking the disable button does anything
user, I...
did you miss that part of the google terms where you agreed to let google sell your personal information to the highest bidder?
They want to provide the single available advertisement apparatus.
Google should have been torn apart ten years ago with anti trust laws.
Antitrust doesn't prevent monopolies, just the abuse of them.
The overwhelming majority of Google's revenue comes from advertising. That is because they collect tons of user data and can provide very good targeted advertising. Now ask yourselves again if they make money off of a browser.
yes, you use more google services. if you use a google service they gain money from:
1. ads
2. data about you they can sell
If the product is free, you're the product.
they sell your info to the NSA
Google used to pay millions of dollars to Mozilla to be the default search engine. So yes.
They make money from it in a few ways.
1. Chrome boosts Google's name recognition
2. Chrome defaults to Google as the search engine, boosting ad views and therefore engagement
3. Chrome defaults to allowing Google to harvest information from you that can be used to deliver more personalized ads to you
2 and 3 can be circumvented with modifications to the settings.
wtf i hate RMS now
Well they collect all ur userdata and fuck with them.
Let's not forget that browser dominance gives vendors an incredible amount of leverage over web standards. In the past, Internet Explorer's dominance held the entire web back. Now Chrome's dominance allows Google to shape the direction they want the web to take. I think we can all agree that's not a desired outcome.