This is what the average redditor thinks "open-sores" means
you have to go back
This might just be the most pseudo-intellectual thing I have ever read
Then why is he down voted?
>OP can't even figure out how fucking REDDIT works
sage and move on, guys
As for you OP, I recommend you get a smartphone and NEVER COME BACK HERE
youtube and iFunny should be more than good enough for you right?
as always though, underage b&
>implying pajeets can do better than some neckbeards
regardless of OP's activity on reddit,
30-50% percent performance gain is huge (really promising) and makes you fucking wonder
what the fuck PCSX2 "team" was "doing" for the past 12 years.
i know... they did fuck all, because core was written by original member
and virtually nobody knows how it actually works
Why do you think gossiping about reddit is an appropriate topic for Sup Forums?
Why is everyone interested in my stuff? Listen...I took an obligation to protect them. OK? If someone came to you and asked you to protect them what do you do?
Anders Hejlsberg wasn't up to the task. Richard Stallman. No! Linus Torvalds? Nope. Not even Terry Davis, because he was asked as well. Nobody on this earth wanted to be bothered with dedicating their life to protecting the perfect justice that we once had.
I am the absolutely last person that had been requested to take up this monumental and lifetime task of protecting the star dragons. Open source? Unless you're okay with knowing that you killed off a species.
>waaah, why can't I get everything for FREE??
>Not understanding "free" software is free as in freedom and not necessarily free as in costs no money
jesus christ i hate reddit
what fucking faggots
(((Open source))) cucks BTFO. Glad reddit is waking up that closed source works better.
pcsx2 is a hobby project
it's one guy's code playground
CEMU is a monetized for-consumer emulator
pcsx2 is NOT
I'll listen if u explain
My compiler is closed source to protect the star dragons. A lot of work still needs to be done (compiler optimizations, code obfuscation, maybe garbage collection)
AND the reason I will be doing obfuscation is to keep the CSIS out. They want what I have to turn the Dominion of Canada into a communist state. But Im not selling.
What do you honestly think would happen if I open sourced my compiler and gave it away? Just basically make them extinct at that point. No! Not on my watch!
I have been instructed to create a programming language (and by extension a compiler for said language) to protect the star dragons. Right now, it exists as a C dialect. But integer naming is far different. That's all Im allowed to say at this point.
>it's "free as in free beer" so it has right to run like a fucking garbage and to stutter on $1500 machine
are you actually one of the devs?
Now imagine an entire website like that, that's Reddit
it's like pull requests aren't a thing
why would it be any different for you if he just never made it at all
he's just fuckin around, he doesn't owe anything to you
it's a bad fucking project and the pcsx2 devs know it and don't care and don't intend to improve it because they're just practicing shit.
so what was his response to, "you can open source something without allowing mods to the code base"
you left out the best part motherfucker! the part where the guy responds to getting btfo!
remember ishiruka?
remember when any streamer that was emulating gamecube games had horrible glitches and issues because they were shilled ishiruka?
forking exists and it causes horrible issues for the original project as well
you commies will bitch either way.
>omg open source but i have to pay!!!! fuck your work!!!
>omg its free but closed source!!!! feggit!!!!
>make software open sores
>some clown comes along and adds in broken features
>people start using the buggy, shitty, exploitable version of my software
>donations dry up and go to the joker
>all the bad publicity gets attributed to my software even though the forked version is the only one that has bugs
Never again.
I motherfucking hate Reddit.
every FUCKING time
Name one time this happened
Should've actually developed your software instead of making people wait for critical features for years on end. Once more, opensource proves it's superior.
>hur dur rapid application development meme
People have jobs you fucking NEET faggot.
Is this micropasta?
So you're full of shit. Got it.
Can CEMU actually complete BOTW now?
CEMU is closed source because the guy enjoys making a lot of money
Patreon cucks claim that not only can you beat it on 1.7.5, but the game actually at a higher higher framerate than any other verson
>tfw you'll never make nearly half of a million per year to work on an emulator
>why arent people paying for my software they can compile for themselves?!?!?!?
>average donation is only around 4 bucks but a large volume of them
shit man, I need to develop something with mass appeal and market my patreon to pajeets and chinks
It's been able to play BOTW to the end for a couple weeks now, with respectable fps if your CPU is decent.
The only thing that is still straight up broken is saving/displaying camera rune images, and I'm pretty sure that's not required to reach the end.
I knew there was a patreon, I didnt realize he was making bank though.
I hope he is at least doing his own work and not just stealing from another emulator or something.
People actually do that, though.
just work on a loo finding app and watch the 2 rupee donations flood in from the 1.5 billion street shitters
This, why else would he put copy protection on his software?
>fossfags are one person
Why'd you except their pull requests, idiot
>what is fork??????
My god.
So, literally irrelevant then. I love how in every post you make you keep proving how ignorant you are about anything related to software development.
>some shithead forks your shit
>calls it "$yourshit$suffix"
>suddenly all his bugs make people hate your shit
Thanks for proving my point.
Tbh i still don't get how people can see who replied to who, it's a total mess
>he's just fuckin around, he doesn't owe anything to you
why open sores garbage like linux will never be taken seriously
same here. everytime i have set foot on reddit i couldnt make head or tail of how the threads were laid out
>suddenly all his rebranding make him profits with zero effort
how will freetards justify this lmao
Don't worry, all the lincucks, freecucks, and open sores cucks will be killed. A white society will use proprietary software, not communism.net
Wait so the first guy thinks that opensource turns the code into a fucking wiki?
Even many wiki pages are locked or require sumissions to be reviewed so you can't instachange the page
good goy!
So you can pay for somebody to bitch at if things break.
>(example of x)
Watch this
>prove it
>hurr durr here's a completely unrelated thing and also I am right hahah I winn XD
>fuck off retard
At this point he's making enough money to pay 1000 pajeets to steal code for him.
What? PCSX2 runs really great for me. Some dude a few years ago made a lot of improvements on the linux end and I've played plenty of games no problem on it.
I don't remeber ishiruka
All the streamers i've seen who use gcn emulators use dolphin
go to r/atheism for a giggle
Isn't Cemu just a WiiU emulator?
Didn't the WiiU have basically no games to begin with and won't be seeing many now that the switch is out?
>start a fast food business
>some clown comes along and sells diarrhea burgers in the parking lot
>people start eating the feces
>donations dry up and go to the joker
>all the bad publicity gets attributed to my burgers even though the diarrhea burgers are the only ones that have shit
what do i do rebbit please help
>Basic Human traits like Willing to Share and Community effort is Communism