Can we have an Ebay stories thread?
I'll start
>Need a usb hub
>open ebay
>find 99 cent usb hub from china
>impulse buy
>connect to pc
>connect multiple devices to it
> it doesn't work
>leave it a bad review and go to bed
>open Ebay
>see new message
>pic related
>seller notices my bad review
>seller wants to negotiate
>by providing a sob story
>\>he will lose his job
>make a reply
>tell the seller to send me a new one, but my negative feedback would remain until I get a working product.
>next day
>check ebay
>new message
>pic related
>seller responds to my reply
>seller cannot meet my demands
>elaborates more on his sob story
>\>just graduated from uni
>\>working over time
I still haven't responded. I really don't care about the dollar I wasted but im getting a chuckle out of this.
What do Sup Forums?
Obviously bullshit but suggest first class shipping
Fuck the story, and fuck leaving bad feedback. Open a dispute, if the seller doesn't help ebay will return your money by force. If they act like a cunt and don't give you your money back, and ebay does, leave bad feedback. If they help, leave good feedback.
Never ask for them to send a new item, only ever a refund, as by the time they send the new one purchase protection expires, so oftentimes they never send anything.
I hardly care much anymore, especially not for 99c, but I only ever ask for a direct refund. All else is just wasting time.
Just let ebay step in, they'll give you your money back and fuck up the seller hard
I mean for 99c you might as well bullshit with the guy as long as you don't care about the dollar. Sometimes wasting time is worth it for the story
Demand a refund.
And I don't think I would plug random cheap chink shit into my computer. Sounds risky.
Thats not what im trying to do, I just want to see what the seller will do if I keep responding to them.
>Sometimes wasting time is worth it for the story
This is more or less the only reason I bother with this shit these days.
Sounds fun, keep at it.
Well in that case, go for it. Fuck the refund, its only a dollar anyway.
The only thing that will happen is that the guy will keep pussyfooting around the actual issue to avoid losing the 99 cents he made off of you by continuously dumping walls of text that you won't care for until it's past the money back guaranteed period. All of these asshats that try to scam people pull shit like this, it's barely worth bothering with when you see it all the time.
Well im looking for ideas such as what
I want to make more stupid demands from the seller to see what they respond with.
Dude just take the refund. Don't be a prick.
Leaving bad feedback really fucks up stores. It's just a dick move to screw a guy for a $1 item.
find something here you want and demand it
see if they'll go for it
I suggested an alternative shipping option, lets see what they respond with.
It's not good or funny store, it just shows you're immature. These people do this for a living, it's like hassling fast food workers for entertainment.
If people do shit like this the result is things get more expensive or more of a hassle.
Because people were ripping off Chinese sellers saying the item didn't arrive and accepting a refund or having them reship I gotta sign for anything over $5. Fucking hassle because of shitty people
see if they'll throw this in for free
Moral fag
Tell him the review will stay unless you get a working product, that you're a man of integrity that voted for Uncle Bernie and that you will not forfeit your first amendment, not when there has been a massive with transfer from the bottom 90% to the top 1%.
Dude... it's $1 Chinkshit electronics. The fuck did you expect? At least you didn't buy cheap Chinkshit mains powered devices that are likely to kill you.
You played ebay roulette and lost, fortunately you didn't lose much. Either write off your dollar as a loss and move on with your life or if you really care report it to ebay and get your money back.
Hey, those are nice hydroxy generators
>try to sell my old laptop
>the auction ends like 2 times, both times a scammer won and messaged me asking to accept payment outside of eBay
>finally I get a legitimate buyer
>I forgot to uncheck offer international shipping and I offered free shipping
>I had to pay almost $200 to ship it to Russia (why was a Russian buying a keyboard with an American English keyboard?)
More recently
>put my old phone up on eBay
>the auction ended the day after Easter
>the winner of the auction messaged me telling me he got a new phone as an Easter gift (who buys someone a cell phone for Easter?)
Fuck, I meant laptop with an American English keyboard.
You're enjoying this pathetic drama over $1? Get a life you sad cunt. Leave the chink to scam other morons who are dumb enough to buy a $0.99 USB hub from CHYNA thinking it'll work.
They really are fucking you over in trade, quite literally.
I blue balled a guy on Ali express
> order thing for $0.89
> never arrives
> open dispute
> seller makes plea to wait a bit longer and that he will send new item (so the buyer protection runs out, he thinks I'm dumb)
> decline offer
> sob story about how he can't let the company get a black mark
> ignore
> Ali express steps in
> guy claims I'm not cooperating
> tell them that the guaranteed shipping time has run out voiding our contract and that I demand my $0.89 back
> day goes by and see that Ali express sides with me
> get my $0.89 back
> check just now
> his shop is gone
That's what you get for trying to chink me
Fucking wow
89 cents
>Be December 19, 2016
> Freind says he is downgrading his PC to an I5 4k from an I7 4k.( says he wants a more balanced PC)
> Say I will buy it for him if I can get the I7
> have I5 3k
>order the I5 and a new motherboard
> get I5 and fit it perfectly into friends PC.
> now 22 April 2017, still waiting for the MB.
> I7 sitting in a static wrap on a shelf, just waiting...
>> Freind says he is downgrading his PC to an I5 4k from an I7 4k.( says he wants a more balanced PC)
Is your friend a little slow or something?
>why was a Russian buying a keyboard with an American English keyboard
maybe he does programing or webdev so its just easier that way.
>says he wants a more balanced PC
lol wut? there are advantages to getting a car with a smaller engine but what the fuck is he doing?
If you ever has to work for a Chinese company you would know they are THE eastern Jew. They will con you out of nothing and then pilfer from some other poor rube.
The sob story is working on you, there is no job to be lost, their is no negative consequence, it's just Chinese tactic to swindle a good review and 99 cents out of you. the only thing that's negative here is a serious waste of time for less than a dollar, just like this post.
Had a chuckle, thanks user.
>In this episode, OP the humongous NEET faggot "trolls" a person who is just trying to make a living.
So you're ok with some slope robbing you? If some chink is scamming you, do you break out the tiny violin and preach about how he's just trying to make a living?
I report him to eBay and get my money back like any other respectable adult would do.
Ok, so what do you care if someone is trolling these scamming assholes?
he's one of those moral-fags , he's always gotta white knight someone or complain about piracy
Yeah Im seeing more of these kinds of posters on/g/. The issue there is that white knights breed more trolls who just want to trigger them and the board turns into an autist v moraltard clusterfuck. And honestly who the fuck would stand up for people who are essentially legal con artists?
Only dangerous if your retarded
>2014 (?)
>Buy Cubietruck dev board on chink site
>wait forever
>never shows
>seller apologizes, some holiday or some shit
>he'll send it right away
>just refund it, I'm done here
>get refund
>a month later the dev board shows up
>he did ship it, chink postal service is slow as shit
>pay him again because neither of us are jewish
It still runs to this day but I don't have much use for it anymore. Fucking Mali GPU.
>go on ebay
>see some "4th generation i7" HP prebuilt for $50
>"fuck it, I can afford to lose 50 bucks"
>arrives some days later
>beep beep beep beep beep
>"could it be?"
>replace ram
>it fucking works
>"the post did say it was working"
>jew mode engaged
>open dispute
>time passes
>escalates to claim
>get my money back
>i feel bad
>give computer to my 14 years old niece to clear my conscience