>builds $800 computer
>installs linux
why do Sup Forums fags do this?
Builds $800 computer
Other urls found in this thread:
Because they want to feel special
>installs linux
On the GNU operating system? Yes!
cause they can?
because he's smarter than you
Linux isn't just for low spec machines, user. Hell, I'm typing this on an $1100 laptop running Ubuntu.
If I'm buying the best parts of course I want to use the best kernel, what else would I install?
I want shit that works for me. Fuck off
that's why I waited until I had a $1500 pre-tax pc to install gnu/linux on
Because I wanna have a nice gaming machine that I can customize the fuck out of with weeb shit.
>be me
>upgrade to 8GB RAM
>linux feels the same, no performance difference
>mfw I fell for meme once again
Because I have taste in computer hardware and at the same time, I have taste in operating systems.
From what, 4gb?
Do you still have an HDD?
Yes. Now are you going to meme me into getting a SDD?
>gaming machine
Super tuxkart in 4k 120fps?
> gaming machine
Uh-huh. Yepp. Right. Sure.
>he doesn't want 5 second boot times
If you had monitor your OS before "Upgrading" you would've noticed the HDD was the bottleneck instead of your ram, that's why your system feel the same as before.
i think the point he's trying to make is that linux uses so little resources in the first place that he did not need to upgrade his ram
this is correct. also
ssd is only good for boot time and large data transfer, how will it help me when watching netflix or youtube of firefox?
there's this thing called GPU passthrough
VMs are not all that complicated to use
the load time of the program. Don't you get tired of being able to go make coffee and come back before you can browse Sup Forums?
>ssd is only good for boot time and large data transfer
Are you fucking nuts?
SSD low seek time is the thing that make your OS shine!
Feetching thousand of little files scattered throught your entire disk is fast as fuck on an SSD, so your overall experience is faster, not just doing those 2 things.
My browsing became so fast because of the cached files your browser uses, every little page I visit loads why faster than when having an hdd.
>installing windows on anything ever
Why do normalfags do this?
Because I can
shh don't let the normies find out
>build $2500 computer with top of the line parts
>waste it all on semi-functioning "muh hackintosh"
Why do some of you faggots do this?
>What is Dual booting?
>What is a VM?
Stay simple.
>buy $700 graphics card
>watch youtube and post on Sup Forums
because I can
>hurr durr I could have bought macbook pro
>no thanks
Ya know, we should just quit telling them to install Linux. We don't need them polluting the community. Look what they do to Sup Forums.
there are pros and cons. the pros outweigh the cons.
Because Windows is annoying as fuck if you're used to Linux. Not many 'are you sure you want to do this' pop ups and relatively immune to viruses. Also good to use if you want to learn computing because its more intuitive.
Because I can.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
windows is the suxx0rs becuase I don't get to feel 1337 fucking around with the CLI and using config files instead of UI that does the same thing
currently running linux as primary on a 3k gaming rig because i'm fucking sick of gaming and being a shit idiot.
i can vouch for this. Personally i've use a late 2013 15" mbp for virtually all of my undergraduate studies (CS w/ art history and math minor), and i'm almost always using vmware to run windows/fedora out two 4k monitors via thunderbolt (Gtx 750 helps achieve this smoothly).Like, I still have a decent desktop (Now my file server) with equivalent specs, but as soon as I was awarded the pro with an ssd it completely stepped my game up. Get a SSD- at least to hold your OS.
>Dual booting
That'll last
>gaming in a VM
>Linux in a VM
>literally why
Indie garbage and low res, 12fps source games, sounds like a good time.
>not using Windows for your gaming rig, Linux for your home server, and OS X on your MBP to get laid in college
I just read that whole thing in Stallman's voice. It was a comfy experience thanks user.
Jesus Christ I hope you're trolling.
plus Sup Forums says Linux is better
>in real life they use windows because vidya
>b-but i want to look cool
cause its just werks
In your opinion what else is it that I should be installing OP? BSD? Windows? TempleOS?
>builds 2000$ computer
>browses web all day
Why do Sup Forums fags do this?
>builds $100000 computer
>writes the word "norman" over and over and over
I paid like $520 for my computer in 2014 and $100 of that was for Windows 8.1
>builds $273m computers
>installs linux
why do China fags do this?
>buy $800 computer
>install Linux
>most of the top games on Steam run on Linux
>enjoy benefits of both Linux and gaming
>Computer powerful enough to virtualize Windows for games not supported natively
>best of all world
Find a flaw
Because their workstations are actually at work, and all they need a computer for is doing internet related things without the need to play elaborate video games to entertain themselves. That's why they call it disposible income, son.
>buys $1100 laptop as a Facebook machine
>run windows natively
>virtualize linux
Find a flaw
power consumption
yes because an SSD actually fucking helps with load times on nearly everything
but its okay you just sit tight and be a fucking idiot
the cia niggers will watch your monitor in real time and make fun of you for watching avril lavigne videos
I get 400+ fps in CS:GO, quake3 is stable 250fps with hq3 on CPMA, xonotic is 900+fps
winblows is for casuals tbqh
it's running windows
Because some people here actually have jobs, and we use our computers just for that.
To be fair, the same can be said if it was the other way around.
not really since only windows sucks so hard
I built a $500 dollar machine. Went to install windows 7. Not successful. Didn't like my ssd. Installed lubuntu. Ran windows 7 in a virtual machine. Done. Never been happier with a machine. Using windows less and less. It's really just an environment for a couple applications I still use.
So much baiting. A lot of it did keep me from experimenting with linux at first. Once I got into it I realized it was what I was missing from computers that I used to like. Now I have a machine that's mine and truly mine without the arrogant bastards at microsoft bullying me and my time with constant time consuming updates and all the endless fiddlling with reinstalling and image backups and all this pointless shit. Fuck them. If my windows vm gets weird (it hasn't in a year) all I have to do is reinstall it and all the drivers are there provided in the virtual environment. Enough said I think.
..because it's the OS I've been using since 1999?
I think you're a year or two behind.
Yes, it used to be the case that there were no games (except tuxkart and warzone and a few others) for GNU/Linux. I thought so too, honestly, until I checked steam a few months ago and realized that there's now a ton of games available. Check that out if you want, because the difference between now and just a year ago is HUGE.
RX 470 was like $320 or something but I see your point. Feel free to tell us how you run 3x1440p smoothly with anything cheaper than that.
900 FPS sounds insane no matter what the game is. Which distro, CPU and GPU?
>What could you possibly do with a fast computer other than playing video games!?!?!?
i7-4790k @ 4.7ghz, gtx 760, void linux with xorg-minimal and proprietary drivers, WM is DWM
When friends and family are around i dualboot into Linux, gotta Keep making them think I'm a professional programmer. 99% of the time I'm on windows tho.
Try 3000
Be honest. Would you rather spend near that amount on a computer that had Windows on it?
Be honest. Would you rather spend near that amount on a used computer that had Windows on it?
I installed linux on a multi million dollar supercomputer. Checkmate
not using gpu pass through
my processor costs $661 alone
i'm on win10 LTSB by the way
I use AMD cards so fuck linux
> Not wanting Linux to take off
It's okay user, you can still have your snowflake OS while everyone's using NormieJustWorks.iso
I do it for work.
I honestly don't get it
I see people here complaining about how their 1070 has no good firmware on linux and I am like why would you even get a 1070 and then put linux on that machine
it really annoys me
linux is for laptops mane
and by laptops I mean thinkpads
You mean Elitebooks
no because elitebooks usually come with decent gpus so they're meant for light gaming or graphics software. That means windows dude
Not that guy, but
>no, not really
Not the 8540 series m8
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as the GNU operating system is in fact the Linux operating system running GNU software with its kernel.
Seriously, it's shit, I have the 8540p and the GPU is an old ass low end NV from 2010
>not just getting a gaming console
There aren't even any good games for pc. Just bad console ports and shitty indie games on top or the million or so generic first person shooters and grindy mmo yawnfests.
I thought those were way better than intel hd series
>actually believing graphics or who made it is a factor in whether it's a good game
you're a special kind of stupid,
The CPU is the first mobile core i series, the iGPU was complete shit, the NV was an upgrade for the time but can probably only run emulators now
>large data transfer
except that's patently false. The big draw of SSD's is low latency access times. That it also enables faster data transfers on modern SSD's is just a very nice bonus, but it's not in any way the big thing about SSD's.
That means shorter startup times, a much more responsive OS, and programs in general starting much faster. If you go back to a mechanical harddrive after having used an SSD for a while you'll notice the difference.
just run emulator for windows and passthrough your video card for nearly the same performance if you need gayms
>large data transfer?
why are you even on Sup Forums ?
ssd are chosen for their 4k and random reads, not sequential, you mongoloid
>as a Facebook machine
I do not have a Facebook account. This is a software development machine.
>not simply dual-booting
>>m-muh storage
relax, you got a 1T hard drive for a reason
Everybody on earth should dualboot. Windows for gaming and linux for everything else.
>That'll last
what do you even mean by this? I've been dualbooting windows 7 and ubuntu on my t420 for more than a year now
>""""builds"""" computer for playing games
Why do post here?