You are now aware that most normies have never seen this

You are now aware that most normies have never seen this.

A very sad reality.

>You must be over 18 to post on this board.

What is the point in a wifi cable if you can just use your phone?

I know what that is. Its the internet cable

What do you mean? I use that to connect my computer to the internet.
t. normie

I've literally had people call it that back when I worked help desk.

Any retard knows what this is even niggers know you dumb fuck stop acting like you're special.

i agree that 4g tethering is fine for basic applications and streaming but it'll never surpass hardline connections until its throughput is significantly increased

also my 70/10 connection is only $60 a mo, the cheapest "unlimited" 4G contract is like $100+ and 4G is only 10mb if you're lucky

Most normal people have seen an ethernet cable, user. Wi-fi wasn't always so popular.

>older person
>a telephone wire?

>younger person
>the plug?

>You are now aware that most normies have never seen this.
That's just plain incorrect

I use a wifi cable for my PS3 cause I can't afford wireless

>cable tv installer plugged the phone line for caller-id-on-tv functionality into the ethernet port on the back of the dvr
>took us a day to figure out why phone service went silent


I really don't care.

Ethernet is shit.

WiFi is just as fast and has low latency with 5GHz.

>wifi cable
I bet you're one of those faggots that calls thumbdrives "USB"s aren't you? AREN'T YOU FAGGOT?!

GbE is just as fast and has lower latency, 10GbE is 10x as fast and also has lower latency.

>wifi cable
Nigga you gay.

It also gets shat on if you live anywhere that's semi populated and you find yourself trying to find a clean channel to use.

Apartment living. Not even once.

looks like a typical Linux suicide. usually involves a cord of some description such as a power cord from a vacuum cleaner etc,,,

you know, wired wifi, with a cable


The internet phone wire. What about it?

>ethernet cable

That's the name of the protocol not of the cable you dipshit

tier list?

god tier: prefabricated twisted-pair cable with 8P8C modular plug and protective boot
top tier: twisted-pair with RJ-45 connectors
ok tier: ethernet cable
shit tier: internet cable
i don't even tier: wifi cable

yea, the name of the protocol commonly used over this configuration of cable
it isn't unusual to name something based on how it's used

Holy shit user, top kek, reminds me of shit my family does.
>Sides in heaven having sex with sarah palin.

> Audio cable
> VGA cable
> IDE ribbon
> SATA cable
> Serial cable

New to this whole Sup Forums thing huh user..?


CAT5 and CAT6, also frequently known as twisted-pair (TP), are frequently used for any form of serial communication, not only Ethernet.

>serial cable
It's not called "serial cable", it's called RS 232

Lol you can't even use cloud with those dinosaur cables, the sky would be clogged with wires.

Only if you're


>He hasn't upgraded to CAT6e

I hope you plebs at least have a fiber backbone...

Why are you rating my post? Everything I said is true.

>thumb drive
Don't you mean zip disquette

Most of the people in this thread also never created their own rj45 cable nor did they ever create cross cables so I am super upset already

RJ45 is the connector, not the cable. Also, I'm pretty sure you didn't actually make the cable/connector, you just attached the connector.

>wifi cable
I'm going to start calling it this now

thanks :-)


We have multiple cat6 cables at works which have a sticket on it with "wifi"
they are obviously cables for our wifi.

>a telephone wire?
Well, it's just two pins less.

>he doesn't The Plug(tm)

Not true this shit is well known

Go to any college and its in the back of the computers there

All gamerfags want to use them still too

>It's not called "serial cable", it's called RS 232
RS232 isn't the only type of serial

That's also true. USB is another form.

POTS: 2 or 4 wire
Ethernet: 8 wire (4 possible with half-duplex)

it's only 2 pins less in the rather edge-case of comparing half-duplex ethernet with a powerless 2-pin telephone connector


I had to use one in school once, it's a wifi cable right?

>this fucking thread

wow ok

Even 11ac wireless is like using 10Mb/s ethernet using Hub instead of switch

This all said, would it be worth actually inventing the wifi cable? As in a cable that actually just transfers over the wifi protocol

Majority of cellular subscribers have metered connections. A streaming session can kill a month's allowance in a few hours.

wifi is just ethernet over radio
take away the radio and it's just ethernet
so no, it would be no different to existing wired ethernet


>WiFi cable
Literally shaking right now

RJ-45 is incorrect terminology though, look up what it means

8P8C is better

other acceptable tiers: CAT5/6, LAN cable

Everyone has seen them. Normie adults have even used them. Only normie teens would have no idea where or why they're used.

Yes my friend, this is a generic 8P8C Ethernet over twisted pair category 6 cable

>oh look i just found out what a patch cable is
>lol normos btfo rooooooo
kys fgt

superb bait

gr8 b8


>What do you mean?
>t. normie

Why are you posting here? I don't even.

Purchased a house a few months ago and haven't gotten to obtaining an internet service at the place yet. I have unlimited data on my phone, so I use the tether. It isn't bad for streaming movies, music, occasional games, etc. The drawback however is that you can only do ONE thing at a time or everything lags. For example, if I play a game and get 100 ping by itself, the ping will raise to 500+ if I also stream music simultaneously.

No wonder my team sucks, they're playing on fucking phone internet.

Bullshit, normies play CS:GO and LoL which require a consistent, fast wired connection.

Wrong. I get 100 ping of league. It uses a lot less data than you think it does. Refer to

Lol, normies will play on wifi across their house and call 250 ping "fine".

First step to getting out of Bronze is taking responsibility for your actions. Sure you may be 30/0, but if the other team takes objectives you'll lose more often than not.

What the fuck are you on about, even my grandma knows them as the 'internet cable'.

>normies never had to set-up their own home router

Am I this out of touch? I mean surely ....... its not like they never .... I guess its somewhat believable.

I don't speak autism

>100 ping

Until LTE-U comes. Then it will be as bad as 2ghz

Lol you retard, how do you connect the wifi router to the cable modem without this cable?

>even niggers

what at an hiperbole, they obviously don't know

WLAN meant Wired LAN.

Here you go!


Actually I think it would be slower since wifi uses frequencies tailored to consumer bands while Ethernet over twisted pair would use whatever frequency is best for the communication itself.

>Falling so hard for this bait
Kill yourself

Best bait I've seen this year. Great job, user.

No, I call them Zip Drives actually.

This nigga knows how to bait`

TP isn't the correct name either. Cat cable isn't the only type of twisted pair cable.

Can't you just call it an Ethernet cable?

No ethernetis a network protocol. Fiber optic cable can be an ethernet cable too.

There's a difference between tech parlance and common language. An average joe will call a fiber optic cable a "fiber optic cable". Hell I bet if you asked an IT guy for an "ethernet cable" he's going to hand you a CAT6 cable.

>I know what an rj45 cable is im such a le cool and epic snowflake xD silly normies tee hee

So, what is it, guys?

>he doesn't call it "1000BASE-T Cat6 RJ45 8P8C UDP FTP cooper network cable"

Sutpf, Pimf, FTP, utp?

>Lol, but wifi is so good! why would I want to use a cable!?
>only buys things without ethernet port.
>Ugh, why is the internet always down?
>Can you reset my router?

You have to determine now if it's UTP, STP, FTP or whatever the fuck that is or else you will trigger some autists.

Ethernet cable is perfectly fine. It's the cable that connects to the Ethernet port you're trying to use. Stop being a retard and trying to get into preciosisms.

>Wifi Cable
Good job moron, now everyone knows that you are a retarted 12 year old Sup Forums wannabe faggot.

You can't afford a "FREE BOX" from the cable company?
Nigga lay down the kool aid and save up for a $1 goodwill WiFi router